
Memories of Nobody

Not your average romance story. A thrilling journey of love, loss, love triangles, villains, dark secrets, restoration and romance of course! Roxanne Jonas, a stubborn but promising young woman who struggles with her mental health coupled with the fact that she has no memory of her life beyond the past year. Ethan Alexander Hernández, a wealthy and handsome man who tries to cope with the rejection and me receives from his family by drowning himself in excessive alcohol consumption, sets himself up to marry Maria Elvis Richmond -- the daughter of a fellow CEO. These two lead their own difficult lives, trying to escape from the overwhelming burdens they carry. At their lowest moments, they finally meet in a most unusual fashion. Though their first contact with each other is brief, it automatically binds them together as later on the product of their first moments together is revealed -- A Marriage Contract! With the two of them forced into a union which must be kept hidden from the public eye. They must now cope with each other's problems while still dealing with their own personal relationships. EXCERPT. "What do you mean?" "What I mean Ethan is that i can't live with a man who i am not married to." Maria snapped at me, her face flushed with emotion. This was the first time she had ever raised her voice at me. I could tell she was hurting. "So what do you want me to do?" Though i asked, a part of me already had a clue as to what she might say. "A divorce. I want you to divorce her so-." "I can't" I quickly cut her off. "Why not? Is there some law which says you can't?!" Maria paused. Her body trembling with rage," For God sake you were drunk Ethan! So was she! You have enough reason to get.-" "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean?" I didn't understand it myself. I had no idea what had come over me, but the flame. It burned deep inside my chest. I had to understand what it meant. "I want to feel it." "Feel what Ethan? You're not making any sense!" "I'm not stupid. Even though I was drunk i still had some Sense. There's no way i could have married her if i didn't have a reason. If i didn't feel something." "What are you trying to say to me Ethan." Maria slowly approached me, tears dripping down her face. I looked away from her, i didn't want my gaze to meet hers. I knew what i was doing wasn't right, i just couldn't stop myself. I had to find out what happened that night. "What I'm trying to say is that. I need to feel it. I need to understand what i felt for her that made me marry her. I need to understand that feeling and until i get that... I can't divorce her." "What?" "I'm sorry Maria." I knew i had hurt her, i knew what i was doing was wrong. But there was nothing more i could do. My mind was made up.

CrimsonAngel_99 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

A late night chase.

"What are you doing!" Ethan exclaimed. He hurriedly put his palms over his eyes, forcing himself to look away. "Why are you naked in my room?!" He questioned further.

"I. Um. You. Welcome." Roxanne stumbled over her words. She had intentionally left her clothes in the closet. She believed Ethan wouldn't be back by this time, therefore there was no need to worry about being naked in the room.

"Ugh!" Ethan felt himself subconsciously trying to peek through his fingers. He was fighting nature! "Here." He removed his shirt and tossed it to her. "Cover up!" He ordered. His will diminishing.

"T-thank you." Roxanne fumbled. She immediately wore the shirt which looked more like a gown on her. "You can look." She adjusted her herself and tried to fix her messy hair.

Ethan slowly opened his eyes. He let out a sigh of relief when his eyes hit the shirt. "Don't ever do that again." Ethan ordered sternly. It was the first time in a long time he had struggled to maintain his composure. It was refreshingly disturbing.

"Welcome home." Roxanne bowed as Ethan walked passed her. She tried to salvage the situation, pulling attention away from the fact that this man got a full view of her rump. The thought made her cringe with embarrassment.

"When did you arrive?" Ethan asked from the closet. Since he gave the shirt he was wearing to Roxanne, he needed to find another to wear.

"Um in the afternoon." Roxanne quickly moved to the closet. Almost jumping in. She startled Ethan slightly. "I need to move this." She stated before attempting to pull her luggage.

"Leave it." Ethan yanked her hand from the bag. "I'll ask the maids to make space for you in this closet."

'Make space?' Roxanne thought. She was trying to move out, not requesting for space.

"Um i actually want my own room." Roxanne squeaked. Not daring to look Ethan in the eye. She understood their marriage was a necessary trial run, but that didn't mean they'd actually have to share a space together.

"What do you mean?" Ethan raised his eyebrow in confusion. Was his room not good enough for her? Was it too small? Not to her taste? He frowned deeply, "What don't you like about the room?"

"No no. It's not that!" Roxanne moved her hands around. She was flustered. "I mean, we aren't a real couple, we don't have to share a room together." She rushed her words.

"Not a real couple?" Ethan repeated what she had said. 'Was she being serious?' Ethan asked himself. He immediately waved it off. He rolled his eyes. He had a very busy day at work and wasn't in the mood to explain anything to an adult.

He pulled out a pillow and blanket from one of the closet's compartment. He, without saying another word, walked out of the room.

Roxanne's gaze followed his every step. He closed the door behind him.

Roxanne froze! Her head slowly cranked sideways, she stared at the clock. It was past eleven. Did this mean he moved out of his own room?

*DING!* Roxanne was still lost in her thoughts when a light appeared from behind her. She walked towards it. The light was coming from a phone on the bed. Ethan had dropped his phone before entering the closet. Now, he he had left it behind.

Roxanne picked it up, he had an unread message. It was from Maria.

~We didn't finish before you left! Call me back. It's urgent!~

"Urgent?" Roxanne thought out loud. Suddenly her mood dampened. She was here in this house, a house that was intended for someone else. She had taken someone else's place. Though it wasn't her intention, it still happened.

Roxanne thought deeply, the phone held closely to her chest. After thinking long and hard, she secretly vowed to do all in her power to convince Ethan to getting a divorce earlier than he had stipulated. She was on Maria's side!

With determination, she walked out of the room.

Roxanne was confident but she forgot one essential thing. She had no idea how to navigate round the house. How was she to find the room Ethan was in, there were at least nine guest rooms in the mansion. "Joseph!" She exclaimed. "He would know where Ethan is."

Immediately, Roxanne ran downstairs. She ran to the front door and went out into the garden. The staff house was a little way past the main house. She walked bare footed on the wet grass, the phone close to her chest, her only source of heat in the cold wind.

Roxanne immediately regretted not covering up more. The shirt was the only thing on her.

She walked through a path, that was lined with lamps. In the distance however, she heard loud barking sounds. It was unnerving. The source of the sound was coming towards her direction. Fast!

"Uh?" Roxanne turned round to take a look. Instantly! She saw at least four red-eyed creatures running towards her. "Ahh!" She picked to her heels.

She ran all the while screaming. Tears almost freezing from the cold. It was almost winter.

Roxanne had lost her way. She left the garden path and ran through a portion of wildly growing grass. It seemed like she was running forever into the unknown when, unexpectly, In the distance, she saw a little shed; it was lit up.

Roxanne's eyes lit up with hope. Immediately she started running faster towards that direction.

The creatures were unrelenting. They raced towards her, barking, growling, closing the distance between them.

The barking grew louder as Roxanne started slowing down. She was out of breath!

"Help! Help!" As a last resort, she cried for help. Her mind was a mess, trying to calculate the distance between her, the shed and the creatures behind her. She was lost in the heated moment. Her flight response was in full swing!

*BAM!* Out of the blue, she fell.

Roxanne had diverted her attention for a split second and consequently ran face first into an obstacle. She blacked out.