
Mending The Broken Heart

Alana's fiance abandoned her at the altar on their wedding day. She left the city, broken and ashamed, to begin a new chapter in her life. She needed time away from the routine of her life, so she booked a cruise for one. When she discovered a wounded man hidden in her room, her pleasant night was cut short. She assisted in closing his wound, and he thanked her by leaving a gold card. A year later, the man she promised she would never see again moved in next door. She realized then that her life was about to become a complete mess. From bitter adversary to passionate lover. To learn more, Please add this to your collection of stories! If you like it, you can show your appreciation by buying me a cup of coffee: Ko-fi.com/littlemissauthor To hone my storytelling and writing skills, I appreciate the feedback. Thanks to everyone who spent time reading my work. Note: I do not own the image used on the cover. To the owner's credit.

Littlemiss · Urban
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29 Chs

Comparing games


As I am presently on leave, I have resolved to prepare a delectable breakfast for Jake and Dad. Later on, they are scheduled to head to the bank for a security briefing. Despite my profession as a veterinarian, my father never ceased to impart his knowledge and expertise in the field of banking management. It is apparent that his abiding wish is to witness his children collaborate harmoniously.


The prospect of working at a bank has never held any allure for me; my passion lies with the animal. Pets,farm and wild animals have always held a special place in my heart, yet I have yet to bring one pet into my home. The thought of being separated from them or experiencing their passing fills me with a sense of unease. Accordingly, I devoted my time to tending to the needs of other beloved animals and selflessly offering my services as a volunteer at the local shelter during my designated day of respite.


Cooking has always been a challenge for me. Since my mother's passing, my father has been incredibly indulgent, and I have never been required to lift a finger in the kitchen. As a result, I have become quite accustomed to being pampered like a princess. As I assemble my breakfast this morning, I hope to convey to them that I am doing well. It is my sincere desire to alleviate any concern my father may have for my welfare.


As Jake made his way to the kitchen, I could sense his presence behind me. Ignoring his arrival, I continued to whistle a tune while deftly cracking the eggs directly onto the sizzling pan, preparing a delicious sunny side up breakfast for our father. Aunty Mei loomed beside me, her hands hovering over the spatula as if drawn by some invisible force. I couldn't discern her intentions, but I noticed her hand darting forward and then retracting several times.


"Lana…here let aunty Mei do it" her face looks uneasy and I can see she keeps peering on the pan.  


With a delicate touch, I gently smacked her hand.


Confidence surged through me as I declared, "I've got this!" There's a sense of pride that wells up within me as I watch the edges of the eggs in the pan begin to take on a delectable crispiness. A sense of self-satisfaction spread across my countenance as I presented to them the eggs that were sizzling in the pan.


"Do you even have the necessary expertise to carry out this task with confidence?"

I felt Jake's presence behind me, his gaze fixated on the eggs once more.


"I am confident in my abilities and know exactly what actions to take."


The question that arises is, what could possibly be the matter with everyone? With a watchful eye, I reached for the slender plastic spatula to deftly flip the eggs as soon as I noticed the edges taking on a tinge of brown, rather than the desired golden hue. As smoke began to billow and oil sputtered onto the cooktop, a sense of panic overtook me. The flames licked at the surface, threatening to engulf the entire area.


As I endeavored to execute a culinary maneuver with the finesse of a seasoned chef, I found myself under the scrutiny of onlookers, much like a panel of judges on a cooking competition show. Alas, in my pursuit of culinary excellence, I inadvertently spilled scorching oil onto the open flame, igniting a fiery spectacle within the pan.


With a piercing scream, my frustration boiled over as the eggs sizzled and burned on the cooktop. The shrill sound of the fire alarm only added to the chaos of the moment. Jake sprang into action, deftly leaping onto the kitchen counter and frantically waving his arms to disperse the smoke that had triggered the detector. Meanwhile, Aunty Mei swiftly grabbed hold of the pan and rushed it over to the sink, expertly turning off the stove as she did so.


My heart was still racing as I flashed an awkward grin towards Jake and Aunty Mei. "Wow," I breathed, "that was intense." Their gazes bore into me with the laser focus of seasoned detectives on the trail of a cunning criminal.


