

She is an unlucky teenager, only provided with a small umbrella that her father had given him when he was still around. She used it to cover her head from the rain that fell very hard, on the edge of the highway. No one wanted to pass by on a rainy day like this, but Trisia with tears in her eyes walked along the edge of this highway. With a very deep sadness, while reminiscing about the beautiful story he had with his father. Her heart screamed, screaming if she missed her father so much. But whatever power she had right now, she couldn't do anything. She did not only approach one or two police stations to ask for justice, she had visited almost all police stations in the city of Jakarta. But every time she tells his story, it's him who gets an unkind act. Even now, Trisia actually doesn't know where to go, the only family she has is her father and she has no other family. But actually there is one family that she might be able to ask for help, that is Mira's father's sister. With the courage she stepped away, went to the house of his father's sister.

Right in front of her aunt's door at this time, she just stood stiffly like an idiot. Still accompanied by the raindrops and the green umbrella covering her head, her delicate hands tried to press a button from the small bell on the edge of the fence. But her heart also doubted whether his father's younger sister would help him. Or she will also leave himself, with fear finally she tried to dare himself to press the bell button on the edge of the fence. Not long from the moment she pressed the bell button, an old woman came up to him. The old woman asked who she was and what purpose did she come here for.

"Who is it?" asked an old woman walking up to Trisia.

"I am Trisia, Aunt Mira's niece. I'm here to meet Aunt Mira," said Trisa, who immediately got to the point.

"Oh, Miss Trisia, yes. Yes, come on in. Sorry for not seeing you for a long time, auntie forgot to mention miss. Now miss has grown up, huh, "said this old woman very graciously.

Trisia currently only replied to the old woman who had been very friendly with her with a thank you smile, with wet hair. As well as a cold body, Trisia just walked into her aunt's house. When she arrived at the house, she saw that her aunt was sitting on a luxurious sofa. Seen if her aunt was sipping a cup of hot coffee that was served in front of her, saw the arrival of Trisia who was soaking wet. Her aunt had no response at all, she just sat casually enjoying a cup of her coffee which was still quite warm.

"Madam look who's coming, Miss Trisia is now coming to visit you. She came alone in the pouring rain," said this old woman, telling her that at this time there was one guest in the house they were living in.

"Just leave it, anyways what if she comes. Most also want to live, her father is now gone. So she has no family anymore, bad luck to my fate. Having a useless brother like that," Mira said while offending Trisia.


At this time, Trisia has not had time to explain what has happened to her life, her aunt has already taken an opinion if Trisia will become a burden. Her aunt looks very displeased with the arrival of her nephew, for her aunt now. Trisia's arrival will only bring bad luck to her life, without thinking Mira is currently throwing a wad of hundreds of thousands of money to Trisia. While saying that from now on she doesn't have a family like Trisia anymore, the money she threw was the last help she gave Trisia.

"There's no need to call me aunty, now I already know the purpose and purpose of you coming here. You must want to live with me, sorry at this time I can't accept you. My husband would not agree if you lived here, and now you have a house. Just stay in your house, it's ten million. Go away and never come to me again, this money is the last help I will give you. After this we no longer have family relations," Mira said while throwing a wad of hundreds of thousands of dollars right in Trisia's face.

"Auntie at this time it seems you have misunderstood, I have no intention of living with you. I came here because I wanted to ask you for help, my father is your brother. I'm very sure if you will help him, at this time I have gone to more than one police station to ask for justice. But none of them wanted to help me, they refused my reporting outright. Aunt can you go to the police station and make a complaint, I just want justice for my father only. If after this we are no longer a family, I will accept it," said Trisia with reddened eyes.

"It seems you have gone mad, I am a classy person. How can I interfere with the case of street vendors like you, even though he is my brother. But he was also dead, after all while he was still alive. He also never had any use, why would I help someone like him. After all, my relationship with him is also over, don't forget that your father once kicked me out. I will never forget that, you should be grateful because I still give you money as a last resort. I wanted to be kind to you, but to do more. Sorry I can't," Mira said spontaneously to her niece.

"But aunty at this time only you can help me, the police will definitely listen to you more. Please help me just this once, I promise to repay you. I will do anything to repay your kindness, if you will help me. I beg of you," said Trisia at this time while prostrating under her aunt's feet.