

- Long ago a war was fought and many of our ancestors died in them, but before they died they left many messages to those who found them. They left techniques but no one seems to understand it. The papers were in a language that no one understood. The people thinking it was useless buried it and for thousands of years It stayed their until it was recovered yet again.

The ones who recovered it was a 12 year old boy named Oliver Redmond. Oliver was in the mountains near his grandparents home when an avalanche happened and when it did it revealed a book .

Not knowing what it was he picked it. As soon as he did the air became heavy and his head started pounding.

He collapsed to the ground holding his head. He started hearing voices around him and little did he know he was obtaining the knowledge of war and life from thousands of years.

The pain stopped and he got up. Looking around and back at the book. The book was lying open on the ground. Oliver crawled over and looked at the words and read them out loud.

-( Αυτό είναι ένα μέρος που περιμένει μια νέα ζωή, αλλά το ίδιο ισχύει και για το θάνατο. Θέλω να αναφερθώ σε εδάφη ανθρώπων και θεών ) This is a place were a new life awaits but the same goes for death. I wish to travel to the lands of men and gods-

"What's going on"

The world began to spin until it was a pitch black.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in the forest. Thinking I must have fallen down the mountain I began walking towards the sun. As I kept walking I found a huge meadow that I have never seen but what most surprised me was the people dressed up in weird clothes.

"σκοτώστε όλα αυτά τα μπάσταρδα"( Kill all of these bastards) A man shouted as he shot arrows that pierced the sky's.

" Oh wow are they shooting a movie here" I say as I crawled more closer to watch.

"Σκοτώστε όλους όσους βλέπετε" ( kill everyone you see)

Arrows were shot and while I wasn't looking and arrow pierced my foot.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as I struggled to pull the arrow out.

Every eye was turned to me as I yelled. A man ran to my side and wrapped my foot up. Many others came to cover up the man who was wrapping my foot. The one who weren't coming came rushing through trying to come at me.

"Τι κάνεις εδώ αγόρι. Καλύτερα να τρέξεις πριν σε κάνουν σκλάβους τους."(What are you doing here boy. You better run before they make you into their slave.) He spoke but I couldn't understand.

Several men carried me away towards a wagon and gave an order.

As I looked around one more time I saw thousands of bodys lying dead on the ground.

- This...this is real, I'm not on Grandpa's land anymore.-

"Where am I" I asked but the man just looked at me in confusion and whipped the horse.