
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Video Games
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36 Chs

Return and "Upgrades people UPGRADES"

As Valeriel got all things he needed which admittedly wasn't a lot he teleported to his old friend Iroh in where he was in prison and said "Hello my friend as the grandfather of Azula and my in law I'm going to get you out of here " as Valeriel said this he heard a boisterous laugh "no need my in law time will return strength to these old bones be happy with Azula. And take good care of her" said Iroh with this Valeriel gave the old man a boost in strength allowing his to live a long time while boosting his connection to the elements and more specifically the sprit realm. 

Valeriel nodded and returned to his wiffey who all prepared and she had already sent Messager hawks in where she will be disappearing from the worlds stage and be living a life of happiness with her beloved even to her brother at the instance of her husband.

With all set and done Valeriel clicked the return with Azula holding his hand in where he went directly to the throne room in where his main body was and during this time due to the time dilation Azula had spent decades with Valeriel further. Cementing her love for him and as she was about to leave the mortal flesh her beloved offered her to join the Ctan race as a new one made by himself. 

And she said yes she threw off her mortal flesh and joined her beloved in the strength and certainty of nercoderumis with Valeriel having putt 10 charges into Ctan he gained how he could make them and. How to improve them massively with even himself gaining a major bump in knowledge and his own power he now has a power scale in where he can confidently say given enough time he can destroy a segemtum. 

As his beloveds new body was being built he set himself up with some new charges spent 

Necron technology 10

automation 10

construction 10

multitasking 10

weapon mastery 5+5=10

battle experience 5+5=10

body creation 5+5=10

soul knowledge 7 +3=10

Nanotechnology 10

Blank 10

Auspex/sensors 5+5=10

Anti warp technology 5+5=10

[New] Ctan knowledge and creation 10

[New] Eldar technology 10

[New]Expansionism 10 [allows deep understanding of conquering important territory with ability on how to resolve problems in new territory aka no new rebellions]

[New] Administration 10 [allows the capability to solve tasks and assign them along with in depth knowledge on how to run a good bureaucracy]

[New] Espionage 10 [allows the ability to gain in depth information and also the possibly for sabotage and the training of assassins and saboteurs to extreme levels capable of in sighting rebellions and troop movements]

[New]Space warfare 10 [ allows in depth knowledge of how to approach space battles as well as give subjects underneath the user improved learning and combat experience in space battles and admiralty will not make stupid mistakes and instead make good actions ] 

[New] Space Defences 10 [ gives knowledge on how to use and make effective space defence staions make use of kill zones and the ability of all classified space defences having the ability to self improve with time against enemies with this ability all it needs is resources and with a week a battle station the likes of which rival the Phalanx] 

[New] Mobile cities 10 [knowledge on how to construct and manage mobile cities with them being able to move around territories with massive efficiency and belong mobile shipyards and defensive stations also are capable of being used to extract resources makes all mobile cites loyal to the user in where no rouge or hostile forces can take over the city and it will always return back to the users hands ] 

[Image of the city]

[AN sorry for the massive info dump ]

108 charges used 

charges remain 2622