
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Video Games
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40 Chs

The First move

As Valeriel begins overlooking new news that has come to light with increased crime rates occurring due to him a few days eelier emptying all criminal enterprises and making more civil unrest so that the government would be focused on the overt nature of things instead of the hidden things going on in the dark.

Valeriel shifting his attention to a gathering of Quarian council in where he easily access the recording drones in where all Quarian council meetings had so they would be documented with little to no protection on the drones themselves with the full package of microphones cameras and hovering.

They were discussing Zorro and his actions of targeting 'Platform stores' as well as the deaths of 65 people in where they would come up with a plan that they would deploy a group of special; forces aided by the police and catch the criminals in a swift motion this was all said in the camera when the actual plan was to wait and find out more information about the operation with one councillor in private having discussed about a declaration of martial law. 

The reason why is because of the increasing amount of attacks staged on military bases with a rapid amount of weaponry seemingly disappearing and then no where to find it, these operations where orchestrated by Valeriel this adding onto paranoia that there is a hidden foes acquiring weapons on the planet along with heavy vehicles.

Valeriel having learned of their plan begins the coming of a plan in where he can use the disconnected council against their own population with this in mind Valeriel looks for potential targets with his mind it being a radical who hates the citadel races and believes that they are superior to all and disagree with the council.

He discovers said person who is also a part of a hidden group he think along his lines so Valeriel arranges a meeting in where Valeriel used his Quarian façade in where he said he remain anonymous but that he supports the groups goal and to prove it he provided weaponry and useable cells in organisations.

He also begins the prosses of radicalisation of the population of Rannoch with him targeting ads to councillors blunders and using news agencies to facilitate disconnect, this being a process done rapidly with the aid of platform manipulation with all platforms having a basic answering feature he manipulates the answer by hacking into an Extranet tower that is for the whole planet.

 With this all happing Zorro begins a major attack on power plants all across the major province of Rannoch with goal of alerting the wide population that there is an organisation against the "Tyrannical council" this being a message and a goal of key infostructure being disabled with Zorro having made use of a Geth drop ship with stealth capabilities with a array of missile launchers and a deployment of 4 tanks and a Brigade worth of unique Geth units.

[Image of Geth transport] 

With this transporters it will be able to hold a total of 4 tanks and then a large amount of infantry that are at the size of 5000 along with Zorro is going to send 3 per power plant so a single power plant will have a attacking force of 15,000 infantry along 12 tanks this firepower enough to take complete control of the 15 different fusion power plants along with enabling a mass EMP this essentially making a mass blackout of the capital of Rannoch as well as complete isolation for the capital for a few hours in which rapid looting of store warehouses will take place in where.

[Image of EMP device]

Components to make crude dirty bombs will be made in where the government will massively panic this all being part of stagey to make the people panic and see the government as incompetent along with the fear of the dirty bombs being used any demands made will be answered, so is the plan Valeriel came to Zorro with this plan along with design modification to all Geth to prevent possible attacks by this weaponry in the future.