
chapter 2

"Home, sweet home!" He said as soon as he entered the apartment, after which he sneezed and exhaled bitterly. "But you'll have to clean up anyway. And I hoped that such a fate would pass me by.

Not that I wouldn't want to, but... For me, cleaning, in most cases, is putting things in a pile and mentally waving my hand at them, they say, I will wash them later. In a week. Could be. So I had to spend more than an hour to ventilate the apartment and carefully remove all the dust that had managed to accumulate. And I must say that I was satisfied with the result. However, I was distracted from contemplating my work by a small dark flash, which meant a letter from Demetrius. In total, I received four letters from him - the first when I arrived in this world, two congratulatory letters (when I entered and graduated from the academy), and another when I warned that I would not be able to stop the apocalypse. What about this time?


You're back in Raccoon City. And after the first warning from the world, which makes me happy. Believe me, there have already been several souls who thought they knew better than others what to do and when to do it, and believe me, the way they get back to their starting point is not very pleasant. But that's not what we're talking about now.

There is less than a year left before the start of the main milestone of events, and although you have prepared a little, it is not enough. So I thought I should warn you about something.

The first is that your body is not immortal. It's a little stronger, so it's harder to kill you, but it's still possible. And the virus that zombies will spread can also turn you. However, thanks to your chosen skill, there are nuances. Even at the first level, you can fight the T-virus, and if you get bitten, find a safe place and just rest. In a calm state, it will take your body ten to twelve hours for the spread of the virus to stop, and the same amount of time to completely suppress it. But each new infection will accelerate the spread, as will active movements. To put it simply, you will not be able to withstand more than two or three bites in a row.

The second is your main task. As I told you, the world is constantly rebooting, and the reason for this is the death of two people. Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. Remember these names. If you manage to get them out of the city, the world will be able to continue to exist. It will not be possible to cancel their entry into the city, as both must survive the events of Raccoon City for their future.

The third is the events themselves. Some events and dates can be changed (although you don't really know anything about this world, just by the way), however, one event is unchanged - the destruction of the city. It will take place at dawn on the first of October, and then your task will be completely finished. If you want to finish the work earlier, go to the bomb shelter. I will send a map with the location of the bomb shelter later. This place is your point of escape and, if I may say so, the place of protection of the body created by the world.

And finally, don't be surprised if some people pay special attention to you. You're a new cog in the machine, and you know how to create special connections with people when you communicate. Or do you think you were just sent on business trips at work before? You can't talk the dead into it yet, but you have time, you'll learn. In addition, you yourself think that connections are good.

Be careful, Cas.


Excellent warning, boss. That is, I have to ensure the survival of two people and have time to get them out of the city before the first of October. At the same time, I still have to be careful, because I don't really want to die from the fact that I can be devoured or simply infected.

Throwing the crumpled paper into my mouth and lighting a cigarette, I returned to the three bags that I almost immediately threw on the sofa, and began to sort through the contents, grinning slightly. Demetrius is right, connections are good. It would have been hard to acquire everything if I hadn't had the right acquaintances (not criminals). Of course, it hit the money well, but I will need it for the future. In addition, if I remember correctly from my first world, laws to tighten measures for the purchase of weapons did not seem to have been introduced, but they were definitely mentioned, so now I am lucky.

Pistols - Colt M1911 and Glock 19. This is my basis of a policeman. Primary (mandatory) and secondary weapons.

Remington 870 smoothbore shotgun with a seven-round magazine - two pieces. A stopping effect against zombies will not be superfluous, and why two - so the reserve does not pull me. If I lose one, I will have a spare.

Mosin 1891/30 rifle with a 7.62 mm cartridge. At this point, honestly, I freaked out - where do weapons from Russia come from? However, as he later learned, during the First World War, due to the fact that Russian production could not cope with production, rifles began to be ordered in America, but after 1917, a large number of three-line rifles remained in the United States. Although the weapon has been removed from production, it is still possible to get it.

