
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urban
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52 Chs


"Are you willing to put your trust in me little flower....I'll definitely give you even more than what your heart desires"

Feilan heard the statement and laughed lightly. She gazed at Lushan and said "Why does it sound like I've made a deal with the devil....your promises are tempting but–" Feilan hesitated.

Lushan relaxed back on the chair and said calmly and seriously "Feel free to say what's on your mind"

Feilan didn't know if she should say it but she eventually said "I find it hard to trust people's promises.....Suzen made me give up on a dream because he said he'd protect me and help me get revenge...

"Truth be told....I'm not a fan of revenge but the Shaos have long since crossed by bottom line..."

Lushan remained calm and Feilan could see that he was listening.

"Feilan...I want to make one point clear....I also signed the same contract as you and I'm not one to make empty promises

"Since you're my girlfriend....you're my responsibility and this point you shouldn't question"

Feilan listened in a daze and couldn't help but feel Lushan's calm yet domineering words. She took a breathe to really calm down and think.

She looked at Lushan "Then....I guess I'll have to trouble you with the troubles of my tiring life Mr...Lushan

"But I have to warn you...the number of people conspiring against me are not few...."

Lushan smiled mysteriously "Well....I'm not helping you for free so I know that I'll have my ways for you to repay me"

Feilan nodded in agreement "You're right...I'll do my best to fulfill my part of the contract"

"Since we're on the same page....I'll start with a simple announcement....this Saturday you'll be joining me....we're going to visit my family"

Feilan's expression froze.

"You're...family " Feilan said in disbelief.

Lushan nodded with all seriousness "Yukitsa will be training you between tomorrow till Friday on important things to take note about my family"

Feilan's mind was in panic "But..but...how can I meet your family so soon....what if they find out I'm a fake girlfriend"

Feilan had completely been caught off guard 'Pretending to someone's girlfriend was one thing and visiting their family...well that was something on a completely different level'

Lushan knew her thoughts but he just smiled and said "Aren't you up for the fight...didn't you say you were gonna repay me"

Feilan swallowed but she was still nervous. Lushan chuckled seeing her flustered expression "Prepare yourself....my family has a bit of high expectations for the women around me"

Feilan bit her lip nervously and Lushan just chuckled without a worry. It was easy for him to laugh.

"Anyway...back to the issue with Feilan Fashion's public image..." Lushan stated and Feilan perked up her ears.

Lushan suddenly glanced at her deeply "You have a traitor in your midst"

Feilan blinked a bit at his statement "Traitor"

"Hmm.." Lushan hummed lightly as his gaze turned sharp "Haven't you asked yourself how your customers ended up buying those counterfeits in the first place....

"How did the products get into the customers hands without the product inspectors taking notice of the fake logos first

"Haven't you thought about it...who ever was supposed to inspect those attire before they were sold either didn't do their job

"Or they did do their job but turned a blind eye to the fact that the products were counterfeits...."

Lushan explained calmly and Feilan sat quietly as her mind indeed registered to Lushan's logic 'Indeed there were people who were assigned with inspecting all her products before they were officially sold to the public

'If these people didn't do their jobs or rather they turned a blind eye to the fact that the products were counterfeits'

Feilan clenched her hand tightly but she remained silent in thought with a lowered head.

Indeed the whole thing also needed insiders 'Cause if those who were supposed to inspect the products had informed her that they were counterfeits...the public would have never bought the products in the first place

'Feilan Fashion wouldn't have suffered such a stain in its image...but they didn't inform her...'

Feilan felt her body shaking lightly from anger "She had shown too many people kindness to the point they thought she was a push over...even her employees thought that they could now scam her and leave scort free..."

'No...there was no way she was gonna allow it...they could try all they want but she wasn't gonna sit down anymore....she was gonna fight and pull out every thorn in her way from the roots'

Feilan glanced and Lushan with a certain tenacity that even Lushan felt piqued by this little flower of his. She seemed to be seething with anger though she kept it to herself but he could see the fire in her eyes.

"I want to get rid of everything down from the roots.." Feilan boldly stated and Lushan's lips curved slightly "Then I'll have to invade your personal life little flower....I do hope you won't mind my ways"

Feilan lowered her gaze but didn't say much after. She picked up the camera and said with a certain coldness after organising her thoughts "I have a plan...but I'd like to know how powerful your information system is..."

Lushan's smirk broadened 'This little flower sure looked cute when she was all riled up'

"Tell me what you want to know...even if it's what the president is having for supper

"I can organise so that you can know everything you want"

Feilan shook her head 'Wasn't he being too ridiculous by saying that he'd tell her what the president was having for supper'

But Lushan just smiled mysteriously.

But slowly Feilan shared a detailed plan to Lushan of what she wanted to do and she even let Lushan watch the video she had recorded of her and Linua's argument.

She kept a calm expression but Lushan glanced at her just to study her expression.

Slowly his lips curved up lightly and he said "This is plan is good....and it's a wise move to withhold some of this evidence so as to use in the future incase Linua still doesn't learn a lesson"

"But I do have to ask.....does the public know about your ex-relationship with Suzen" Lushan asked.

Feilan shook her head "Some people knew about it but most of the public didn't know about my relationship with Suzen....I kept it secret to avoid trouble

"Women are seemingly obsessed with Suzen and I'd rather have not put myself in the line of fire for their jealousy"

Lushan chuckled "And what about me...do you think you'd be putting yourself in the line of firing if you announced me as your boyfriend"

Feilan giggled and said cheekily "Well that depends on your status my dear boyfriend.....so am practically treading unknown grounds by becoming your girlfriend"

Lushan smirked lightly as he stood up "Well that's mostly what I wanted to say little flower....but I advice that you take the training Yukitsa gives you seriously"

Feilan groaned internally as she stood up too and faced Lushan "But when will I be training.....I still have my company to look out for"

Lushan smiled "Then from now on wrap up work as early as possible.....preferably by six...Yukitsa will pick you up"

Feilan knew she was gonna have to make a way so instead of worrying....she'd find a way for it to work.