
Memories Beyond Mortality

My eyes shot open. I had escaped death by dying; before me were so many choices, so many potential afterlives. And yet, somehow, they would all lead me to death. Countless deaths. Ah, but between deaths, I lived! I was a king, a killer, and everything in-between; I built empires, forged bonds, and fell in love. I was reborn on countless worlds, learned magic, and became powerful. More powerful than I ever should have been. Then, things changed. I died and found myself in the aether yet again ...and killed an angel. This is my story.

Adrian_Jeremy · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Subterra's Black Market

Our arrival didn't go unnoticed.

Soon, Tobias walked out with his arms outstretched. His grizzled face broke into a wide smile as he approached, his arms open wide.

My heart lurched as I saw him again! It was amazing to see him again.

"Alex! Eliza! Jonas! You're back!" he exclaimed, pulling us into a bear hug that threatened to squeeze the air out of our lungs.

"It's good to see you, Tobias," I managed to gasp, my voice muffled by his shoulder. I could hardly contain my emotions as tears rose eyes. I hadn't seen this man for a few months, but it felt like years.

I had missed him. I had missed Subterra.

Eliza and Jonas echoed similar sentiments, and we soon found ourselves seated in a small, dimly lit corner of Tobias' tent.

Tobias, a jack of all trades, quickly went to work tending to our wounds. His hands were gentle yet deft as he cleaned and dressed our injuries. As he worked, we filled him in on our journey, from the Academy's house arrest to our daring escape into the sewers.

"You kids are braver than I ever was at your age," Tobias remarked, his eyes filled with pride. "I'm glad you took this step; it'll be worth it."

Once our wounds were treated and we had caught up on the latest Subterra gossip, our curiosity got the better of us. We had heard whispers of the fabled Black Market for years, and now we were finally in a position to explore it.

Perhaps we would find something that would be helpful at the Academy.

"Tobias, have you ever been to the Black Market?" Eliza asked, her eyes glinting with excitement.

Tobias chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Aye, I've been there a time or two. It's a place where you can find almost anything if you're willing to pay the price."

Jonas leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Do you think we could go there? Just to look around?"

Tobias nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Of course, but keep your wits about you. The Black Market is a realm of secrets and shadows. It's not a place for the faint of heart. Be careful. Stay safe."


We ventured deeper into Subterra, eventually reaching its heart, where the Black Market sprawled in the open. The air grew thick with the scent of exotic spices, and the clamor of haggling voices filled our ears as we stepped into the clandestine marketplace.

The Black Market sprawled before us, a mesmerizing maze of stalls and shops, each one a tantalizing glimpse into the arcane and exotic. Flickering lanterns cast an otherworldly glow over the entire market, creating an atmosphere that was equal parts enchanting and eerie.

We moved through the crowded aisles, our senses inundated with a cacophony of sights, sounds, and scents. Shimmering crystals dangled from stalls, their ethereal light dancing like captured stars. Elixirs simmered in ornate vials, their contents swirling with vibrant colors and a promise of untold power.

Everything was being sold; from drying bodies to complex machines.

One particular shop caught our attention – a small shop adorned with glass bottles of all shapes and sizes, their contents illuminated by a soft, iridescent glow. The shop's sign, elegantly scripted in an archaic script, read "Lysander's Elixirs."

As we entered the shop, a bell chimed above the door, announcing our arrival. The owner, Lysander himself, emerged from behind a wooden counter. His long, silver hair cascaded down his shoulders, and his eyes glittered with a knowing twinkle.

"Welcome, young adventurers," Lysander greeted us with a dramatic gesture. "What brings you to my humble establishment today?"

He preened as he spoke, an action which didn't suit his elderly complexion.

"We were just curious," Eliza replied, her eyes wide with wonder. "We've heard tales of the Black Market and couldn't resist exploring."

Lysander nodded knowingly. "Ah, curiosity is a good thing, my dear. You can find most things here." He smiled, "including tinctures which can do most things. Beware though, they will likely be beyond your price range."

As our conversation continued, we couldn't help but be drawn to the mesmerizing display of elixirs and potions that lined the shelves. Glowing tinctures promised strength beyond measure, while crystalline vials held liquids that sparkled like liquid stars. Each item whispered tales of untold power and possibilities.

Jonas, his curiosity piqued, pointed to a vial filled with a shimmering crimson liquid. "What's this one?"

Lysander's smile widened as he explained, "Ah, that, my young friend, is the Elixir of Vigor. One sip, and you'll be good all night, if you catch my drift."

Jonas quickly put the vial back, turning a deep red himself.

My gaze wandered to another shelf, where small vials of golden liquid radiated warmth and vitality. "And what about these?"

Lysander's eyes twinkled. "Ah, those are the Golden Tinctures of Vitality. A drop under your tongue, and you'll recover from wounds and fatigue at an astonishing rate. Perfect for adventurers."

Despite our fascination, we soon realized that the treasures of the Black Market came at a steep price.

As we reluctantly stepped away from the enticing wares, Eliza sighed softly. "They're amazing, but we don't have the money to buy anything here."

Jonas nodded in agreement, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "True, but we can always come back. Once we've saved up enough from our stipend at the Academy, we'll return and purchase some of these elixirs."

With a shared sense of determination, we bade Lysander farewell and made our way through the bustling market once more.

Indeed, despite our excitement, we soon realized that the Black Market was no place for those without sufficient money. Our stipend from the Adventurer's Academy was meager at best, and the prices of even the most basic items were exorbitant.

Disappointment tugged at our hearts as we made our way through the bustling market, knowing we couldn't afford the treasures on display. Still, we couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. We had seen the wonders the Black Market held, and we were determined to return one day, armed with enough coin to purchase the items that had caught our eye.

As the hours passed, we bid farewell to the Black Market and made our way back to Tobias' hideout. He wished us well and reminded us with one final, warm hug that Subterra would always be our sanctuary, a place where we could find respite and adventure alike.

With a mixture of excitement and a touch of sadness, we retraced our steps through the underground city, returning to the hidden gateway that would lead us back to the surface.

It was time to return to the Academy.