
Chapter "Genius Strikes Again"

Fredy, filled with determination, pointed at Hamlyn. "We're with you. True friends don't abandon each other when things get tough." he declared

Hamlyn responded with a grateful smile.

Henry stood up, "That's right! We're with you, no matter what. Whether it's a gang or Kenshin himself, we'll face them together." his voice firm and resolute.

Hamond, smiling reassuringly, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, Hamlyn. We've got your back. Together, we can handle anything.”

"Thanks, guys. You really are the best," Hamlyn smiled.

"Your loyalty means a lot, but don't worry," Ullmar said, his smile revealing a hint of determination. "I'm working on a plan. If it succeeds, Kenshin's reign will soon be over.”

"It's time for Yume and me to take our leave. Enjoy the rest of your time, everyone," Ullmar announced as he stood up.

The group nodded in understanding as Ullmar and Yume bid their farewells and exited together.

"Alright, it's beach time!" Fredy exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Nope, it's too late now," Rurina chimed in.

"Yeah, let's plan the beach trip for another time," Hamond suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and started to leave.

When they reached Rurina's house, Hamond turned to Hamlyn with concern in his voice. "Hamlyn, could you drop Sheryl off at her place? It's safer if she doesn't go alone."

"Of course, I was planning to," Hamlyn readily agreed. Sheryl's face lit up with gratitude.

As they walked together, Sheryl voiced her concern. "Hamlyn, please take care of yourself."

Hamlyn met her gaze earnestly. "I'll be careful, don't worry. But I'm afraid it might cause trouble for you if you're seen with me.”

Sheryl shook her head firmly. "No, it doesn't matter if anyone sees us. I'll always stand by you."

Hamlyn stopped walking and intertwined their hands, gazing deeply into Sheryl's eyes. "If they ever come after you, I swear I'll protect you from any danger—whether it's Red Evil, Daigo, or Kenshin. I'm here for you, not just in battles, but in every moment of our lives. You'll never be alone.”

Sheryl's cheeks flushed as her eyes widened in surprise. Hamlyn tenderly brushed her cheek with his hand, grinning affectionately. "You're adorable when you're shy,” he said.

Sheryl's blush deepened, "My house is close by. I can manage on my own now.” she murmured hesitantly

Hamlyn's smile softened as he gently ruffled her hair, "Be safe." he said,

Hamlyn turned around and as he began to walk away, he felt a tug on his shirt from behind.

Turning back, he found Sheryl holding onto his shirt from behind.

"We'll meet tomorrow at the terrace," she announced before darting off towards her house.

Hamlyn couldn't help but smile as he watched her go, a warm feeling lingering in his chest…..

Later, at home, he sat at his writing desk, lost in thought. "With Kenshin and Daigo in our city, I need to gather as much intel on them as possible," he resolved quietly to himself.

Hamlyn focused on his laptop, diving into the internet to learn more about Red Evil.

As he read through the information, he whispered to himself, “Over 100 murders connected to Red Evil this year alone.”

As he scrolled through the data, "They're into everything - robberies, homicides, even terrorism and bank heists. Their brutality knows no bounds.” Hamlyn muttered

"Kenshin has led for five years, but Red Evil's origins are ancient," he mused, lost in thought. "With over five hundred members, Despite twenty arrests last year, they still managed to evade prison," he reflected aloud.

"This is going to get interesting, Kenshin," Hamlyn whispered to himself with a satisfied smile as he closed his laptop and took a moment to relish the anticipation.

The next day at school, amidst the lively chatter of his classmates, Hamlyn sat silently in his classroom, lost in thought.

"Who's Hamlyn Hasegawa?" A boy burst into the classroom, his voice echoing loudly, instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

Sheryl, seated in her own classroom, glanced over at Hamlyn, her expression filled with concern.

In response, Hamlyn met the boy's gaze directly and stated, "I'm Hamlyn.”

The boy approached without a word, delivering a folded piece of paper into Hamlyn's hand before swiftly exiting the room.

Curious, Hamond and Henry leaned in as Hamlyn unfolded the paper.

The message inside was chilling: "Be careful, Little Hasegawa. We're aware of everything about you, and you're our next mark.”

