
Her First Step

That year the summer went by extremely fast. And just like that, it was now September, time to get ready for a new school year...

Since that night Hope had decided that after her 13th birthday and on she'd be a different person. She'd try to change for the better. So she did. She started studying harder, dressing better, taking care of her looks more, started building friendships, started working on her talents, and became a better version of herself. She started expressing herself more, started laughing more, made a best friend, became part of the schools' writers...

Her life was great, actually, weirdly enough everything in her life was finally good. She wasn't seen as the weirdo anymore but more like one of the best school writers. She had a lot of friends, was going out more now, and later that year she found out that she had started to develop feelings for one of her classmates and one of her best friends. She was really skeptical about the things she was feeling since this was the first time she had felt that way. Every time she'd see the guy her heart would start freaking out, she'd feel embarrassed out of nowhere and would always try to be as near as possible to him. She really had a crush on him, she'd told her best friend too about him but she never had the courage to tell him. She just stayed by his side as a friend...

Another year went by... Now Hope was 14, it was the end of middle school. And this year didn't have a great start as the last one, towards the end of last year's school year three new students had come to her class. Two girls and one boy but for some reason, all three of them had made it a life mission to destroy hers. They had started bullying her for her weight and appearance, also her skills but that she could manage. But this year she found out that they had also started taking her friends from her...

Hope had always been a chubby girl, and still even now was so. She had started to master faking her confidence but in reality, it truly hurt her when people would even see her differently. She had wavy mid-length black hair, big brown eyes, and long curled-up black lashes. She had pink heavy lower lips and a beautiful nose. She was a passionate kid toward arts and all kinds of it but she was insecure about her talents so she just chose to only be part of the writing group.

That year was being hard on her but she still had her two best friends on her side one of them being also her crush. As months went by she had decided to confess to her crush on their mini prom and she had told this to her best friend. But in January of 2015 now her crush had confessed to Hope that he liked one of her enemies, her heart had been crushed by his words. But somehow she managed not to show even a single emotion. He then had proceeded to ask her for help to get together with that girl. And even tho she knew this would destroy her she had agreed on helping him. Later that month somehow she had managed to make them get closer by telling him to act as if he hated her because in that way the girl he liked would get close to him without even him trying. But even tho she had told him this when they fought in front of the class he had said some stingy words about her appearance and not only that but her talents too. He had called her worthless. Once again her heart tore. But she wanted to make him happy and so she did. Not even a week after that, he had gotten in a relationship with the bitch...

It was now March, the month when all the art competitions and school championships. Hopes' art teacher had now years trying to convince her to take part in at least one of them but she never did any besides the writing contest which she won 2 years in a row now. But this year was different both her enemies had decided to take part one in singing and the other in acting. And if that wasn't enough they had started saying that they were just doing it to make Hope understand what art truly is. When she heard this something in her clicked, no matter what anyone said or did the only thing she would always fight for was art and now she had decided to let her insecurities on the side and finally compete...

First was the singing competition and since it was a last-minute decision to take part she had no time to prepare the music or the registration so she just went acapella. Her enemy sang 'Diamonds' by Rihana as a duet. And honestly, she had expected more from her enemy but in reality, the song was listenable just because the other girl sang most of it. Nobody except the art teacher knew she would perform so when they heard that a last act was added to the competition no one was expecting Hope to appear on that stage. She had decided to sing "Nobody's Perfect" by Jessie J to say she was dying from fear and emotions would be an understatement but she knew that in order to succeed she had to clear her mind and think of her dream. So she closed her eyes and imagined that moment when she was in front of a giant crowd that was cheering for her and she let her soul do the singing. When the song ended there was a second of silence but just after that everyone started screaming and cheering for her. It was like a dream, she couldn't believe it. They were cheering for her. She saw her best friend and art teacher that were so proud of her and then her eyes went to her crush who just gave her a reassuring smile and mouthed an "I'm proud of you". She also saw her enemies frowning angrily but she couldn't care less, she was happy. She felt one step closer towards her big dream...

Her art teacher was freaking out more than her just for the success of that performance but when the presenter announced that she had won first place he and her too almost fainted...

This was the first step, now it's acting turn he said with a proud smile.