
Chapter 51

“And what happens tomorrow?” he said softly, looking down to Darby again. “What happens when you wake up and decide it was all a big mistake? Or worse…” But he couldn’t finish the thought. Giving it voice would make it real.

She shook her head. “Nothing between us could ever be a mistake.”

This was inviting disaster, and he knew it. The immeasurable pain if she was wrong had the potential to eclipse Mathias’ walking away the first time, but Edmund wanted desperately to trust them not to put him through that. Darby wouldn’t, at least.

He searched Mathias’ eyes, hoping for an answer.

“Your call, mate.” The words were low, almost solicitous. “But you won’t regret it. I swear.”

Without wanting it to happen, all the feelings he’d buried in regard to Mathias had returned. If he left again after all this, Edmund wasn’t sure he wouldn’t chase after Mathias and drag him back, force him to stay as he’d suggested he should have four years previous.