And the last point. What remained with me after death was my love for edged weapons. I don't know why, but from the age of eight I adored them, and it didn't matter whether it was a knife or a sword. I couldn't hold the swords, but yes, I could hold the knives. And now I bought them to save ammunition. But three of them are my favorites. And I know them very well, although I had to suffer for this.

All this will be the basis of my weapons for the approaching apocalypse. But, as Demetrius said, this is not enough, despite the fact that I have a lot of ammunition, at least ten to thirteen packages for each weapon. But... I need something more killer. I wouldn't mind a good revolver or bazooka. Again, I don't have pomegranates, although I can make Molotov cocktails. Ideally, I want an M-16 or a Kalashnikov. But, again, there is a problem - the first is used in the army, and for the civilian population only the AR15, semi-automatic, is available. And the second one, again, is very difficult to get from Russia, however, you can somehow get a copy. And it wouldn't hurt to stock up on ammunition. Yes, more.

You know, I've never been a particularly evil person, but I also had ≪dark≫ thoughts when I wanted to kill someone. Especially after watching the news. But for the first time in my life, I could hardly restrain myself so as not to strangle the person sitting in front of me... Bastard. The only thing that stopped me was that I was not sure that my hands could tightly grasp the fat neck of Chief Irons. He sat for another ten minutes, indignant that everything was happening at the wrong time, and he did not have time to bring the newcomer up to speed. Therefore, he simply pushed everything onto the lieutenant to whom I am going under command. It took all my self-control not to grin at his words. And his voice... It's just terribly nauseous!

So, calm, Cas. It's all good. There's nothing you can do right now, but soon... Let's face it, accidents happen to everyone. Something can always happen. Or you can help a little to make this something happen.

"Lieutenant Branagh?" Sergeant Matheson has arrived under your command!

At the desk of the office on the first floor sat a black man of about forty-five, looking at documents. His gaze was intense, and when he looked at me, he became a student. However, after a few seconds, his gaze softened.

"Ah, sergeant. We were waiting for you, and the guys wanted to have a welcome party, but your refusal stopped them.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't like parties too much. I haven't recovered from the celebration of my graduation yet," I grimaced slightly, remembering the amount of alcohol I drank then. "I don't mind having a can or two of beer after work from time to time, but parties scare me now.

- I see. Well, it also means that you won't have absenteeism because you decided to take some rest in the evening. And your case speaks of you in a positive way.

The lieutenant took a folder from the corner of the table, obviously with my file, and began to read the dry lines with the text.

"I graduated from the Academy with almost the best results, the bosses speak only well of you, although they note some zeal," I shrugged my shoulders at this. Well, yes, I can my bosses if I need to do something urgently. "And, as I can see, a year ago I participated in an operation in which SWAT operatives were involved.

As for this, yes. A year ago, three robbers opened fire from automatic weapons during a bank robbery. And I was not the only policeman then. There were quite a lot of us, plus SWAT fighters. As a result, two robbers were eliminated, one was detained. But it was really scary, every minute counted, because only this robber himself knew what was in their heads. Well, it was also envious - not only is the training of this paramilitary organization much higher, but the weapons are the most perfect.

"Well, I'll say on behalf of our station - I'm glad that such an officer is entering our service," the lieutenant said at last, getting up from the table and shaking my hand. - I hope we will work together.

"I hope so, Lieutenant, too, and I'm glad to join my hometown. Can I start?

"You can. In the meantime, look around, get acquainted with your colleagues, and it will not be superfluous for you to study the site, so as not to get confused.

After thanking the lieutenant, I left the office, exhaling air from my lungs. Damn, the lieutenant knows his business. The whole conversation seemed to scan me, checking any reaction I had. Well, on the other hand, I will definitely like working with such a boss more than with Irons.

All right. It doesn't matter now. You need to explore the site, look for places that will become hiding places, and bring at least one gun here to hide in your locker. And I need to look for where to buy ammunition to distribute between the house and the plot, to calm my paranoia. And, preferably, not to meet with star dealers. But who knew that the world would not hear my request and would set me up like that?