
Memories of Nobody

Not your average romance story. A thrilling journey of love, loss, love triangles, villains, dark secrets, restoration and romance of course! Roxanne Jonas, a stubborn but promising young woman who struggles with her mental health coupled with the fact that she has no memory of her life beyond the past year. Ethan Alexander Hernández, a wealthy and handsome man who tries to cope with the rejection and me receives from his family by drowning himself in excessive alcohol consumption, sets himself up to marry Maria Elvis Richmond -- the daughter of a fellow CEO. These two lead their own difficult lives, trying to escape from the overwhelming burdens they carry. At their lowest moments, they finally meet in a most unusual fashion. Though their first contact with each other is brief, it automatically binds them together as later on the product of their first moments together is revealed -- A Marriage Contract! With the two of them forced into a union which must be kept hidden from the public eye. They must now cope with each other's problems while still dealing with their own personal relationships. EXCERPT. "What do you mean?" "What I mean Ethan is that i can't live with a man who i am not married to." Maria snapped at me, her face flushed with emotion. This was the first time she had ever raised her voice at me. I could tell she was hurting. "So what do you want me to do?" Though i asked, a part of me already had a clue as to what she might say. "A divorce. I want you to divorce her so-." "I can't" I quickly cut her off. "Why not? Is there some law which says you can't?!" Maria paused. Her body trembling with rage," For God sake you were drunk Ethan! So was she! You have enough reason to get.-" "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean?" I didn't understand it myself. I had no idea what had come over me, but the flame. It burned deep inside my chest. I had to understand what it meant. "I want to feel it." "Feel what Ethan? You're not making any sense!" "I'm not stupid. Even though I was drunk i still had some Sense. There's no way i could have married her if i didn't have a reason. If i didn't feel something." "What are you trying to say to me Ethan." Maria slowly approached me, tears dripping down her face. I looked away from her, i didn't want my gaze to meet hers. I knew what i was doing wasn't right, i just couldn't stop myself. I had to find out what happened that night. "What I'm trying to say is that. I need to feel it. I need to understand what i felt for her that made me marry her. I need to understand that feeling and until i get that... I can't divorce her." "What?" "I'm sorry Maria." I knew i had hurt her, i knew what i was doing was wrong. But there was nothing more i could do. My mind was made up.

CrimsonAngel_99 · Urban
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33 Chs

I'm the boss.

The family of Dr. and Mrs James Hernández and Mr and Mrs Elvis Richmond

Cordially invited you:

To the wedding ceremony of their children

Master Ethan Alexander Hernández


Miss Maria Annabelle Richmond.

Scheduled to hold on the 17th of July, 20**

At the prestigious Bristol hotel garden.

Note: Strictly invite only.



Are you pleased with it, Sir?" Andrew asked.

"It's fine." I responded casually.

"Is the venue ready?" I could really care less, but for formally sake I had to show some levels of interest in my own wedding.

'No matter how much i say it. It doesn't seem right.' I thought.

"Today is the final fitting for the bride's wedding dress, she has requested your presence, Sir." Andrew informed me as he poured me a glass of wine.

"Why does she want me there?"

'Wouldn't her dad be a better companion?' I thought to myself. This wasn't the first time Maria had requested something like this. For months now she had been tailing me around, looking for my attention. I admit at first I was rather attracted to the Australian beauty, but soon I got bored of her, we just did not match. Or maybe I was overthinking it because of our age difference.

"Well, Sir if you ask me I think she's trying to get to know you more." Andrew lectured. "Marriage is a life time commitment, it's not something to brush over." He grinned slightly. I could never comprehend the things that went on in Andrews mind.

"Do you like her?" i interrogated.

"Huh?" Andrew was perplexed as he stared at me, almost tipping over the bottle of wine he held in his hands. "Sir, she's going to be your wife!" He defended rather strongly.

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged. I got up, arranged myself, then made my way to the door. Andrew quickly dropped the bottle on a table then rushed to open the door before I got to it.

"If she likes you too, the both of you could have an affair." I shrugged once more as I stepped through the door.

"Sir!" Andrew almost lost it, thankfully the glare I gave him was more than enough to set him back on track.

