
Mercenary's Oddjob

[ WSA 2024 Entry (Villain, Slice of life & System in 1 story). ] What do you do after defeating the Demon lord? What do you do with the rest of your life? You are practically the strongest in the world and the system just make it easier to get whatever you want. So... What do you do after finishing your journey? There is no more glory to chase. It's already done... And yet... the world still progressing... for the better... or for the worst... "Hmm... I guess it's time to get some rare herb to make some spice. And maybe kill the target along the way." * [ Deep in Abyss ] by [ Miyu Tomita ] & [ Mariya Ise ]start playing* (Volume 2 Opening Song ) ---------------------------------------------------- Author note : This story wil take hiatus for some time. ~ 29 July 2024

UBI_Master · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

031. Eleindal Lightning Sword

Alice changed out of her waitress outfit and put on her shirt and long pants.

Unfortunately, she couldn't wear her armor anymore since it had fallen to pieces, thanks to Zhen. 

She picked up her sword while recalling Zhen's words about her never being able to cut down the elf future.

"If I'm up against someone much faster than me, my skills would be useless. I have to get stronger," Alice said, picking up her sword and running out of the room. 


Zaltar stood in front of the horse carriage. The two horses were grazing with their necks tied to a tree. He looked at Zhen's wolf who was sitting on the ground, looking at the man with only one arm and one leg. 

"You're really doing your job as carriage guard."

Zaltar entered the carriage and picked up his scimitar.

"I need to get Mister Zhen to recognize my abilities before we reach the Utone Kingdom. This is the perfect time to increase my strength."


Ethan and his troops were ready to leave, he immediately got on his horse and was about to give the order. 

"Mister Ethan, can we come with you?" asked Zaltar while holding his scimitar. 

Ethan looked at the man with only one arm and one leg. Next to him was a woman who had been wearing a waitress outfit before. 

Although both of them carried swords, it was hard to take them seriously, let alone bring them into battle. 

"Go home, the creatures we're fighting aren't ordinary demons. Ordinary people like you will only be a burden," Ethan said trying to discourage the two.

"But we can help, we promise we won't be a burden," Alice replied quickly. 

"And what makes you think you're not a burden?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alice, Alice Gladii Caelum," Alice said politely and formally. 

"Gladii Caelum? Are you perhaps a descendant of the first hero?" asked Ethan confirming his curiosity. 

"Yes, I am. I'm a descendant of the first hero and have a lot of training in sword techniques since I was a child," Alice replied swiftly. 

"And you?" asked Ethan looking at Zaltar.

"I'm Zaltar, I used to be a bandit, but now I'm practicing sword techniques under the guidance of Mister Zhen," Zaltar replied confidently. 

'The descendant of the first hero and the one who was directly teached by uncle Zhen,' Ethan thought looking at the two.

Ethan immediately remembered Zhen's words about him not needing Zhen's help.


Ethan chuckled softly. "Alright, then, you can come along. Alex, give one horse to the big man, and take this girl with you."

"Yes, sir," responded the knight named Alex. 


"What if they die?" asked Nala, pouring beer into Zhen's mug.

"If they die, they die. But if they live, they will become stronger," Zhen replied, taking a sip of his beer.

"Ara... You're really cruel. Even though you have the power to end problems. I thought you like to end problem with your great power."

"Indeed but sometimes, the best way is not to involved in the problems at first place, even if you are the strongest."

"Sounds like you don't really enjoyed being the strongest."

"Kinda, but not really. Being strong is not fun. It's the process of becoming strong, that's fun. Beside, living a peaceful life is the best kind of fun for me now."

"What an interesting mindset."

"I just hope they don't drag that demon here."

"Ara... Wanna bet, Mister Zhen?"

Zhen looked at Nala who smiled kindly. "No, I won't stay any longer."

Nala puffed out her cheeks. "I haven't said anything yet."

Zhen chuckled. "Am I wrong?"

Nala immediately turned her face away. "You guessed it right. Hmpf."



The cavalry moved through the forest and arrived at a treeless grassland, stretching for more than 2 square kilometers.

Right in the front, Philip stood staggering a bit and then suddenly exploded with great force and the demon came out of Philip's body. 

A black demon almost 5 meters tall with white horns in front of its forehead. He laughed and looked at Ethan and his Army.


"Damn elves! I never thought there would be elves with such physical strength," the demon said with a laugh. 

"All knights! Moon formation!" shouted Ethan very loudly. 

All the cavalrymen immediately circled around the demon. 

"I won't make the same mistake as before," said the demon, stabbing his own chest, releasing a lot of blood that flowed to the ground.

The soil that touches the blood is instantly damaged and the plants wither instantly. The more blood that flowed, the smaller the demon's body became. 

The demon's body shrinks until the demon is only 2 meters tall. The radius of the damaged ground is 3 meters. 

The demon laughed then clapped its hands together. 

"Abyss Magic, Blood Minion Spawn!"

A purple magic circle appeared above the demon's pool of blood. It grew in size until it covered all areas of the ground that had been damaged. 

The ground emitted a bright purple light and several small demons emerged from the ground.

All the little demons were only 1 meter tall and had the exact same appearance as the main demon (The White Plague).

All the demons immediately laughed and scattered to attack the cavalry.

The main demon walked towards Ethan.

 "Fighting you alone was my mistake," said the demon extending all his fingers and sharpening the tips of his fingers. 

"I don't need to defeat you, I just need to make sure..." The demon immediately moved very fast as if he had teleported to the front of Zaltar. 

"....make sure you all get scratched."

Zaltar was too surprised by the demon's speed to react. 


A path of yellow lightning moved towards the demon. 


A huge flash was created between Zaltar and the demon. The demon looked at his smoking fingers then looked at Zaltar, or rather, the person in front of Zaltar. 

Yellow lightning coated the two-edged sword and the owner of the sword was Ethan who was looking at the demon very seriously. 

Several streams of yellow lightning flowed over Ethan's body and all his hair stood up.

Alice and Zaltar immediately dismounted from their horses and immediately stood in front of Ethan.

"Let us help you," Alice said holding her sword tightly.

"I'm sorry, I was just a little surprised earlier. I won't let my guard down a second time," Zaltar said, gripping his scimitar. 

Ethan walked forward. "I appreciate your feelings."

Ethan walked past the two. "But I need you to do an important task. Can you do it?!"

"Yes sir!" both responded in unison.

Alice was the descendant of the hero and Zaltar was older than Ethan, but the two didn't argue at all because they knew....

Currently, Ethan was the most powerful person among all of them.

"Alice! Zaltar! Deal with that bunch of little demons!" Ethan grasped his sword with both hands.

"I'll kill the big one." Ethan's sword instantly generated lightning that was so bright and so dense it was as if he was holding the lighting itself.