
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Video Games
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Blitzkrieg of Segmentum Obscruss

As Valeriel finished putting in theses new charges and gaining massive influxes of knowledge and experience he realised how many flaws he had in his plans ,what was he going to do with human population on those worlds could he make something like the matrix and use human brain power to devise strategies to fight against other humans or use more bio transference but that would take a long time and require a lot of worlds be prepared to move massive populations.

With somewhat of a plan forming in Valeriel mind he begins by setting up his production lines with himself going to participate in the construction of floating cites to be a good response force to fleets. And incursions with him also using his main body he's making numerous changes within the Nexus mind a place where its a almost hive mind in where all his subjects are part of Valeriel.

The new knowledge that Valeriel has acquired is all shared with it being spread across the whole of Flokir with massive forges re configuring and whole new construction yards are built in record speeds with massive pre fab structures being made fo.r Construction with all set in motion time flies buy as more and more Voidclad join the ever growing legions.

Voidclad from the dimension seemed endless with each one of them being fanatics and immediately working themselves to the bone or in this case metal the productions lines never stopped with space around Flokier being filled up with hidden ships and massive fortresses. With the now made plan that has many intricate parts with entail goal of the Agripinna sector and the Fenris sector with then going through sector Gothic and Adrekka and Priam all the way to the Reef stars. 

With primary focus on the fleets of the imperium and chaos with key sectors getting attacked immediately across the board with the eye of terror also being contained with The Dark throne being stationed in Cadia sector hidden by blanks and anti warp technology. As well as optical stealth capabilities it will enable no mass chaos incursions with the dark thrones influence also reaching to surrounding sectors that get rid of any warp trace along with making the eye of terror much more harder to escape. 

Valeriel decides this strategy due to that with all these key location of known warp lanes it becomes impossible for mass amounts of supplies to enter the segemntum and with the mass deployments of battle stations and mobile cites along with increasing fleet numbers. With that the key sectors in the segmentum will be over run and with the increased espionage charges has enabled massive improvements to agents. 

With most if not all imperium worlds having been infiltrated along with a staggering 15 inquisitors retinues over a period of 9 months of building up while Valeriel was finding his wife, with all key locations its only a matter of dividing and conquering with all Necron tomb worlds. Having been discovered where they will be isolated with shielding technology to not wake up till Valeriel seems fit to deal with them. 

[2 weeks later]

All is quite it was if the universe was holding in a bated breath with many empires having been informed of the coming changes with chaos in disarray and Tzeentch followers laughing in confused tones all comes ahead within the realm on Flokir Valeriel stands proud looking out towards a massive army. 

[Image of the massive army]

"AS We stand here today we fight for me by gloriousness and to FIGHT THE GODS THEMSELVES we are one people with one Purpose WAR that's our purpose and we shall make THEM KNEEL, DRACONUM ETERNUIM."





you know what this is my final chapter for today thank you all my amzing veiwers and i hope you entertain me by giving this fanfic a comment or review anyway toodles !

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