
Mercenary in Virtual World

The Earth today is in peace with no more war and insurgency, mercenaries are not needed anymore. The MC is a young mercenary that only has talent in war. He can change the tide of battle with his extraordinary ability and skills.Now that his ability is not needed where does he go now? ______________________________________________ Hello, I'm the author of MIVW, and if you want any suggestions for my stories just comment and share your thoughts in any chapters and reviews.

Police96 · Games
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125 Chs

Press Impact

The Battalion now are resting after killing numerous monsters. Although they killed many monsters they're confused as to why they haven't encountered a single Troilo after eliminating those who ride the Dire Wolves.

" Leader, how long do we need to hunt until we can find the Troilo's it's like we're walking aimlessly here," one of the soldiers asked.

" Just patient we have a lot of time to find them, " Alex replied.

For an unknown reason, the forest that's supposed to have a lot of monsters are so quiet.

Nobody notices except Pyro and the Battalion Commanders.

" I need somebody who can scout the area, maybe 4 people are enough, and then find some monsters, is there anyone who can volunteer? " Pyro said.

Everyone seems reluctant to go and scout the forest not because they are afraid but because they are too tired.

Ashen didn't even think twice as he raised his hands. This is an opportunity for him to be noticed.

" I want to volunteer, " Ashen said.

After that 3 others also gathered their courage and manage to volunteer.

They are afraid but it won't stop them from doing some work for the kingdom.

" If you find Troilo along the way immediately come back here do not engage, " Pyro command.

The 4 scouts have been assigned to different directions, Ashen went into the North while the others are going to the West, East, and Southside of the forest.

Not long before Ashen went to scout, he saw a bunch of Troilo Hunter and a pack of Dire Wolves. It looks like they are preparing to hunt.

Ashen immediately went back and report his findings.

" Leader, there are a lot of Troilo up North not far from here, "

" Thank you for your hard work, let's move to North, " Pyro commanded.

Before they could continue their advance to the North a pack of wolves could be heard approaching them.

" Soldier Square Formation! " Pyro command everyone but this time he seems to watch at the sideline.

The soldiers now are much more prepared, unlike the first time they encounter these monsters.

Ashen didn't plan to stay passive as he's excited to use his swordsmanship this time.

The Dire Wolves are nearly doubled compared to their last number.

But this isn't enough to scare the soldiers this time.

[ Dire Wolves ]

Level: 13

Hit Points: 300 / 300

Physical Attack: 40

Magical Attack: 0

Skills: ( Bloodlust ) ( Jaw Lock) ( Rend )


They stood their ground as the Dire Wolves jumped at them and collide with the shields of the soldiers in the front.

" Don't falter everyone, hold on just a second," Alex said as the soldier in the front are having a hard time.

The soldiers are close to falling down because they didn't have the strength to compete with the monsters.

The Ashen situation was different though he is overpowering the dire wolf in his front and slashing in its throat.

- 110 Critical Strike!

The dire wolf sounded like a dog as it screams in pain.

Pyro watching at the sideline also notices the extraordinary strength of Ashen but it isn't enough to impress him.

But Ashen didn't stop with a single attack he immediately follow up with a wide swing to the head of the dire wolf.

It didn't even have a chance to cry in pain as Ashen split the dire wolf head in half.

Vital Strike!

- 190 Critical Strike!


You learned an active skill [ Press Impact ]

[ Press Impact ] Uses an overwhelming strength to slash a target downward

+ 80% Damage when activated.

Cost: 20 Mana

Cool Down: 2 Minutes

Everyone was shocked as they witness the gruesome death of the dire wolf.