
Memory Lost?

Lauder Axle,a young boy,who has been colorblind since birth,he finds no meaning to this thing we call 'LIFE',he has no desire for anything whatsoever{a moon}. Thompson Olivia,a very interesting 3 year old girl, who's the sunshine that takes away everyone cloudy girl. On a very faithful Day,the moon and the sun meets and Axle saw how bright the sun shines. But the sun and moon can't exist together,can they? - 10 year old Olivia had a plane crash and lost both her parents,she managed to survive but she lost all her memories

Blessing_Agboola · Teen
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she's colorful

On the green beautiful vast lush field,a Rolls Royce Boat Tail came in through the black coloured double-automated gate,a young looking boy who looked roughly around 9-10 years old came out of the car with an airpod case on his left hand and his right hand inside the pocket of his black joggers , walking towards a luxurious looking white and grey elegant facade.

Behind him followed his only butler who singaled at the maids to get the young master's lauggaes out of the car boot.

"Our young master is so handsome" one of the maid said whispering to the rest

"I totally agree"one squealed like an hyena while admiring his back view

"ugh...to bad I'm 8 years older than him" another said with regret clear in both her face and voice

The Young Master of the Lauder  Family;Axle was a very known model at the tender age of 3, admired by both the young and old,poor and rich,his extraordinarily cold and domineering air he carries with him made him stand out among his pairs and also envied by some,was it his clear medium fair skin with neutral tone ladies used cream to get?or his Dark blue Faux hawk hair?or his kissable red thin lips?or his naturally full eyebrows and eyelids with his captivating dark blue lris and blue pupils with prominent Eyes?or the fact that he is the best at everything he does?or the fact that he's the next heir to a multi-trillion business organization.

Ignoring those irritating chattering,Axle went inside the commodious imposing residence,it  was needless to say that the mansion was well furnished,he sat on the white and obviously expensive couch with his dark blue prominent eyes scanning for his parents or grandparents.

"Where's everyone?"Axle asked his butler even though he knew the answer he'd get

Butler Li hesitated before he answered,he didn't like seeing the young master feeling like he was nothing but a tool to everyone, he had watch him grow  up,he had cared for him,he knew that his young master only felt in depth to them because he was colorblind- "An important email arrived for Master this morning from the branch in italy,it seemed quite urgent --"

Cutting him off,Axle stood up and walked up the tiled stairs and said "I'll go take a shower,then I'll nap a little,no one should bother me"

In Axle's room

He sat down on his chair while his gaze landed outside, looking at the maids and boygrauds,then a dark chuckle escaped his red thin lips 'those fools think I'm perfect,huh? They wanna live me life? They wanna know how if feel like to be colorblind ? They wanna know what it feels like to always be the odd one out?The fucking burden?!' a sigh escaped those beautiful lips 'they wanna no how it feels to feel unlove' 'they all think I'm.... I'm...ugh' he growled faustratedly before taking his thoughts with him into his the shower.

 Axle's POV:    

3 hours later

I heard a knock on my door,I ignored it,but as the sixth and seventh one landed on the door,I got irritated and wanted to check who it was,I lazily claimed out of my bed and strode very slowly to the door before asking"Who is it?"

"Son?Are-Are you wake?" My mother asked,I don't really want to deal with her right now.

Unfortunately for me,she barged in and sized me into a tight hug,I really hate hugs

"Oh...my darling, Mama has missed you so much"she said while curbing my face in both her hands as I try to break loss

"Mom, please behave yourself, I'm  ten now"I said with a firm and distant voice

"No, you'll be ten in two months and 16 days"she said with excitement and joy clear in her tone and a huge smile on her face. I have to admit I do love my mom,but Dad once said to me when I was 2 ,and he saw me making a mother's day card to give mother.

Flashback---- Giving me a hard slap on my back'You have always been a burden,you worhless piece of shit! It's bad enough that you're colorblind,now you want to kill ur own mother?!' Dad yelled at me fuming with rage and anger

Tears fumbled in my eyes,as I looked at the man who called himself my father and claimed to love me only in front of others "But D-Dad,I didn't have any ill intention against Mama, I just wante-'

Cutting me off he pulled me by the ears and said

'A business man CAN NEVER and WILL NEVER have any weakness,none!'


