
Memories of the Gluttonous Sage

Cain wakes up like any other day--well I guess it would be night now. He discovers that with the nocturnal life, very few options for food are available. As such, he orders food, follows his daily routine, then takes a nap. Only to find out it was no normal nap, but a transdimensional nap. He wakes up in an unknown world filled with many fantasy like features. However, unlike fantasy games, novels, and tv shows, this is real life. This fact just excites him all the more. Despite feeling scared, worried, or panic. He just feels... free. No longer bound by the rules of the previous world, he can finally chase his dream. His dream that others called absurd and even crazy. But who cares? To him, it was one of the very few things that will always be fun, no matter how much time passes. Boredom is an eternity spent in a second, an eternity he never wants to experience again. Even if it means passing time by mindlessly. Watch the journey of Cain as he explores the unknown, gets kicked out of a few restaurants for eating too much, hibernates (sleeps) for 14 to 24 hours, and wreaks havoc in this new world. No one shall restrict his freedom any longer, and to those who do, he'll annihilate the obstacles and use the people or organizations in ways we can't even begin to imagine. ---------------------------------------------- Cover is made by Koi. Check out her instagram: koiijin This are two books to this boi and this is book 1. Huh... since we're starting to get some power stones I'll put some daily goals for you guys. 69 Power Stones: +1 chapter 360 Power Stones: +1 chapter 420 Power Stones: +1 chapter 1738 Power Stones: +1 chapter Rewards stack, of course. If you have any more meme numbers feel free to comment them at the end of a chapter and I'll add them to the ps goal. Extra chapters will be awarded 1-3 days after the ps goal is reached; it depends on how busy I am with work. This book will always be free and will probably end after 10k chapters so go drag your friends in here. The more readers I have to check this boi for plot holes and such, the more motivated I'll be and the faster I'll upload chapters. Comment if something seems to drag out too much, I don't mind rewriting entire arcs to patch up a plot hole. This is, afterall, a rough draft for the comic I'll be making. Alt name for the discord: To Get Super Brain; https://discord.gg/gTWs4fmGfM

sinc · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Day 5 (2) Griffin Rave!!!

{Author's note: Griffin rave mfers. I recommend listening to an edm song once it gets to that spot.}

"Dresil, catch." Cain takes his shirt off and tosses it to Dresil. She catches it and stares at him with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's this for, Master?" She asks while sending some vines throughout the shirt to start the cleaning process. "Aren't there usually impurities that are hard to clean after a refining session? At least in the comics." Cain responds while observing how the shirt is being cleaned. A hint of admiration flashes through Dresil's eyes, but quickly fades.

"Then why don't you take your pants off then?" Dresil asks with a coy tone. Cain stares at her for a second, slightly shocked. "And freeze to death? Nah, no thanks. I'm only warm thanks to the heat from Rex on my arm right now." Dresil turns her body back towards the screen, seemingly dejected.

'...She's already seen everything so why would she be dejected? Anyways, fusing each group of muscles, skin, tendons, etc. with mana should be enough… right? Sort of like what Jacob did with strengthening that bar of metal yesterday.' Cain puts this train of thought into practice, reinforcing every piece of tissue with mana. The mana combined, separated, and recombined with each tissue periodically. After the third or fourth attempt, the mana stayed fused without any additional support; humming and moving with the tissues, as if it were one.

During this process, Cain also began taking care of any inefficiencies in his body, i.e. fat, nutrition, or vitamin deficiency. Although there wasn't much, there was still a tiny bit of each. Two hours passed until Cain fused all of the allocated mana into each area.

The magic circles on the 6th and 7th layer were changed to maintain the mana fused, in case it decayed, and to monitor each muscle group for abnormalities. According to what he heard yesterday, every person who tried to permanently strengthen their body with mana eventually died. Although the assumed reason was because their bodies couldn't handle the mana used, it wasn't proven thus precautionary measures were needed.

Once the process was done, Cain opened his eyes and slowly scanned his body, trying not to move too much. He looks down, his eyes fixing on the new addition to his belly; the movement of his head causing slight gusts of wind to rush forward.

"Woooaaahhhh, where did these bad boys come from?" Cain pokes his new 6 pack cautiously, as if it would disappear after touching it. 'I knew I got rid of most of the fat… but isn't this 6 pack too defined from just that? Anyways, it looks cool.' Cain continued to inspect and poke his six pack for a few minutes; every minute gesture causing currents of wind to sweep out from him.

'Weird… shouldn't there be impurities or something? There's not even a speck of it anywhere… Maybe Rex burned them already? Read it in a novel before and fire has been attributed to some cleansing rituals, so it's possible.'

