
Mending Shawn's broken heart

Mystery, death and broken hearts. Jaden, Mia and Shawn are in search of the master mind behind $LÅZENGER who killed their loved ones, so is their fathers. Shawn has been heartbroken twice, he eventually decides to let his feelings for a girl (Mia) grow, what happens when his mom and sister dies because of Mia and what happens when their fathers finds out that Andrew has a twin brother.

Chimobi_Princess · Urban
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19 Chs

Help! (if Andrew is innocent, who's behind it all)

"hello, Tom is that you, please help, I'm tired of threats"

"who is this and how do you know my name" Tom asks and puts the phone on speaker.

"it's Andrew Daniels, I know you think I'm the master mind of $LÅZENGER, but I'm not, I keep receiving threats from them, my wife and kids were kidnapped last night, I don't know how, we were all together at the dinning table then I stood up to go wash my hands, by the time I returned, they were gone, before then, he or she has been threatening me saying they would expose me, please help me.... someone's coming.... just....help me.... please"

The call got disconnected, Tom tried calling back but the line suddenly didn't exist

" okay, what was that about"

" I have no idea Michael"

" so if Andrew is innocent, who's behind it all"

" I don't know but I still don't believe him, there are so many evidence against him, he's trying to full us"

" I don't think so, he sounded scared and genuine, I think we should help him or at least hear him out"

" fine, we'll go see him but we'll take security just in case"

" no problem"

Shawn walks in on their conversation, he greets tom excitedly then walks over to hug his father

" good afternoon dad"

" hey son, how was school today"

" it was nice"

He noticed a paper fall from his dad's pocket after releasing him from the hug, Hart as well as Tom noticed it too, Shawn tries to pick it but Hart beats him to it

"come on, go freshen up now(smiles awkwardly)"

"sure, see ya later"

Shawn walks out and goes upstairs to his room

"that was close"

"you need to be close Michael, he shouldn't find out about $LÅZENGER, at least not yet"

Shawn furrows his brow after hearing Tom's comment, he enters his room and locks the door. He gets the paper ($LÅZENGER) out his bag and realized he didn't give Mia her handkerchief, he toss it on his bed and sits on the floor stareing at the image.

"so dad knows what happened to mom, he lied to me!" he throws his phone across the room breaking his flat screen tv

"breathe in then out, calm down Shawn (subs) Mama's here" Shawn bursts into tears at the thought of his mom. He wished she was with him at that very moment, only she knows how to calm him down whenever he's got the temper. Thinking of her makes him more upset he begins to throw things around, he grabbed the handkerchief and was about to throw it but didn't, he remembered Jack sniffing earlier then decided to sniff it.

"wow! it smells sweet", he continues to sniff it, falling with his back against his bed then realizes what he was doing then jerks off his bed.

"what the hell was that Shawn, I can't believe I was sniffing a girls hankie. I can't fall in love again, not another heartbreak, Sarah and Tania has done enough damage already. I have to return it before things get out of hand, (sighs) we're meeting at Jaden's today"

Shawn goes back to the sitting room to inform his father.

"dad I made new friends today"

"really! you're finally coming back to your old self"

"yh I guess, they're coming later at five to pick me up, we have assignment to do"

"hmm okay, but be careful because you don't know them"

"I will, please let me know when they arrive"

"who exactly is arriving"

"Jaden, his dad and Mia"

"okay. Who's Mia by the way"

"like I said earlier, a friend"

"is she just your friend or...."

"she's just a friend dad. I'll be in the garden"

"okay, just a friend but are you sure you wanna go to the garden, you haven't gone there ever since...."

"I know but I've moved on, I don't wanna talk about this again"

"sure son".

Shawn left the men behind and went to the garden, ever since his mom disappeared, he had refused to go into the garden but then he met Tania his first girlfriend, they both come to the garden to play and hang out but she moved out of Melbourne to Hong Kong and when she returned, she had another boy with her, Shawn kept waiting for her only to realize she moved on with another guy, that's when his second girlfriend came into the picture. She was always there to calm him and consul him and alo g the line he fell in love with her, they started dating, he did everything he could to make her happy, little did he know she had an actual boyfriend, she only accepted him out of pity, he found out about this on the night of Mr Steve's wedding, Sarah and her boyfriend were having sex, Shawn was broken when he saw another guy on his 'girlfriend', she knew Shawn caught her put didn't care, when they were done, she went to look for Shawn and found him on the balcony, she wanted to explain to him telling him she just accepted him out of pity and that she could still continue to date him if he wants, Shawn was furious, she made a scene to provoke him the more knowing that he can't control his temper, he ends up pushing Sarah which attracted everyone's attention, Mr Steve was upset with Hart saying he came to ruin how wedding, Hart threw his son out of the party and apologized to Steve but Steve didn't listen, instead he bounced Hart out of his wedding. As Shawn steps foot into the garden, memories of his mother comes to him, he was about to cry but got interrupted.

"Shawn, your visitors have arrived"

"okay, thanks dad, I'll be there shortly"

Shawn goes back to the sitting room to open the door for his guests.

"good afternoon sir, please do come in" he said welcoming Jaden's father Gabriel

"(smiles) thank you son"

He also gestured for Mia and Jaden to come in. Mia was surprised to see her father there and she went to embrace him.

"dad? what ya doing here"

"I came to see Mr Hart dear"



The brothers embraced themselves.

"I've missed you so much Gabriel, I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything, please forgive me"

"it's okay, I understand, at least I got to meet my niece after a long time"

"and I finally get to meet my nephew as well. Come here Jaden" Tom embraces Jaden

" wow, what a reunion" Hart says

" so dad, we're off now"

" okay, you three can run along while we adults talk"

" sure dad"

" Jaden tell Desmond to drop you'll at home, I'll call him when I'm ready"

" okay dad".

The trio left the Wayne's home for Jaden's while Tom tells Gabriel about Andrew.

" well, I also think we should hear him out"

" fine, but not here, we'll ask him to meet us at Silver's cafe so your home won't be known to him" Tom replied

"but the issue now is how to contact him"

" you're right Micheal, the number he used to contact me doesn't exist"

Jut then, Tom receives a call from an unknown number.