
Mending Shawn's broken heart

Mystery, death and broken hearts. Jaden, Mia and Shawn are in search of the master mind behind $LÅZENGER who killed their loved ones, so is their fathers. Shawn has been heartbroken twice, he eventually decides to let his feelings for a girl (Mia) grow, what happens when his mom and sister dies because of Mia and what happens when their fathers finds out that Andrew has a twin brother.

Chimobi_Princess · Urban
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20 Chs


Shawn, Jaden and Mia arrived at Jaden's home. The house was big and mansion like, Mia and Shawn admired the interior deco of the building. Before they started their research, Jaden gave them a tour of the house and the most beautiful part of the house was the garden. In the middle of the garden was a lake with two white swans in it, surrounding the lake were white and red rose bushes but there was a walk way which enabled one to get close enough to the swans, the walk way was built with marble tiles which led all the way to a bench where one can sit and enjoy the view of nature, other flowers like daisy, daffodil, chrysanthemum and orchids, trees like sycamore, willow, ash and beech could also be found in the garden and of course, nature can't be complete without animals, squirrels and different species of birds could also be found in the garden. The trio sat down on the bench to discuss.

"So, what are we going to do to find out who's the mastermind" Shawn asked

"Well, we'll start by trying to figure out who Thomas is"

" But we already searched and found nothing"

" I know Mia, but we still have to keep trying but first let me get you guys something to drink. What should I get you?"

" I'll have a milkshake soda please"

After Mia said this, Shawn's mind darted back to when he was still with Sarah, each time they went out together, she would order a milkshake soda.

" How about you Shawn"

" Um water's fine for me"

" Okay, I'll be right back with your order" Jaden said then left. The place became silent, Mia decided to start up a conversation because it was clear Shawn wasn't going to say anything, he was busy with his phone.

"Um sorry to ask but are you always this cold"

Shawn got his eyes off his phone and looked at Mia.

"I don't get"

"(sighs) Jimmy told me you're a fun and cool guy but you don't appear that way, you're rather cold and don't speak to anyone unless being spoken to"

"How do you know Jimmy"

"He drove me to the station when I destroyed your car's wind screen"

"Oh. I guess I just want to remain cold and not speak to anyone"

"And why is that"

"why're you so interested in me"

"I'm not interested in you, just want to know why you're like this, is it normal or something triggered it"

"Well, I don't want to talk about it"

"Come on, you can trust me"

"(chuckles) trust! that's one thing I'll never do, trust a girl. I trusted two girls but ended up getting disappointed and for that reason I hate the female gender"

" Even your mom?"

Shawn looks over to the swans in the lake

" I love my mom and my sisters, the other females apart from my family are those I hate "

" Even me? "

Looks back at Mia

" If you keep bothering me then I'll have no choice but to, I don't want to hate you because we'll be working together but just stay away from me, I don't want to have anything to do with the female gender" Shawn says while dipping his hand into his pocket to get Mia's handkerchief but decided to keep it instead. He got up from the bench and walked over to the lake to sit on the grass. Mia stares at him wondering how much hurt whoever must have inflicted on him to make him hate the female gender, she walks up to seat beside him, Shawn then began to wonder why she was so interested in him.

"that's not how to end a conversation. You know it's not possible to stay away from you, we have the same enemy and we'll be working together but if that's what you want then it's fine by me but just have this in mind, not all girls are the same" Mia said then places her hand on top of his making him look at her, she smiled at him and went back to the bench and began to scroll through social media. Shawn was still looking at her and was really wondering why his heart always skip a beat when she speaks to him. He looked at his hand and smiled, he didn't like the feeling which was beginning to grow within him but still he couldn't do anything about it. Jaden returned with what they had requested and led them to his room to make research's on $LÅZENGER and Thomas but still couldn't find anything useful, Mia's father called and asked her to return home for it was getting late so Desmond drove her back home.


Lily was ready for work and was waiting for Mia who was still in her room,

"Hurry up Mia, I have to leave early!"

"Just a sec Lily"

Mia finally got out of her room

" You always make me go late Mia" Lily said as she watched Mia run down the stairs

" I'm sorry, let's go now"

"Before we leave, have this (hands her an envelope) it's cash, I and your father will be away for some time and as you know your dad is already away, you and Jaden will stay with Shawn at his house until the men return"

" okay"

" Come on now, Alexander is waiting"

" Hmm, but can I ask you something"

" Sure, what is it"

" Why's it that sometimes it's like you hate me while other times it's like you like me"

" I don't know Mia, forget it and get to school"

" Okay then" Mia finally said and they both walked out of the house.


Sports period

Mr. Robin's the school coach and he's taking the students workouts. Mia and Shawn haven't spoken to each other since their last conversation, Jaden noticed this and asked the reason for their behavior but neither of them said a word. Mr. Robin asked the students to squat twenty times which they did. Kenzie who was beside Mia bumped into her making Mia stumble backwards, she was about hitting the ground when Shawn stretched out his hands to save her but Jack beat him to it

"Be careful Mia, you might hurt yourself"

"Thanks Jack" Mia replied smiling. Jack stared at Shawn grinning. Shawn out of annoyance left the sports room, Jaden then decided to follow him

"Hey Shawn, what's up with you"

"What do you mean"

"I noticed you get upset each time you see Jack with Mia"

"that's not true"

"It is, you and I both know that"

"you're wrong Jade"

"Then why did you leave the sports room (Shawn became speechless), see, I'm right"


"Come on Shawn, you can let it out, it's pretty obvious you know"

"Nothing is obvious! I don't like her okay"

"(smirks) I never said you did"

"that's what you're thinking and we both know that"

"Well, you're right about that"

"I don't want to like anyone, not anymore"

"Just give it a try Shawn, I know you've been hurt but trust me on this, Mia won't let you down"

"No thank you, I won't let the feelings grow"

"So that's why you've not spoken to her. Shawn, I know girls can be awful but trust me, not all girls are the same please just give it a try"

" Fine, I'll only befriend her, nothing more"

" (smiles) I think that'll do, c'mon let's get back to Mr. Robin's class" Jaden finally said and the two went back to the sports room.


Silver's cafe

Andrew arrived at Silver's cafe as planned and found Tom in a conversation with Hart and went to join them by an empty sit beside a window.

" you're finally here" Tom says

" My father's gone as well, and I found the same the paper on the spot he disappeared, yesterday I received a message from $LÅZENGER, I was asked to come to an address with ransom in order to retrieve my family but it was a trap, I got beaten up and the money was taken from me"

"You should have informed us before leaving" Hart said

"don't you think I tried, I did but for some reason all my contacts were unreachable, what do we do now"

"that's why we called you over. We found an address on one of the papers, but we had to use a magnifier to see it. We've decided to check the place and see what we can find" Tom says

"Hmm, okay, where's the address located" Andrew replied

" The Carlton Gardens, their hideout is underground. We'll go tonight by ten so get your men ready, it's time to put an end to this master mind"

"Okay, I'll get going now"

" Sure, but bare in mind that I still think you're the master mind" Tom said

"(sighs) I'll take my leave now" Andrew said then left the cafe.