---Group Chat: Cain, Dresil, Bob, and Rex--- (38ms)

Cain: Rex, can you burn impurities to cleanse them?

Rex: Yep. I've been doing it throughout your body every night.

Cain: Danggg… So how many kilos of impurities were there? :curious:

Rex: There was hardly any, even from when you first summoned me there was only a few days worth in your body.

Cain: A few days? That would mean I got summoned here with 0 impurities, but that shouldn't be possible since my actual body was brought here and not just my soul…

Bob: It's possible if your summoners were believers of a goddess of purity and a pope or cardinal of said belief summoned you.

Bob: Although to this extent is… extreme. Usually it's just a minor cleanse and an increase in the purity and quality of mana in the surroundings of the summoned being. The latter is basically a catch up mechanic for those who lived without exposure to mana.

Bob: Not only was there no impurities, but, based on your memories, the mana around and in you was of the purest and highest quality.

Cain: Weird… Also isn't it possible for children to be summoned just to increase the mana conditions?

Bob: It is.

Cain: ...heck.


'Well… another mystery to solve… Sheesh, when can I just laze around…' Cain sighs and attempts to get up, or at least that was what was supposed to happen. The supposed slight movement launched him a few hundred meters into the air; the ground below him fractured and snaked into fissures.

'...heck this. I forgot I'm not used to this yet. And it's cold, the heck...' Cain's body flails in the air on its way to the apex of the flight curve. His face was void of emotion while the hairs on his upper body danced in the chilling breeze, yet it was still evident that he was just too tired to care at this point.

---Dms: Cain and Bob--- (4ms)

Cain: When my velocity hits near 0, can you open a portal under me and drop me off back in the campsite?

Cain: It appears if I freefall land rn I'll end up missing it by a hundred meters, roughly.

Bob: Understood.


Cain continued to ascend; his velocity slowly decreasing. Moments before it reached zero, a wide portal opened up below him. Cain rose to the apex then fell into the portal; the impact fractured the campsite once again.

---Group Chat: Cain, Dresil, Bob, and Rex--- (35ms)

Dresil: Master, can you stop breaking the campsite? I'm having a hard time watching anime with all the quakes.

Rex: Why was there even a quake when you landed? You weren't even falling that fast.

Cain: I probably put too much force into the landing. I can modify my center of gravity quite a bit while staying in position by flexing, relaxing, stretching, or rotating my tendons, muscles, and joints.

Cain: I did some of that by habit, but the mana reinforcement appears to be multiplying the force of every little movement I do.

Rex: ...just how flexible are you?

Bob: Is that why you're not wearing shoes again? Because the rigidity of the shoes restricts your movement somewhat?

Cain: Yes, but no. I was just too tired and forgot to make some. I'll probably just continue to use socks and have Dresil fortify them.

Cain: They're quite comfy.

Dresil: *sends image*

Cain: You should create a magic circle similar to what I had the drone rest on when I was modifying it. If you do it a few centimeters above the ground you'll be undisturbed by the rest.

Dresil: Ok…


'Hmmm…. How should I get adjusted to this? Oh… hehehehe, this'll be fun.' A magic circle appears under Dresil; it's the one used to lift her out of the quake's range. While she was focusing on creating it, another one appeared next to her, causing her to jump slightly; a boombox slowly started to take shape.

She looks over at Cain with a slight glare; he returns her stare with a small smirk and a shrug. The boombox is finished after their staredown. Cain slowly rises from the pose he landed in; ripples of air pulse outward from his body. Two magic circles that negate all vibrations appear under Cain and enlarge to encompass the entire campsite.

'Looks like I can modify magic circles into a ring shape now. By having the outer circle perform the task and the inner circle negating the task, it can be done. ...it can still be improved but meh. Those two should be enough to prevent everything outside the campsite from being damaged.' Sudden static came from the boombox, only to be interrupted by a song's beat seconds later. Cain eyed a random rock suspiciously.

---Dms: Cain and Bob:--- (3ms)

Cain: Can you collect any debris that pops up and put it in a dimension? It doesn't matter if you have to split it over multiple dimensions.

Bob: Understood.


Cain stomped his right foot twice, then clapped his hands. With each stomp the ground cracked and sunk a few decimeters. When Cain clapped, the movement of his hands brought forth waves of wind and the clap was followed by a massive boom and several small booms from rocks and debris being destroyed by the wind currents.

The song continues in the background while Cain analyzes the result. '...that's annoying. I should be able to follow the song's beat without any of the extra booms after 2 tries… The pacing of the song not only helps, but it's also frustratingly motivating when the beat isn't follow correctly…' Cain restarts the song and continues to attempt to follow the beat to the song. The following booms, wind currents, and the destruction to the campsite gradually lessened.

