
Memories of Nobody

Not your average romance story. A thrilling journey of love, loss, love triangles, villains, dark secrets, restoration and romance of course! Roxanne Jonas, a stubborn but promising young woman who struggles with her mental health coupled with the fact that she has no memory of her life beyond the past year. Ethan Alexander Hernández, a wealthy and handsome man who tries to cope with the rejection and me receives from his family by drowning himself in excessive alcohol consumption, sets himself up to marry Maria Elvis Richmond -- the daughter of a fellow CEO. These two lead their own difficult lives, trying to escape from the overwhelming burdens they carry. At their lowest moments, they finally meet in a most unusual fashion. Though their first contact with each other is brief, it automatically binds them together as later on the product of their first moments together is revealed -- A Marriage Contract! With the two of them forced into a union which must be kept hidden from the public eye. They must now cope with each other's problems while still dealing with their own personal relationships. EXCERPT. "What do you mean?" "What I mean Ethan is that i can't live with a man who i am not married to." Maria snapped at me, her face flushed with emotion. This was the first time she had ever raised her voice at me. I could tell she was hurting. "So what do you want me to do?" Though i asked, a part of me already had a clue as to what she might say. "A divorce. I want you to divorce her so-." "I can't" I quickly cut her off. "Why not? Is there some law which says you can't?!" Maria paused. Her body trembling with rage," For God sake you were drunk Ethan! So was she! You have enough reason to get.-" "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean?" I didn't understand it myself. I had no idea what had come over me, but the flame. It burned deep inside my chest. I had to understand what it meant. "I want to feel it." "Feel what Ethan? You're not making any sense!" "I'm not stupid. Even though I was drunk i still had some Sense. There's no way i could have married her if i didn't have a reason. If i didn't feel something." "What are you trying to say to me Ethan." Maria slowly approached me, tears dripping down her face. I looked away from her, i didn't want my gaze to meet hers. I knew what i was doing wasn't right, i just couldn't stop myself. I had to find out what happened that night. "What I'm trying to say is that. I need to feel it. I need to understand what i felt for her that made me marry her. I need to understand that feeling and until i get that... I can't divorce her." "What?" "I'm sorry Maria." I knew i had hurt her, i knew what i was doing was wrong. But there was nothing more i could do. My mind was made up.

CrimsonAngel_99 · Urban
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33 Chs

Dinner party 1

"I've prepared this for you to wear Sir." Joseph started as the maids brought in a suit that was in a protective bag. They unzipped the bag and laid the suit on my bed as Joseph began to talk once again, "This is a specially ordered, tailormade suit from Italian designer Augustus Tortellini. It will fit you perfectly Sir."

"Hm. What do you think about it Andrew?" I shifted the decision over to Andrew. I didn't want to be bothered by something like this. Something else was on my mind. It made my stomach churn.

"It's beautiful Sir. The way the colour of the suit transitions from purple to black was a very excellent choice by the designer. Also the peacock broach and other embellishments add a delicate touch to the suits overall package. It matches the party's theme perfectly! You'll be sure to look dignified at tonight's party Sir."




My stomach churned. I had never been put under such huge amounts of pressure in my life. Tonight's dinner party was going to be held on the rooftop of the famous Seraphim's five star Hotel and Suites. This was a very luxurious hotel that only catered to people from the upper crust of society. The rich and famous frequently visited this exquisite hotel as normal people like me couldn't afford it. In addition to this, i heard that the hotel was owned by Andrew's boss.

This party was going to be huge. The central theme off the party was 'a night in an enchanted garden.' Honestly when I first heard that was the theme i expected it to end up looking like a five year old girl's birthday party. But ohh i was soo wrong! This morning before he left for work, Andrew showed Annie and i some pictures of what the event decor looked like. Magnificent!

There were lots of exotic flowers, colourful fake butterflies, plus the party was going to take place at night so they had lots of fairy lights setup to really give off that enchanted vibe. Andrew said it was his boss's wife-to-be who actually picked the theme. According to him, she said it reminded her of the garden in which she first met Andrew's boss.

Andrew had to leave early for work, they had to put in place some final touches required to really make the party pop! But before he left, he informed us that his boss had ordered for a driver to pick us up at ten o'clock, which was when the party was going to start.

Right now, it was past nine o'clock and i hadn't even had a bath yet.