My enemies will kill whomsoever I love in order to surpass me,by hurting me emotionally.

  The right lip of my mouth lift up a bit while thinkin- ''Axle?!"my mother pulled me out of my trace and looked at me with sincere eyes while she gently took my hands into her's"Axle..." Her voice gentle and calm,it carried motherly love,no! I have to snap out of it, I harshly withdraw my hands while I told her "I'm going over to Liam's. The boys and I already made plans"although I didn't look into her eyes,I could feel the hurt she felt with the --no!if she really loves you, she'll not have given birth to you,she would have known you were bullied by your own shitty father who was her fucking husband!!!

I walked towards my Rolls Royce Sweptail and drove off with butler Li who had already packed my bags in the car boot.

   In the car,I only had one thought;a question that's running through my mind.I just stared outside the tinted car window,when suddenly my phone started buzzing and butler Li handed it to me. Seeing it was a call from Laila,I ignored it and threw my phone beside me 'God, she's so annoying,ugh..... every girl is so irritating'

Olivia's pov :

   I woke up to the sound of nature,birds singing, refreshing air, flowers growing beautifully 'ha...I really love this summer vacation,too bad school will soon resume'

Mrs Thompson,olivia's mom called out to her daughter after her husband and her got ready to leave the camping site "Olivia?! We are done packing, Let's go!"

Walking towards her parents reluctantly "Mama,do we really have to go?" I said mom with my emerald green close set eyes staring at her with so much intensity

Mom cubbed my diamond shape face into her hands and use her thumb to fix my  fair blonde long hair with bangs "Yes darling,your father I have alot to attend to back home"

"Can't we take another week off?" Dad said to mom trying his best to be cute,mom shoot one glace at him and he shierked in fear "you're so mean"

"Hahahaha....." I laughed at my dad. Although my dad was big and scary looking, everyone knows how serious he is,but once his in front of mom, he's no different from me,I took his green emerald eyes and pale fair skin that burns easily when in too much contact with the sun. But mom was the complete opposite ,she was short, elegant looking with her short light blonde hair with bangs  which I got from her and brown eyes but very strict.

"Your cousin just got back from Dubai,this afternoon" mom said,nuging me,she knows how much I love cousin Will,he was the only big brother I had and he loves me to bits.

"Oh...yeah,he called immediately he got off the plane to ask if he could spend the remaining 3 weeks vacation with you"

I quickly got in the car and hurried my parents to start the car.

Arriving at our house,uncle sam;our  butler opened the door for me and hugged me very tightly "oh,only God knows how much I didn't miss you"I laughed because I knew he meant the opposite of what he said,I hugged him back "I didn't miss you one bit"

Putting me down he pretend to cry "oh no,young miss doesn't love me"

I shook my head at how silly men were"come here silly,you know I..." He looked at he hoping I'll praise him ",you know I hate you" he gasped dramatically while holding his chest "we'll see about that" he ran to chase me and I ran to my room.

In Olivia's Room

After having her bath, Olivia sat down on her chair, facing her dressing table while butler sam was drying and styling her hair for her. "So.... which outfit do you want to wear?" Butler Sam asked "The black peplum gown!" Olivia said grinning ear to ear.

"Your parents threw the dress out,they won-"

The happiness that was on her face slowly died down"yeah,I know,a lady must always look graceful and colorful, I know"

Butler Sam went into her closet and brought out the new gown Olivia's parents bought for her and styled her hair.

Running out of her room bare feeted with both her sandal on her hand,she giggled happily and ran out of the big residence to where the Bugatti Divo was parked waiting for Butler sam who had her luggage.

A Rolls Royce Sweptail arrived with Axle coming out of the black sport car,at the same time a Bugatti Divo parked behind it and and Olivia got down.

Turning his head to see who parked behind him,Axle widen his eyes awestruck at the sight of very beautiful girl who looked exactly like a doll,her fair long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail,her full pink cherry lips were happily smiling while her small petite body was jumping,as if she was waiting for someone,her emerald green eyes goes with her green peplum gown made the grass greener where ever she went,her pale fair skin seemed like it would burn if the sun became more harsh,she was absolutely gorgeous and colorful

'how is this possible? I can see colors on her' he looked at his toward his butler,no color!

'it seems like she is the only color thing I'll ever see'