'This is the third time I've played the song, I should be able to complete it perfectly now.' Cain was currently standing in a pit about 1 meter deep. It looked as if someone took a circular cookie cutter and cut out part of the campsite; the pit being the inner area of the vibration nullifying magic circle duo he set up earlier.

Cain started playing the song and followed the beat accordingly. He hums the beat of the song until the last line of the first stanza, unable to contain his excitement anymore.

"Kicking your can all over the place, singin''"

"We will, we will rock you!" Cain points towards a rock and snaps, the impact causing the wind current to destroy it and the surrounding rocks.




He continues to sing the song while keeping the beat. A mini Rex, presumably a clone, materializes over the boombox with a microphone made of fire and joins in. They continue their duet for 2/3rds of the song then a mini Dresil appears and starts strumming a guitar made of vines. A mini Bob appears and joins in the fun seconds later. The trio continued to do their part on top of the speaker until it ended.

---Group Chat: Cain, Dresil, Bob, and Rex--- (8ms)

Rex: Aw… that's it?

Bob: What song was that?

Cain: We will, we will rock you by Queen.

Cain: We'll do one or two more. It's already 11:33am so we'll have to wrap it up soon to go to the duel.

Rex: Hell yes!

Rex: What song are we doing?

Cain: Jungle Bee by Jack Ü

Dresil: *sends gif*


Cain looked around the pit, small rocks and debris continuously fell off the walls and into spatial portals that left as quickly as they appeared. He was currently about 10 meters deep; the boombox was still at "ground level" (the original campsite level) next to where Dresil was watching anime.

Cain converted the boombox back into mana and made a table/stage for the trio to stand and dance on. He proceeded to create two speakers on either side of him and a classic dj setup. He pulled one speaker of the headphones over his right ear, flicked a few switches, and gave the records a few spins. Once he was satisfied that everything was working properly, he kicked the gas generator everything was attached to for good luck and started the music.

*Hands up, Hands up*

*Everybody know, let me see your hands up*

Cain moved his right arm up and down, vibing to the music. Rex and Bob were working on a light show; within a few seconds, the pit was filled with lasers bouncing off the walls. Cain turned the music up louder, the sounds seemed to vibrate the very confines of the pit.

The noise attracted a drift (group) of griffins. They swarmed towards the edge of the pit, several of them were affected by the music and drifted instead of smoothly landing. They inspected the dancing human with curiosity. Cain paid them no mind since they were all within his Mana Zone. In other words, he could end their lives at any time.

Within a few seconds, the griffins wings started to flow according to the beat, despite their desperate efforts to stop it. Rex created sticks from flame and went around the pit to hand one to each griffin. The first few griffins stared at the spirit king suspiciously, considering whether or not they could fight this tiny being. Rex glared back at them, his fiery atmosphere made it clear they either took the blazing glowsticks or died.

The griffins unwillingly took the glowsticks with their beaks; the second they did their heads started to bob to the beat. After Rex gave a glowstick to the last griffin, he went to the center of the pit and attempted to direct them to form a wave. The confused griffins tried their best to follow Rex's movement, however half of them weren't able to follow it properly and kept bonking their neighboors head. By the end of the song, it was just a bonk fest instead of a rave wave.

---Group Chat: Cain, Dresil, Bob, and Rex--- (13ms)

Rex: No pleasseeeee, let's do some more.

Rex: They were so close.

Cain: Fine… two more.

Bob: Oooh, which ones?

Cain: Olympus from Maestro Harrell and Hope from Twoloud & Bounce Inc.

Cain: Dresil, do we have food for lunch?

Dresil: Yes, Master. I can pull it out after the rave.

Cain: Sweet.


Cain linked the next two songs immediately after the messages in the group chat were sent. Because it only took a few milliseconds, the transition was quite smooth; hardly noticeable to the griffins with sore heads.

During the first song Rex took a different approach. Two wings grew from his back and his form mimicked the griffins'. He guided them with his new form, swaying his wings and head in the same direction. He figured that if the griffins could feel each other's wings, they'd know who's going the wrong direction sooner and thus fix it accordingly.

The rave continued with a wave of griffins around the circular pit. It was quite a sight, one that'd be hard for even the best tamers to achieve. Once the last song ended, the laser show and the fiery glowsticks dissipated. The griffins were reluctant to leave, but eventually took off.

These won't be the last time we'll be seeing these griffins. Also the Magical Beast Mountain Range is in a different country than Ouroubos.

sinccreators' thoughts