
Memories of the past (Hazbin hotel)

A angel from heaven fell down to hell as it had fought in heaven. The angel when having fallen turned to a small boy who ran away. Reaching a hotel the boy met many people he already saw and a demon which he seems to know from somewhere in the past the radio demon alastor. Author Note: This is a fan ficiton like you could have guessed. This story will have multiple perspective from different characters and won't be fixated of one character only. I'm not a experienced writer so I would be happy to take critic and know what I could imrpove of myself While I will use canon character I may add non canon things which I will try not to make too in logical and not fitting. I added only 1 oc that is my own oc I had created for the story. Once again many non canon things may appear while I will still try and follow as much canon as I can. (Art not mine)

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The extermination angel fell on the city streets all the other extermination angel looked at their dead comrade. Nicky did not hesitate and shot another one of them down now their attention where on him. They flew down to Nicky with their weapons ready to kill him they were excited seeing a demon fight back against them this was something that had not happen a long time ago.

Nicky continued to shoot at the extermination angel, but he was not hitting them anymore as easily. They were not flying in a straight line but would often fly right to left or the opposite. Even fly just up in the sky moving around taunting Nicky to shoot at them again.

He had to reload his shotgun but there was not enough time for him to do that. Nicky had no idea what he should do now he was in a dilemma if he stops moving to reload the extermination angel will be able to just kill him easily. If Nicky doesn't reload but continues to run, he will only waste stamina and get tired again getting caught from them. There was one solution Nicky could do and that was just doing both at the same time but there he could make a mistake while reloading.

Three choices with none of them being better than the other one but Nicky had to choose fast, so he chose the third option. Nicky was always creating one bullet putting it in then created a new one he did not want to risk letting a created bullet fall on the ground. Nicky puts five bullets in the Shotgun he could put 3 more in, but he could not bother with it.

The extermination angels attacked Nicky; he could not dodge them completely his left shoulder was pierced of one while a huge piece of his waist could be said to be pulverize as when the spear hit his waist no blood was on the spear or even on the ground. The kid held the rifle shotgun at the extermination angel who attacked his waist right gun point and pulled the trigger at him.

The other extermination angel flew up again but for some reason they did not care for their dead comrades now.

"This is fun to be honest even if we can die" one of the extermination angels started to say it's thoughts out loud.

"That is right we may have lost some of our comrade, but I did not have so much fun for a long time" a different one said it.

There was a total of three extermination angel in front of Nicky. The two were snickering around to themself while the third one was looking at Nicky not showing a sign of emotion. Nicky was getting nervous the waist was hurting the most as a Littreal chunk of his waist was missing.

`I have 4 more bullets in my weapon if I miss one it will be fine´

Nicky took fast aim again he was about to pull the trigger. Nicky eyes got wide opened the rifle shotgun he was holding got damaged the barrels of the shotgun were cut off the one cutting it off was the third extermination angel.

"Did you think I'm like the other two idiots" it was holding a sword instead of a spear like the other two extermination angels.

It continued to attack Nicky the extermination Angel was faster than Nicky it easily pierced with the sword all around Nicky body. It made a slash to cut off Nicky head off clean, but Nicky raised his right arm which had shown to be useless as the sword cut the arm off from Nicky. He still managed to dodge the sword, but the blade grazed the throat of Nicky cutting it too. Nicky held his throat and went on his knees.

`I never fought against another angel till I went against them I always thought it would be something dumb to do´

He looked up to it the eyes of the extermination angel where cold Nicky could feel it, but Nicky realized something it was obvious that this extermination Angel was not like the others. This one was far stronger and more experienced usual extermination angels would not be good fighters as demons don't tend to fight back and are easy targets on extermination day.

"You...what are you" He asked it with fear as Nicky feared the conclusion he came to. Nicky had a thought that it is not a simple extermination angel but rather an angel that was a higher rank then Nicky when he was an Angel. Nicky was just a normal angel but an angel rank even if it was by only 1 rank made a big difference.

The outer skin of the extermination angel fell like ripped paper. Underneath the black skin was pure white clothes the wings of it were also becoming pure white while this was happening a new pair of wings were coming out from the back of it.

The entire body of Nicky was trembling the two extermination angels were also trembling. The third extermination angel was not a normal one it was an angel of higher rank it was an Archangel.

"I shall end you here otherwise you will become a thorn in the future" The Archangel said it and swung his sword but stopped right at Nicky throat.

Extermination day had ended no more demons will be killed. The archangel let the sword disappear and looked down on Nicky "Next year you won't have this much luck mark my words fallen angel".

The Archangel was the first one to fly up back to heaven the Extermination angels took a few minutes before they could move even than they flew slowly back to heaven.

Nicky fell on the ground on his own bleed he was hearing voices, but he could not tell from who it was. Nicky closed his eyes as he was tired, he was sure he won't die he survived many things the wounds on his body were a prove of it. `He even with only one eye I was still good 'he thought to himself.

I 'am aware how that reveal seem random, but I shall explain why I made it like this. To put it simply, in my head I thought that Heaven would not send only normal extermination angels now but that in between them will be higher ranking ones who want to take part of it. All because now the boy called Nicky also betrayed heaven and with the second betrayal things will become more different in hell. And if case another angel betrays that one of the higher-ranking ones stops them by killing them.

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