
Memory lane 01

Memories, come and go but the best ones always stick, not always the large ones but mostly the

small moments that mean so much, the moments in life when you lose yourself, when your still

young, not thinking of the future just being there in that moment, in that memory.

I can remember our bright smiles staring up at the old grape vines, back then they seemed like

towers the large unbeatable wall of green, a faded memory I must have been young. When we

finally reached the top it felt like we could reach out and touch the sky, we were nothing but endless

daydreamers, no future worries bothered us only the passing day wondering what we would achieve

next, maybe we'd climb a rock we found once impossible or even dare to try a new type of ice


The tower with the rope we'd hang from, lying on the slide gripping the small rope, playing pretend,

we would be getting chased by a monster or perhaps just trying to save a princess. Rowan I

remember you would grab my wrist and I'd let go of the rope, laughing pretending, hanging

suspended. You'd pull me up and grin yelling "my turn!" We'd play this day on end if we could losing

ourselves in the fun and games, the call for food being the only thing pausing our play, Just to rush

inside, gobble up the food and be off back outside to the Tower to repeat our favourite game.

Sword fighting, another pass time, the clash of the sticks. Two rival knights facing off in a duel to the

death. It felt so natural, fluid like dancing; we'd be jumping over rocks and obstacles. Rowan, you'd

laugh and goad me on, saying how I could improve. You'd hit my thumb only to have me chasing you

through the garden the look of rage on my face and panic on yours. I suppose you deserved it. But

we were kids; we were little daydreamers bouncing back from every blow. It never took you long to

get me back, switching the roles, I'd be running, you'd be chasing, back down the garden the way

we'd come. It was great, we really believed we'd become knights. Playing pretend with our little

Lego play sets, barby's, dragons and Lego figures rolled into one. It didn't make sense but it didn't

need to, grab a Lego figure, decide the role and off we went creating plots, storylines, myths and

legends, our little hand built Lego buildings at the ready.

The walk home back from school, they were short only five minutes but it felt so long, like an endless

road. The rhythm of dad's foot falls as he carried me home on his shoulders, His funny comments

earning a giggle or two. He'd bring us special snacks, little cheese biscuits or chocolate bars bought

from the shop. If not on his shoulders we'd play space rocket on the way home across the road, with

every step he'd lift us up, like the space walk we'd feel as if we we're soaring, even if we we're only

feet above the ground. But we were day dreamers, still so young.

I remember after baths, dad would scoop us up in our towels and carry us as if they were space

shuttles, you'd say "ready, set, take off" and rush to our bedroom. We'd whoop and laugh begging

for another ride. You'd laugh and say "next time" leaving us excited for our next bath. You'd tuck us

in wrapping the dovey close to our sides, like mini tombs, so we couldn't rush off not wanting to

sleep, you'd distract us by making us laugh and telling jokes. Mum would come in and the bed time

story would begin, both working together you'd come up with something on the spot, not that it

ever worked. You'd leave and just like little gremlins we'd be up. I would climb up into Rowans bunk

bed, we didn't care about the lights we'd chat, tickle, fight and laugh. Before you could catch me I'd

Land on my bed and straight under the covers I'd go just as either one of you poked your head

around the door. On the occasions we did get caught your faces would be plastered with the look ofannoyance enough to halt our mischief for the night, we didn't want to risk ending up with

something worse than a sour look.

As you know when your young your not always the sweet little child, what's a childhood without a

little teamwork mischief. That's right, Babysitters... The best moments to cause some trouble, stay

up late and break the rules. Kiara and Mona, I have to admit their one of my favourite people.

They've known us since we were young and I still see them. They would join in our fun and games

during babysitting and no matter what we did they never got mad, we'd do anything to stay up late,

put on plays, try steal their keys, pretend we had a nightmare, watch TV , chat and occasionally fight.

I don't know how they put up with us or even manage to get us into bed, but they did eventually.

You'd tell us that " if you go to bed maybe I won't tell your perants about you breaking the rules and

staying up late" We never figured out if you held your end off the deal or not, but either way we

loved you guys babysitting us. Sometimes is was Mona babysitting us or sometimes it was Kiara, We

never had favourites though probably for the best you both had your perks, Kiara you'd draw cool

dragons and if I was lucky you'd let me watch some TV, Mona you'd put up with our annoying

behaviour and watch our plays. You were both equally awesome.

One of my fondest memories, I was in the kitchen with Mona or Kiara I can't remember which, You

were getting me a glass of water, Rowan and me had just calmed down and rowan had rushed

upstairs for something . We chatted for a bit before Rowan came back this time brandishing his Nerf

gun... you can probably guess what happened next

Hello new readers, so hi I'm the author. And this is my auto biography and novel sort of thing, it's basically all my memories piled into one, I wrote this and read it out to a few friends. It was them who gave me the idea to publish it on here, as you can see I'm currently working on my other novel, but lemme just tell you a bit about this, so my main reason for writing this is to show how people change and grow from their memories I plan to end it with the modern day, anyways please enjoy ^^

Hazel_Clarkcreators' thoughts