
Mercenary in Virtual World

The Earth today is in peace with no more war and insurgency, mercenaries are not needed anymore. The MC is a young mercenary that only has talent in war. He can change the tide of battle with his extraordinary ability and skills. Now that his ability is not needed where does he go now? ______________________________________________ Hello, I'm the author of MIVW, and if you want any suggestions for my stories just comment and share your thoughts in any chapters and reviews.

Police96 · Games
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49 Chs

Z Battalion

Different types of people are doing their daily training and are full of sweat when Ashen arrives at the Barracks.

He had no clue as to where to find Pyro so first, he wanted to have a close relationship with the soldier NPC so that he could get some information about the Dark Knights.

Ashen scan then finds who has the highest authority in this place. He saw the barracks commander and ask him about the whereabouts of Pyro.

Alex ( Barracks Commander )


As he predicted he couldn't even tell how strong this man is.

The man looks like a war veteran as several scars could be seen on his face and his body.

He's not particularly big and tall only average but his aura tells another story it seems like he's a strong man just by looking at him.

" Good day commander, I just wanted to ask something," Ashen said with a polite tone.

" What?! Who do you think you're talking to." the commander said angrily.

Ashen slightly frowned at the commander who didn't even consider listening to him and just ignore the man.

" So you're now ignoring me you bastard," the man swings his fist at him.

Luckily Ashen reacted in time and tried to counterattack. He roundhouse kicks the man but to his surprise the man blocks it.

" You're good kid, what's your name," the man smile at him.

" Ashen "

" Ashen that's a good name I have a deal for you if you can manage to hold your own against one of my trainees then I will answer your question,"

Then he called one of the young soldiers to try and spar with Ashen.

The young soldier looks the same age as him and holding a sword.

Rigor Hendrix ( Soldier Trainee )

Level: 15


[ Quest: Prove Your Worth! ]

[ Difficulty: E ]

Reward: Uncommon Sword

Defeat the soldier trainee without killing him.

Ashen is 3 levels below him but he doesn't think he's at a disadvantage.

They face off for a short amount of time gauging each other strength.

The first one to move is Ashen, he launches a frontal attack using his dagger.

Rigor wouldn't just stay still as he tried to block the attack of his enemy.

Their weapons clash at each other causing a sound of metal.

" Clang "

As their weapons clash Ashen didn't try to overpower him but he uses his speed to out-move Rigor.

Rigor didn't expect the agility Ashen has possessed, resulting in miscalculation.

In just a split second the dagger of Ashen is in the neck of Rigor ending the battle with an overwhelming victory.


[ Quest: Prove Your Worth! ] ( Completed )

[ Difficulty: E ]

Reward: Uncommon Sword

Defeat the soldier trainee without killing him.

" This is for you young man,"

Alex handed Ashen a sharp sword that was approximately 28 inches.

A perfect length and weapon for Ashen as his dagger is not the kind of thing that will help him much killing mobs.

" Thank you, " Ashen said to Alex.

" You don't need to thank me it's just a simple sword, I'm really impressed by your performance why don't you join my battalion? "

Ashen is taken aback by the sudden invitation of Alex but he turned it down for now.

" As much as I want to join your battalion, I have an important quest regarding Pyro one of the Dark Knights. I need to meet him to complete my quest,"

" So it's about the Dark Knights, I don't personally know Pyro but if you wanted to meet him this is the perfect opportunity for you. Three days from now we're going to eliminate Troilo King who is causing too much trouble near our territory,"

" How can I meet him there? "

" He's the one leading this campaign of course you will gonna meet him for sure. You can only join this campaign if you join my battalion as the king wouldn't allow anybody to join us."


Alex invited you to join the [ Z Battalion ]

( Accept ) ( Ignore )

You are now a member of the Z Battalion!

Ashen accepted the offer and after a short conversation with Alex he finally logs out.