Without hesitation, Hamlyn crumpled the paper and tossed it aside. Hamond, sensing the gravity of the situation, leaned in and asked, "What's our next move?”

"Meet me after school," Hamlyn instructed tersely, to which Hamond and Henry nodded in agreement.

During lunch break, Hamlyn convened with his friends on the terrace, discussing the threat they received.

"Who do they think they are, threatening us like that? They're asking for trouble," Fredy exclaimed, his anger palpable.

"Let's keep a clear head, Fredy. We need to handle this with a strategic approach.” Hamlyn intervened calmly,

"So, what's the plan for after school?" Hamond asked

"I need to have a conversation with someone," Hamlyn replied.

"I'm coming too," Sheryl declared confidently, with Rurina echoing her sentiment saying “Yeah, i'm coming too”

"Nope, it could be risky," Hamlyn cautioned, his concern evident.

"You said it's just a talk, so we'll be fine," reassured Sheryl with a smile.

"Yeah, we're coming, and that's final," chimed in Ruby, offering her support.

"Girls, don't make things more difficult for us. It's too risky," Hamlyn attempted to dissuade them, his tone pleading. "I don't want you to be exposed to any danger. Let us handle this, please."

Sheryl gazed at Hamlyn intently before calmly responding, "Alright, we won't make things any harder for you. Just promise me you won't resort to violence.”

With a reassuring smile, Hamlyn nodded in agreement. They resumed their lunch.

As they left school, Hamlyn and his friends walked together.

"Hamlyn, why are we heading to the park?" Hamond asked, a hint of weariness in his voice.

"You'll find out once we get there," Hamlyn replied with a calm smile as they continued their walk towards the park.

As they reached the park, they spotted the familiar group of eight boys, the same ones Hamlyn had outsmarted previously.

They stood at a distance, a tense silence settling between the two groups as they stood facing each others,

"Why'd you call us here?" one of them asked.

"We're not here for a fight. I just need some answers," Hamlyn replied calmly.

A skeptical voice from the other side challenged, "And why would we give you any?"

"Because I have evidence. A recording," Hamlyn confidently asserted.

Laughter erupted from the other boys, one of them scoffing, "Ah, now you're trying to blackmail us with our recording, huh?”

"Exactly, I am blackmailing you," Hamlyn stated confidently.

The laughter ceased abruptly as one of the boys charged at Hamlyn, but another intervened, holding him back.

"Before anything else," a member of the group spoke up, his tone accusatory, "you need to delete that recording. You know we were innocent. It was your provocation that led to the altercation. You trapped us, and now you're resorting to blackmail. That's a crime, and you're the one who committed it, didn't you?”

A crazed grin spread across Hamlyn's face as he started walking towards the group.

Hamond attempted to halt him, "Hey, Hamlyn, what are you doing?" calling out.

"Don't lose your cool, Hamlyn," Henry chimed in.

"Don't worry, he's got something up his sleeve," Fredy reassured,

Ignoring their protests, Hamlyn strides forward until he stands face to face with one of the boys.

The boy shoots him a warning glare. "I won't say a word if you hit me."

Hamlyn's hand descended slowly onto the boy's shoulder, his smile unreadable.

In one swift motion, he extracted a pen from the boy's pocket and let it fall to the ground, crushing it beneath his foot.

Hamlyn's piercing gaze held the group in its grip. "Don't attempt to play games with me. You really lack any sense," he asserted.

The boys remained speechless, but one among them cautiously revealed, "The recording is safe. It's stored on my brother's phone.”

Hamlyn's gaze pierced the boy's, "I told you not to play games with me” his tone laced with frustration. "That type of camera’s has special functions, but the one you were using was worse than basic.”

With a steely gaze, Hamlyn addressed the rest of the group. "You fools still have hundreds of years of training ahead to outsmart me," he firmly declared. "Now, either you provide me with the answers I seek, or I will show no mercy to any one of you.”

A tense hush descended upon the group, Hamlyn's fury practically tangible in the air.

The boys' expressions wavered with fear, comprehending that they were now subject to Hamlyn's will.