
Mercenary Reborn As A Businessman

What is there more to know when you read the title?

SinWriter · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Five Years Later


It has been five years since Sa Lim was reborn. During that time he was able to grow up healthily and peacefully. It was a pretty normal five-year period.

Except for the fact that he started walking at five months old, started speaking at one year old, showed his parents that he could read and write at three, and that he had red hair and blue eyes…

Besides all of those, Sa Lim was at peace. For five years, he didn't have to watch his back at any second, worrying about assassinations every night, or checking poison in his food for every meal.

For five years, he could just be a kid.

But things were about to change, and he had already felt it coming.

Because just a year ago, a competition showed up. A new clothing shop called Deluxe opened right across from his family store, Universal. This new store, not only went all out for the in-store presentation and decoration, but they also sell very high-quality clothes and accessories at very affordable prices.

Normally, this wouldn't be a huge issue. Bai Thi, his father, had been running the Universal shop for seven years when he married La Tia. Competition in the clothing business wasn't a rare thing. In terms of in-store presentation, Universal still had the upper hand. Not only that, the Bai family had been in the business for longer. Their wide network of relationships with different business partners and customers from royals to generals to scholars was very diverse.

Yet, in just one year, a lot of the customers and business partners slowly distanced themselves from Universal and turned their support to Deluxe.

"Boss, another of our suppliers wouldn't renew the contract!" Asis, Bai Thi's assistant came to the family manor to report. He was in his middle age but you could have mistaken him for a twenty-year-old teenager because of how young his face was and how fit his body was. As an ex-soldier, Asis never forgets to train himself.

Bai Ly saw him rushing through the halls and decided to hide behind the doors to listen.

"Are they switching to Deluxe?" Bai Thi calmly asked, but it was clear from his eyes that he wasn't happy.

"I have to push them to admit it," Asis, on the other hand, didn't hide his emotion. "This is ridiculous! We have been a great partner with that supplier for five years and never bargain or miss a payment! And this is how they treat us!" He was so angry he slammed whatever paper he was holding on the table.

"Did you find out how much more Deluxe is paying them?"

Asis nodded, rubbing his eyes, "Thiry percent more."

"Same with the others then."

Isis nodded.

"Thirty percent…" Bai Thi repeated and stood up from his chair. He moved to the window to clear his thoughts and said.

"Not possible."

- Not possible.

He and Bai Ly said at the same time.

"What's not possible?" Asis was still confused.

Bai Thi sat down again. He took out a pen and paper and started writing. "Currently, Deluxe generally sells their items for twenty percent less than our store. If they pay thirty percent more to our suppliers, how are they profitable? We only have a ten percent margin.

That means for an item we sell at 100 coins, it would cost 90 coins to make and we only profit 10 coins.

But for Deluxe, that same item would sell at 80 coins, but it would cost 117 to make. They would lose 37 on every 100-coin item. They have been in business for a year. This math would bankrupt them with how many customers they are serving currently."

Bai Ly understood what his father said right away, but it took a while for Asis to understand.

"Yeah! Huh? How are they still in business?!" he jumped up once he understood the math.

"The selling price is accurate. That's something they couldn't fake," Bai Thi deduced.

"The suppliers too," Asis added. "We've investigated many of them. That thirty percent is also accurate."

Bai Thi looked at the paper he just drew on again and fell into deep thought. After a few minutes, he concluded. "There's a missing piece."

"What could that be?"

"We know for certain that they are losing money every second. That means they have a very big supporter behind their back. Someone willing to lose a fortune to keep this store running. Investigate in that direction."

"Yes sir!" Asis responded as if he was still in the army. "But what are we going to do with our store? The family gathering is next month. If we can't find a solution by then…"

"You don't need to worry about that. Go investigate," Bai Thi cut him.

Asis was worried about his boss, but he kept his mouth closed. "I will leave then."

Bai Thi nodded, and Sa Lim quickly dashed to a corner and hid. When Asis left, he snuck back behind the door and saw his father sigh.



"Young master. Are you here to see me off?" Asis smiled when seeing Bai Ly. He always wanted a child for himself, but through the years, his wife couldn't conceive no matter how hard they tried. So when he knew his boss was having a boy, he was even more happy than the father.

Bai Ly nodded, and he took Asis's hands as they slowly walked to the front gates. Bai Ly cleared his throat and spoke in a child-like tone. "Uncle Asis, I saw everyone has been busy the past few days with an upcoming event. Do you know what that would be?"

"Ah, they are preparing for the family gathering that will occur next month."

"Family gathering? What is that?"

Asis thought for a moment to come up with an easy explanation. "You know that your family is very big right? There are many branches."

The boy nodded. Bai Ly already got the feeling that his family wasn't just new money of a first generation.

"As you know. Your house is a little unique. Your house head's name is Bai."

"Are the others not Bai?" he was surprised to hear.

"No. The other branches' head name is Lua, they are from your mother's side."


"Ha ha! Surprising right? Since the boss takes care of your family most of the time, it's natural to think Lady Tia married into a rich family, but it's the opposite… But that's also why every year, a family gathering is a battle," he said the last sentence with a sigh.

"Why is that?" Bai Ly asked.

"Oops! That's something you shouldn't know this young," Asis slipped up and tried to laugh it off.

"Tell me! Tell me! Uncle Asis!" Bai Ly whined while dragging Asis's arm around.

- This is so embarrassing that I want to bury myself. If this is not for Father…

"Come on! Tell me!"

"Ah! Okay! Okay, I'll tell you!" Asis finally admits defeat for the young master to stop dragging him. "It's a battle every year because they consider your father as an outsider. So at every family gathering event, they will try to find any reason to ridicule and humiliate him, however small those reasons might be. There! I've told you, but don't tell the boss okay? He'll kill me," he whispered the last part.

Bai Ly listened and didn't react much. Asis thought the boy would be even wilder, but he just remained silent and continued walking to the front gates and sent him off.

"Are you okay?" he asked the boy, concerned that Bai Ly was suddenly silent.

"Hm? Yeah! I'm okay!" the kid responded energetically, so Asis didn't think much and headed out.

Bai Ly waved as Asis walked away. When he confirmed that his father's assistant couldn't see him anymore,


Sa Lim made a twisted expression.


"Well, I can't let my father be humiliated, can I?"