
Memories of the Unorthodox Murim

Thomas Smith, a 16-year-old boy living in Southern Texas, lived a brutal life as a kid of mixed heritage, being half Chinese and half Caucasian he was bullied in school, getting into fights every other day and always losing. Until one day when cleaning the attic with his dad, his life took an unexpected left turn onto an unknown path.

DemonicGodJAMN · Eastern
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Rage of the Weak

"I'll destroy myself with hatred….?"

"Yes, it's obvious to me that even now with the amount of anger and hatred you're trying to suppress, you'll end up destroying your mind just for the sake of petty revenge."

"How will that happen? Hatred will subside if it's left alone for long enough."

"If you were to cultivate internal energy with anger and hatred in your heart regularly, it wouldn't cause much harm, just the amount of energy you would be able to cultivate wouldn't be as high. But when one's heart is as consumed with hatred as yours it will cause your internal energy to run amok and destroy your body."

Myeol Mang sat in silence for several moments while processing the information Jin Tang had told him, questioning his reason for revenge and why he held such a deep grudge against Elijah and his friends.

"Yours and Sung Ho's training ends here for today, you obviously need to think about your anger and hatred. Bring Sung Ho back to your room, and don't bother coming back to training until you've found a solution." Jin Tang said before turning around and walking out of the training hall doors.

Sitting in the now silent training hall while staring blankly at the doors Jin Tang had just walked through, Myeol Mang thought of only one word for the next three hours.



"Ughhhhhh, what happened…..?" Sung Ho asked groggly as he slowly pushed himself off the ground.

Sung Ho looked around his surroundings and noticed that he was still in the training hall while completely ignoring Myeol Mang's barely moving body.

"Why am I still in the training hall?... Oh right, I passed out during the physical training."

After slowly standing up off the floor and letting out a yawn as he started to walk towards the training hall doors, Sung Ho remembered that he saw Myeol Mang slumped over while staring at the floor.

"Uhmmm, Myeol Mang?" Sung Ho asked after turning and facing Myeol Mang's slumped body.

"... I've got a lot on my mind right now... Just head back to the room and sleep….." Myeol Mang said without even moving his eyes away from the training hall floor.

"Uhmmmmmm….. Alright…. See you in the morning I guess." Sung Ho said as he slowly backed out of the training hall, illuminating the dimly lit building with moonlight for a moment before leaving Myeol Mang alone with nothing but his thoughts.

'I need to get rid of my anger and hatred, but it's not possible. After all the shit I've been through with Elijah and his friends, then that little scuffle with Dae Hyun, getting rid of all that anger and hatred just isn't possible for me…..'

Sitting still for several minutes after bringing his hands up to his face, Myeol Mang suddenly had an idea as he noticed the rugged calluses beneath his fingers and the thickness of his palm below his thumb.

'I could use that anger as energy when working out! I can get rid of my hatred towards Elijah easily since I'll be stronger than him, but the anger I could use as fuel to make me stronger!'

After clenching his fists until his knuckles turned pale white, Myeol Mang moved from his slumped over position into a plank position and started doing pushups with the same burning anger in his eyes driving him.


Six hours later, a still half asleep Jin Tang was seen leaving his room and walking towards the training hall as the sun slowly showed itself in the horizon.

"Practicing my sword formations is always relaxing when it's the first thing I do in the mornings. I'm still very unsettled that Myeol Mang was barely able to catch up to my movements when in that state last night though, so some extra morning training should help." Jin Tang murmured to himself as he reached the training hall doors.

However, when he opened the training hall doors he wasn't met with an empty training room, the sight that he was met with was Myeol Mang passed on the floor with drool spewing out of his mouth.

"What the-? Myeol Mang, wake up!" Jin Tang yelled as he walked into the training hall.

Myeol Mang didn't move so much as an inch off the floor at the sound of Jin Tang's voice, causing Jin Tang to walk up to Myeol Mang and nudge him with his foot.

"Myeol Mang! Wake up this instant!" Jin Tang yelled as he flipped Myeol Mang's unconscious body over.

After yet another lack of response from Myeol Mang, Jin Tang became aggravated because of his students' refusal to wake up at his command.

However, just before Jin Tang was going to kick Myeol Mang into the wall to wake him up, he noticed Myeol Mang's breathing was slightly rugged and his clothes were loose and darker than what they were supposed to be.

