A seemingly ordinary youth got betrayed by the humans he trusted. Thus, he decide to kill them, and he killed one of them but before he was able to go to another house. He was killed by a truck. English is my third language, expect grammatical errors, you have been warned. Disclaimer: aside from the OC, i don't own anything.
As the wagons moves towards to unknown direction. Blaze is cautiously scanning the surroundings, to insure the smooth journey. Blaze learned from the village chief that bandits usually sets an ambush and they love to ambush such large amount of belongings will make them rich same goes to women they capture them and they rape them and sold to brothels.
Thinking those words, Blaze smirks and caress his gun. 'Those who blocks my way will become a a good nourishment for me to grow stronger.'
Blaze look at sunset, his laziness strikes again he yawned and about take a nap, Blaze suddenly sensed something at the North west. He stare at that direction with serious expression, Blaze patted the roof.
The vehicle slowed down, Blaze immediately jumped down and walked.
"Oi! Where you going?" Itami asked, he's wondering why Blaze left.
"It's nothing, I will comeback tomorrow" Blaze said with cold tone. Itami immediately understood that it's personal business. In truth he just misunderstood Blaze intention, but Blaze didn't elaborate further. The convoy continue to it's unknown destination, Blaze stuffed the gun inside of his inventory he didn't mind eyes that that watching him with awe.
Blaze sprinted to toward north west, where a bandits just raided a town and currently raping the women some of them have already lifeless eyes and some already committed suicide.
Blaze arrived he's now wearing a tattered white dress shirt with an upturned collar and cuffs, black pants, low-heeled boots, and a long, amorphous black overcoat with a burgundy highlight that flares out into ragged ends. He's standing at the tree he coldly stare, where the bandits are camping and moon is bright under the shine of the moon he look like a wraith.
Blaze sneaked to the bandit that pissing Blaze use [Stealth] his target wouldn't be alerted Blaze didn't underestimate his target because his intuition be wrong. Blaze covered the bandit's mouth to avoid making loud noise, Blaze then grabbed the bandit's throat and gripped it tight as possible his nails dug through the bandit's skin. Bandit that have a bloodshoot eyes wanted to scream for help. Blaze ripped the bandit's throat off, blood splashed on the tree.
[You have slain a bandit]
[You received 90 exp]
[Class receive 500 exp]
[Modern Assassin class level increase by 1]
Blaze created a small opening to his personal realm, and move the opening to where those corpses were placed.
Blaze toss the bandit's corpse, into the other corpse that is now exuding a bone chilling negative aura.
'Not bad, I will try to absorb this aura later, I might learn things or two'
'As for their physical bodies it's useless, better become a fertilizer if I want to built a good farm in my personal realm.'
Blaze silently went back into the bush, waiting for next his prey. Not for long a drunk bandit with red face clumsily walked as if he's about to fall at anytime soon. The drunk bandit mumbling about good the fresh holes he entered.
Blaze swiftly took him out and toss him too like a trash in his personal realm modern assassin class leveled again. Blaze continue his killing spree, he begun to like killing. Blaze immediately shook that thoughts away, Blaze pick the double edge sword and chopped the bandit that banging a dead woman the behind the tree.
Blaze is truly disgusted by that kind of bahavior 'Humans are truly a shitty creature, in fact they're worse than animals no animals would fuck the dead.'
Blaze picked up the corpse of the bandit and threw the bandit into his personal realm. Blaze behind he saw more than 30 corpses with slash wounds. He further examine the corpses he found out the weapon to kill is heavier than a sword.
Blaze threw corpses into his personal realm. Blaze took his gun and find a good spot and it's above the camp itself. After Blaze reached the top he aimed the M4A1 down, Blaze fired at the bandit leader, the bandit leader died grinning then someone decapitated the bandit leaders head.
Blaze look at the goth loli who stole his exps, the goth loli look at him and starts to giggle. Blaze coldly smiled his killers aura oozed the weak willed bandits mouth is foaming and died.
Then, the two nodded and begun slaughtering the bandits, Blaze blows the enemies head with his desert eagle loaded with .50 incendiary rounds. When he emptied the magazine, Blaze dropped it and change with new one that magically appeared from his hand. More precisely from his ring.
After killing all the bandits Blaze collected the corpses and piled them up. The goth loli tilted her head as if she's trying to understand the current situation.
After he collected the corpses, he face the goth loli "Who are you? Why are you dress like that?"
The goth loli giggle "I am Rory Mercury, Apostle to the Dark God, Emroy!"
Blaze stare at her with dubious expression on his face. He didn't believe in God or anyone that he can't see.
"God? They existed? Where in your imagination?" Blaze said with mocking smile. He disliked those pretentious shits that called themselves god.
Rory licked her lips "The all-father, is not pleased by your comment. He's now requesting your presence"
"Presence? Why would I go to him? If he wants to see me he should come down here by himself"
Blaze and Rory's beliefs clash as their weapon clashed to each other. Fortunately the M4A1 - S White Predator is indestructible.
Blaze and Rory continue fighting for hours aiming for the kill. Blaze's reason it's and she is his type, and a lump of exp. As for Rory' s is reason the blasphemous remark of Blaze towards her God.
Their wounds accumulated but it disappeared almost instantly but Blaze have the disadvantage although in the outside he's okay but truthfully the pain is great and his HP is going down.
Blaze kicked Rory but she blocked it with her halberg. Blaze use it to propel himself, he landed and opened the shop and buy an HP potion and drink it. His HP is full again, Blaze shoot her but every bullets were blocked by her weapon, Rory jumped she swing her giant weapon down Blaze jumped back, the was destroyed when her weapon hit the ground.
'Surely, I would lost more than 75% of my HP if that attack hit me'
Blaze continue firing his gun at Rory, she was filled with bullet wound but he knew it's not enough to kill her as he see that the bullet is being pushed out from her body and she's fully healed.
The next day the convoy that Itami's squad guarding faced problems like the wagon is damage or it can't pass through the muddy path due to it's heavy load.
Recently a broken where the family who owned that broken wagon refuse to leave, hence it was burned down to ash to continue the evacuation. Other than that the everything is fine, when the convoy continue to move to unknown destination Kurata spotted some dots up the sky.
"Hm? Something ahead" Kurata said, Itami immediately used the binocular Itami saw a group of crows, then he saw a giant axe halberd, and as they got near he a loli with tattered gothic lolita, attire on her side is a man with white hair his clothes is also destroyed he's holding a gun, Itami it is gun because of the shape. Itami's eyes widened after realizing who is the man
"Blaze is with a goth loli! Kurata call the FBI!"
"W-What?! A goth loli?!" Kurata exclaimed with excitement word written on his face, Kurata took the binoculars from the hands of Itami.
Itami frowned, he think deeply why their close were damage, he thinks thst it's due to a fight, which is correct but Itami erased that thought eventually he's too tired to think more.
[Hope you all like the chapter, and any mistakes please point it out.]
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