With a nervous chortle, I took slow steps backwards, my hand waving at them in retreat. My eyes remained fixed on Aunty Mei, who seemed poised to lash out at any moment.


With a chuckle, I toyed with the idea of whipping up breakfast for the group, my hand absently scratching my head in contemplation.


Her eyes narrowed as she considered the statement before her. "Hmmm," she murmured thoughtfully.

I turned around swiftly, catching a glimpse of my father's beaming countenance as he observed Aunty Mei and Jake, who were still casting furtive glances in my direction. As he was greeted by the clutter I had created, with eggshells strewn about and a stack of dishes piled high in the sink, he simply shook his head. As soon as the fire alarm ceased its blaring, Jake sprang from the countertop. His suit bore a few unsightly oil splatters, and the unmistakable aroma of fried eggs clung to him. I crinkled my nose in disappointment, realizing that my attempt to showcase my culinary prowess fell short in comparison to the exceptional skills of our beloved housekeeper, Aunty Mei.

The room fell silent as Jake playfully ribbed me with the question, "Does Connor know you're not exactly a culinary master?" All eyes turned to me, and even he seemed to hold his breath for a moment. The kitchen was abuzz with activity, yet an eerie silence pervaded the air. Perhaps he regretted bringing up the possibility of Connor's continued presence in my life, as if the mere mention of it was enough to damn himself.


As Dad's gaze fixated on my brother, his eyes widened in alarm and he snapped, his attention fully captured by my sibling who appeared to have been drained of all color. He was consumed by guilt, his gaze imploring and heavy with remorse as it met mine.


"JAKE!" The sound of Dad's voice was grim, causing shudders to run through us. With a stern expression, he admonished Jake for his choice of words.


"Dad," I pleaded, my voice quivering with emotion. "He didn't mean it. But it's going to take some time to adjust." Despite my resolve to stop shedding tears for someone who willingly disrespected me, I felt them welling up once again.


It was evident that Jake was experiencing a great deal of distress due to his own words.


"I assure you, there's no need to worry about me. I'm doing just fine," I managed to convey, though it felt like all I could muster at the moment. Attempting to feign wellness and recovery would only serve to deceive them temporarily, until they ultimately recognized that I am still struggling.


With a heavy heart, I made my way back to my room, leaving behind the demands of work and internship. The occasion that had brought me here was a wedding, but it was bittersweet as we were meant to depart for our honeymoon today.


With Karina's assistance, I was able to successfully reschedule my honeymoon cruise. Perhaps, once my internship concludes, I will finally be able to take a well-deserved break.


With each step, the weight of my footfall seemed to increase, as if the very act of ascending the staircase was a burden too great to bear. I hesitated at the top, my hand resting on the doorknob, unwilling to venture out into the world beyond. There are those who may shy away from inquiring about the entire debacle, but I find their sympathetic glances to be quite irksome. It only serves to reinforce my own sense of tragedy and misfortune.


I've refrained from checking my Facebook or Twitter accounts in order to avoid becoming fixated on discovering the identity of the woman with whom Connor was unfaithful. The mere thought of stumbling upon her social media profile would inevitably trigger a cascade of comparisons, scrutinizing her physical appearance and professional achievements. As I stood alone at the altar, abandoned by Connor, I couldn't help but feel inferior to her. Her ability to leave me in such a vulnerable state spoke volumes about her superiority.


As I recline upon the bed, my gaze fixates upon the ceiling, pondering whether I possess the fortitude to confront him, should our paths cross. The mere thought of being accused and mocked by the community is enough to shatter me. At the clinic where I am employed, all pets are brought by their respective owners. It was common knowledge among all my clients that I was soon to be wed. Those who are currently unaware of the matter will inevitably become acquainted with it in due time.


Karina once shared with me that she has been in a relationship with Jake since their university days. She also imparted some wisdom, encouraging me not to concern myself with the opinions of others.


It is a little-known fact that one's concern for the opinions of others may not arise until they are incessantly bombarded with demands for justification.


I abruptly sat upright, overcome with discomfort. Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged my knees, succumbing to a childlike fit of weeping. I couldn't help but wonder if I truly paled in comparison to HER.