
His World

Clyde goes inside of his car. From its tinted window, he takes a glance on her secretary who is still panting. He thinks she run swiftly as she could to catch up on him to give his key.

"How thoughtful she is. Even this is not a part of her job. She could have asked someone, the guard to give it to me". This thought run on Clyde's head but discarded this instantly.

He takes his focus on going out, putting his bag on the backseat of his car, stepping on the gas, and slowly going away from the vicinity of the company's parking area.

Clyde arrive on the company where his girlfriend's work at after 1 and half hours of driving. Her girlfriend moved out on other company that is far from Clyde's company. He supports his girlfriend so much and he knows it is for her own growth that's why she didn't questioned her decision.

It is already 5pm. Her girlfriend texted her out.

"Love, I will go home late today. Maybe 8 or more." Texted by her girlfriend.

He just sitting on his car listening to love song.

"It's okay. I'll be just down here waiting for you. Don't be rush. I know it's important" he replied giving her assurance that he understands the situation.

He saw many employees are already going out of the company's door.

He remembered 3 months ago, her girlfriend always goes out of her office early. She will be the one waiting and will text him that she is waiting on him in the lobby already. That's why Clyde adjusted the time he leaves in his company.

No reply on his message.

"I will just buy us some latte coffee" letting her girlfriend know where she will go. He doesn't want her to make a wrong idea that he already goes home without her.

It is in Clyde's nature, updating her girlfriend what is he doing and who is with him. It is not that her girlfriend Cassandra doesn't trust her. He just wants to give her an update. It is his own decision.

He starts his car's engine and leave to find Starbucks. He quickly found one just near the building of the company her girlfriend is working at. He parks his car and enter the store. He falls in line and is reading the menu in front when he overheard the name of his girlfriend.

"That girl, Cassandra Aranas. She's a total b****. She thinks she win the heart of Miguel now." The girl is highly tempered as she speaks.

"I know right. She's just a newbie but look, she's already way up", irritated agreeing on the other girl.

Clyde clearly heard the conversation. He told to himself.

"I think my lady is on the competition right now. She's smart and strong. I know she can handle it." He only thinks that it is normal work competition between workmates to impress their superiors.

He returned to his car. His phone rang. Cassandra is calling.

"Hello love" answered Clyde while smiling. It's like he is already in front of his girlfriend.

"Love, I'm going out already. I will just finish the work tomorrow." She heard the voice on the line happily and excited.

"Okay love. I'm going back on the parking area. See you there.", Clyde still smiling.

He just neglected what he just overheard.

When Clyde's back on the parking area, he already saw Cassandra walking out of the company's door. He saw a man next to him but he ignored it. Cassandra continuously walking straight to where he is.

Clyde goes out of the car. He went on the passenger side, wide smile, looking straight at Cassandra.

"Hi love." He hugged her warmly in his arms.

Hugging him back. "Sorry love if you wait long."

"It's okay. You know I will never be tired of waiting on you." He winked on her and then kissed her on the forehead. Since Cassandra starts to work on her first job and moved out of this new job, Clyde always pick her up. The only time he can't drive her home is when Cassandra has to go out with his friends after work.

Clyde open the passenger's seat door and Cassandra hop in.

Clyde is different when he is with Cassandra. He smiles a lot widely. He laughed in his heart's content. He loves Cassandra so much and all who knew him knows about it. Even when he's tired from work, he never shows it to her. He wants to be as lively as ever whenever she's around.

He drove his car.

"What do you want to eat love?" humbly asked Clyde. Cassandra drinking the caffe latte Clyde bought. She let Clyde sip on her caffe having different flavor and she is sipping on his.

"I'm full with this drink already love." Cassandra touching her tummy.

"Okay. I'll drive you on your way home and cook you there." Clyde touching her chin while looking at his eyes.

"That way I love it" Cassandra get Clyde's hand touching on her chin and kissed it lightly.

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