"You two are almost the same age, I understand why attraction happened."

"Sir there isn't much of an age difference between you too, I really believe you're overthinking this."

"Either way, I couldn't care less what she decides to do with her life." Honestly, i just didn't care about it. Attraction? Affection? Those words and their meanings were obsolete to me. The only thing that mattered was me. I wasn't self-centered, I just would rather not invest my time in things that didn't have a sure outcome. "Besides I find it more comforting to know my wife would be having an affair with someone like you."

"Please Sir, don't say such things so casually."Andrew whined, his face marked with bewilderment.

"I could arrange a contract."


I laughed.




"I'm listening." I gave a cold reply to the person who I was talking to on the other side of the line.

"That is no way to talk to your father Ethan!" He yelled. I'm not sure why though.

'Father? Don't make me laugh.'

"Listen I'm on my way to Maria's fitting. If it's important, I'll drop by the mansion when I'm done."

"Whatever." He ended the call.

I clenched my fist as I held in my anger. After all these years, I couldn't believe it still stung whenever he ended our calls so abruptly.

"Are you alright Sir?" Andrew asked.

I took in a breath,"Mm."

James José Hernández. I grew up idolizing that name. My father was my hero. As a child I would often daydream about a future where I could be as successful as my father.


Ethan Alexander Hernández. I resented my name all through my childhood. My name was like a badge, a constant reminder to everyone who came across me that my place in this world was predetermined. No matter what I did, I would always be second to him; James Miguel Hernández, my twin brother. That's what they always said to me -- until I believed them. The moment i believed in my own worthlessness, my dream of being like my hero was snatched away and crushed by that same hero. In that same moment, I formed a lifelong grudge.

"We're here Sir." Andrew announced.

"Good." Andrew held out the door for me. We soon made our way into the shop where Maria was supposed to get her fitting done. Of course, we arrived before her.


"Sir please, we apologize for Maria's absence. She's on her way." The senior Seamstress bowed respectfully to me as she made excuses in a hopeless attempt at covering up for Maria.

"Let's go." I ordered. Although Andrew tried to persuade me, my mind was made up. We were just about to step out when Maria came rushing in. She looked good.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry I kept you." Maria had a delicate Aussie accent which matched her average physique. I wish I could describe her better, but non of her features were of any particular interest to me. She was just... Average.

"We're leaving." I announced. I turned slightly and from the corner of my eye, i caught Andrew smiling sheepishly. Seeing him like this was amusing. I guess some people just aren't good at hiding their emotions. "On second thought, I'll go. Andrew you stay."

"Uh... Sir, where you go, I go." Andrew said with his head lowered and a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I'm the boss. I say you do. Be sure to keep my bride company. If anything should go wrong do well to inform me." I had taken a few steps to the entrance when I felt something holding me back.

"Where do you think you're going!" Maria yelled, tears welling up in her eyes." I'm sorry I came late. But please, even after all this time. Can't you be here for me... For once." She whispered the last part, tears wetting her cheeks. I caught a glimpse of Andrew in the corner, he was trying hard not to hold Maria back. I guess she was too dense to understand what I was trying to do. Why? Why? Was she trying to hold onto a man who had no feelings for her? Didn't she understand that this was just a marriage of convenience? " Don't go... Please." She muttered.

I stared deeply Into Maria's eyes. My breathing slowed down and I focused on only her -- no one else. In that moment, I was hoping I would get a spark; a rush of emotion that would have forced me to consider the decision I made. Something to make me stay. Nothing. I neither felt nor saw anything. I hissed within myself.

Immediately I grabbed Maria by the wrist and yanked her off me. Pulled her in, such that her body was in direct contact with mine."Grow up, we're not kids anymore. Don't cause a scene here." I whispered into her ear.

That was the last thing I said before I finally took my leave.



So far it's been good. A few days ago I went for an interview at the Shaky Cakie. I got it! Since then, I had been working nine to five shifts on weekdays and a nine to twelve on weekends. I finally felt like I was getting some semblance of a normal life. Before now Janet was all I had, now. I had friends, coworkers and customers. At this point, life was best.