'The hell? Why are his clothes so loose from just sleeping on my training room floors?' Jin Tang thought before reaching down to touch Myeol Mang's black robes.

Yet when he touched Myeol Mang's robes he didn't feel the rough feeling of dry sweat, he felt the slimy cold sensation of fresh sweat in Myeol Mang's drenched robes.

"Eghhhhh, why are Myeol Mang's robes this drenched? He should have left the room with Sung Ho last night after the training! Wait, is Sung Ho in here as well?" Jin Tang asked himself before slowly gazing around the training hall once more.

Realizing that it was just him and Myeol Mang in the training hall, Jin Tang turned back to Myeol Mang's unconscious body and made a realization.

"His clothes are still drenched….. Did he work out through the night!?" Jin Tang asked himself as he bent over to feel Myeol Mang's drenched clothes once more to confirm his suspicions.

As Jin Tang stood back up after realizing that Myeol Mang had been training throughout the night, Myeol Mang's eyes suddenly twitched as if he was flinching from sudden pain.

Moments later, Myeol Mang's eyes slowly opened, revealing his unfocused amber eyes.

"Eghhhhh…. Am I still…. in the training hall?" Myeol Mang asked himself as he slowly tried to sit up while still being half asleep.

Myeol Mang suddenly fell back onto the training hall floor and let out an exhausted sigh.

"I might as well try and sleep a bit more, only an hour of sleep isn't enough for my body to completely heal…."

"You only slept for an hour!?"


Suddenly being startled by Jin Tang's question, Myeol Mang jumped and sat up to look at him.

"Master Tang! Why are you here?"

"I got here a little bit ago, but when I walked in, I found you unconscious on the floor, drenched in sweat and completely unresponsive to anything I did," Jin Tang paused for a moment, "Why are you still here? I told you to bring Sung Ho to your room and go to sleep, not sleep in the training hall!"

"You're right Master Tang, you did tell me that, however, Sung Ho woke up by himself and went to his room shortly after you left. And as for me," Myeol Mang cleared his throat, "I stayed here to work on what you said last night."

"So you stayed in here all night to work on your anger and hatred?"

"I worked on getting rid of my anger all night, I can solve the hatred part just by being away from the people that I hate right now."

"Well then Myeol Mang, how do you intend to purge yourself of your anger?"

"I used it all."

".... What?"

"I used all of my anger as a drive from when I had the idea until an hour ago when I fell asleep from overworking myself."

"You what!?"

"I used all of my anger as a drive to continue training from when I had the idea until an hour ago when I fell asleep from overworking myself. Is there anything wrong with that?" Myeol Mang asked as he tilted his head while staring into Jin Tang's eyes.

Suddenly feeling himself get dragged from behind after watching Jin Tang disappear from his sight, Myeol Mang tilted his head backwards and saw Jin Tang pulling him from what seemed to be the back of his robes.

"Uhmmm…. Master Tang? Is something wrong?"

Not hearing a response from Jin Tang, Myeol Mang decided to ask a different question.

"Master Tang, where are you taking me?"

"You've disrupted my morning training, trained all night without my permission and didn't follow my orders. You're going to your room and sleeping until lunch, I will decide then if I need to punish you or not."

"What about the morning training?"

"There will be no morning training for you, Sung Ho will still do it but you are going to rest to let your already exhausted body rest."

"Master Tang, I'm fine, seriously I don't need to rest anymore, I have plenty of energy!"

"Myeol Mang, there is no negotiating this, you will sleep until lunch, I will send a servant or Sung Ho to wake you." Jin Tang said with a hint of annoyance in his words as he opened the door to Myeol Mang and Sung Ho's room and threw Myeol Mang onto his bed.

"Master Tang! Please let me train!" Myeol Mang exclaimed as he tried to get up out of his bed.


Suddenly feeling an unknown energy pushing his body back down onto the bed, Myeol Mang struggled to turn his head towards Jin Tang, only to be met with Jin Tang holding his arm out at Myeol Mang, staring him down with piercing intensity.

"You will sleep until lunch. This is the last time I will tell you. Otherwise, you will no longer be my student."

I created a discord server for my novel! Come and join for updates on release times and information about the story!


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