
chapter 1

''HIDE'' a person who want to reincarnate, basically, he create his own character that he note to his notebook. When he was on didn't do anything, he like to reincarnate to another world with op skill and cheat, and he didn't know if it come true or not, and one day. This bastard jobless person has nothing do to, he just like idiot said creat system distribute one to four element and dark and light to all people, and when he say those, all people become mages and some Fighter using the element. And not that all, he didn't know it was gonna happen so he add more like dungeon and monster, and he smirk said select random hero of each element, means 6 and create demon lord, yes he said creat not select to a person, and he create a puppets the has only combat skill and elemental absorbtion, only he can easily distroy it because of he was the creator, only non element can kill it for the heroes. originalaly, no one know about that he was the who cost it and wonder the world when he realize it. he become god but he just watching the people, a perfect world for him.