
Memories we lost:By lidudumalingani mqombothi.

The story Memories we lost is about challenges brought by mental illness to the victim and those around them.The mental illness is schizophrenia.It is a mental disorder characterized by many symptoms.lt causes a breakdown in the relationship between thoughts, feeling,and actions.There are many causes of the disease and hereditary is one of them.It is no wonder the disease runs in the narrator's family.The narrator's father was a schizophrenic.Events and action in the story rotate around a sick sister.The sickness is terrifying and attacks without warning.The narrator tells us that after the attack is over she would mumble a prayer and would embrace the sister for a long time This suggest to the reader that the illness horrific and painful.In one of these attack, the sick sister screams and disappears in the night.All men and boys go out in search of her "The men and boys disoriented and peered shuffled in the dark and split into small groups as instructed by a man.hours later they return but without the sister.The mother returns the following day carrying the daughter.In different episode as the narrator is telling the sister a story, she seized by an attack and knocks her head on the wall so much and so hard that she bleed profusely.An efforts to shield her from doing this failed because of the abnormal strength that the sister has during an attack.The disease makes the sister violent and destructive.This is evident in a case where she flung a desk across a room smashing the grass window.In yet another moment of an attack the I'll sister pours hot porridge on the sisters chest causing her a lot of pain and harm.It is due to the disease that the narrator's sister drops out of school and cannot continue with her schooling.This makes the narrator who loves the sister so much to absent herself from school eventually suffering from the same fate.The story teach Us that, the narrator is loving.She loves the mentally ill sister dispite her state.also the narrator is protective, she is quite protective and protect the the sister from the wrath of nkunzi a sangoma who bakes patients with mental illness.They runs away to another village Also the narrator is prayerful,she is religious and prayerful.The whole story teach Us that a mother should love, and protect their children's, and finally they have to remember God and remain in the prayer All the time, End.