"What are you still doing there! Come over here now!!" Annie yelled from inside her bathroom. Annie spent all day preparing a spa treatment for us before we got ready for the party. According to her, "Beauty shines from the inside out." Or something like that. Initially Annie wasn't that into the party anymore. However, after Andrew showed her the guest list -- she prepared like never before.

Andrew's boss gave him a huge bonus to ensure he prepared extremely well for tonight's party. Andrew then gave that money to Annie. With that money, Annie got rid of the former dresses we bought. We went to an exquisite boutique and got some really exotic clothes. Andrew also got a tailormade black suit which was a good match to my marine blue dinner gown and a perfect contrast to Annie's red gown. Though i had not seen him wearing it yet, Annie said he looked nothing short of a prince.

With what was left, we got jewelry, shoes, makeup supplies and a heavy duty spa kit. Yep, Annie had lost it at that point.

"Just relax let the oils soak in." Annie ordered as she had placed all kind of oils and creams on my face. I have never seen Annie so pumped up before. Was she expecting someone at the party?



"How does everything look?"

"Perfect Sir. The decor team are done with their final touch ups and the catering service are done preparing Sir."

"What about security?"

"As tight as ever Sir. Though the paparazzi have gathered at the entrance of the hotel, only authorized media outlets have been granted permission to attend this occasion Sir."

"Okay." I took in a deep breath. "Any news from them?"

"Non Sir."





"Roxi it's nine thirty come down already so I can get your hair and makeup done!"


We finally ended the spa treatment and honestly i felt very light at that moment. Annie said that's how you're supposed to feel after exfoliating. It took a while to wash everything off but after i did, i took my bath like i usually did. Though i felt slightly uncomfortable, i waved it off as normal nervousness. This was my first party after all, and a serious one at that. This party had gathered people from all realms of affluence and prestige. Mistakes were not an option. I had to do everything within my power to make sure I didn't fumble and well turn into a meme overnight.



"Shouldn't you go to get dressed Andrew, it's nine fifty." I suggested in a depressed monotone.

"I could say the same for you Sir."

"I'm the host, I'm allowed to be a little tardy." For a man who had an exciting party to attend, i was awfully unenthusiastic. "Any news from them?" I had asked this question so many times, I was sure Andrew was on the verge of snapping. He didn't show it though.

"Not yet Sir." The same reply. 'How infuriating!'

"Get me a glass of tequila." I ordered. I needed to ease my thoughts.


"Did you not hear me Andrew, i said get me a glass of tequila." Andrew didn't reply me, rather he just stood there, his head bent. 'Whst was the meaning of this.'


"I'm sorry Sir I can't." He finally spoke up.


"Like you said Sir, the party will soon start. It's unwise to drink at this time. Remember the media, important personalities and all your business associates are going to be in attendance. It isn't just a matter of your reputation think about the future of your companies if-."

"YOU FOOL! Did i employ you for you to give me advise?" I lost it. I tried to ease my tension by massaging my temple. "You know what forget it. I'll go get it myself."

"Please Sir i still maintain that you don't drink. If it's about them, I'll sure they'll soon get here. It would also affect their reputation if they don't attend tonight's party."




"Oh oh, Roxi ROXI!! Get down already, the driver's here and he came with a limo!" Annie squealed as she stared out the window.

"Is it ten already?" I ran down the stairs, careful not to rip my EXPENSIVE dress. My hands were shaking as i grabbed my purse off the coffee table. I and Annie took one last look at the mirror before we stepped out to meet the driver and the Limo!

I knew it was going to be a fun night, but my mind was heavy i felt like i was forgetting something. Annie pulled me by the arm, we reached the limo and the nice driver introduced himself. His name was Carl. After we got pleasantries out of the way, he opened the door of the limo for us and helped us inside since we were on heels. Honestly how i learnt to walk on heels within three days was nothing short of a miracle. Annie was an excellent teacher. I had waved goodbye to my worries as the limo started to move. At this point i had nothing bothering me anymore.

"Oh that reminds me. You did take your pills like i told you too, right?"

Oh shoot! That's what I was forgetting; the pills! "Um, Y- yep!" i lied.

"Good, i don't want anything going wrong tonight okay? Stick with me at all times and stay far away from the edges of the roof, Okay?" Annie held my hand, her gaze fixed on me. It felt like she was staring into my soul.

"Tonight Is going to be soo fun!"

"Yep, fun." I gulped.

Hi guys!! A new update!! Please remember this is my WSA 2022 entry. Please comment and add to your library for regular unpasted . Have fun!!

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