
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Video Games
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36 Chs

I see I came I conquer

The dragon towered over the mountain with it abyss like metallic skin as the red ominous glow of the dragon loomed across the massing troops with all dropping a synchronized kneel to floor all kneeled the Titians. Kneeled bowing their head all bowed the dragon overlooked with red eyes that seem as red as stars, as it let out another roar it began change into something ,their god was becoming his avatar 

As the Great one emerged his armour shining as if alive and the look of pure ecstasy on the souls when seeing their god was massive, radiating their happiness and devotion, Valeriel began walking through the lines of troops inspecting them,god does not need to say words to be understood though Valeriel hates gods they make their creations lazy that's why he in this life he wasn't a good person he will kill many many people for his own void that grows inside of him he is admired and wanted but not the same as he was before when he was Samuel he fought for his then family he was inherently selfish because he saw no one but his family as worth something so why is it now that he's admired wanted and seen as a god that he's more lonely than he ever was as in of his previous lives 

"Gods make, Their creations the god dies or grows tired of his creation or the creation kill the god or rebel this is a cycle of gods i was a person who in life wanted nothing in the first life as Michael and my reward pain and suffering for 50 years my family. Was broken it was all broken till i was able to unite them again i saw my brother and sisters safe and happy but when came to the willingness to sacrifice myself so they could live a normal life i gave it. Not for the country like you would believe but for those who i wished to protect and in this life as Valeriel i have nothing an agenda no i don't think i have anything yet i'm going through this universe of war and pain and i think what am i doing what am i going to do the amount of humans in that one segmentum is billions possibly trillions of people." Valeriel thought to himself he's had time to reflect in his mind his multitasking charges enabled more lines of thoughts so every day he askes this question and each time he cant think of his greater purpose. 

"The hardest choices require the strongest wills " Valeriel said to himself that saying comes from the one and only Thanos a mass genociding maniac who saw half his universe stop existing to give the remaining people a chance. "A snap of my fingers is all it takes. " Valeriel thought on that quote and said. "All it would require is but a snap of my fingers. " As he looked out across this army Valeriel keeps spiraling down this path till he needs some view of someone else not a person who worships him or his servant. 

He looks for away and remembers the mercenary system he opens it. 

[Avatar the last airbender-Talk with Iroh and accompany he and his nephew reward a talk and jasmine tea. ] 

[DC-superman requires help with lex luthor reward kryptonia technologies in the fortress of solitude.]

[Pacific rim-close the breach and prepare humanity against them- reward kiju data and percussor language data packets from Marshall Pentecost.]

[Edge of Tomorrow- help with invasion of france make it a success and gain mimic subjects as well as chained alphas]

As Valeriel saw the rewards he was tempted but, he needs help he's isolated to much so he chooses Avatar he still preparing his conquest but its his multitasking doing it so he has time, he warped immediately and changes his from his dragonic one to a human. 

[image of Valeriel as a human] 

He appears on a metal boat with flag of red and the symbol of fire in front are a old man sitting with tea and board.

POV The old man

"Hmm you are troubled come, sit have some tea ".... 


necron technology 10

automation 10

construction 10

multitasking 10

weapon mastery 5

battle experience 5

body creation 5

soul knowledge 7 

Nanotechnology 10

Blank 10

Auspex/sensors 5

Anti warp technology 5