
Memoirs of the First Lady

[I, Lu Jingxing, will only protect Shen Qing in this life] Lu Jingxing is the ambitious young commander of the Jiangcheng Military District, wielding great power and influence. With his brutal methods, he has risen through the ranks quickly and earned a fearsome reputation. Shen Qing is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng City. As a renowned corporate strategist, she has turned around countless failing companies with her brilliant plans. The two people, who had nothing in common, accidentally ended up having a romantic affair on the balcony overnight. She said angrily: "You are a rapist. I am going to sue you and make you sit in jail." He lightly lit the ashes of his cigarette and said mockingly: "Do you know which way the police station door opens?" On the second day, the city was in a storm. The crown prince of country M and a certain girl had a romantic night on the balcony. On the third day, he appeared in front of her, took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the marriage report, and from then on, everyone respectfully called her Mrs. Lu. [No matter how much I, Lu Jingxing, seek in my life, I will only seek one Shen Qing]

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129 Chs

Chapter 118: Alone in an empty room

Shortly after Zhang Yi left, Shen Qing turned around and went back to the house. He saw Nancy coming over with a mobile phone. She pursed her lips lightly and reached for the phone.

The gentle mulberry flow from that side flowed into my ears, "Are you feeling better?"

"Better," she responded lightly, stepping to the floor-to-ceiling window to face the winter sun.

"Have you eaten?" Lu Jingxing stopped what he was doing and called Shen Qing.

"Have eaten," Shen Qing always responded obediently. When Lu Jingxing asked, she answered without any unnecessary words.

"Eat more," Lu Jingxing said, and then softly called, "Ayou."

"Huh?" Her tone was light, as if she was asking something.

"It's my fault that I made you suffer in vain," Lu Jingxing held the phone on the other side and sighed softly. He regretted that his intestines were blue. Why not just stay at home? It was so cold in the army that she almost froze to death.

In Shen Qing's eyes, Lu Jingxing was a strong and domineering person, and his tenderness was just a disguise, but at this moment, the tone in which he apologized to her tenderly was indeed true. It made her mentally shaken.

He is strong and domineering, but also tender.

He took things by force, but he also knew how to bow his head and admit his mistakes.

Shen Qing held the phone and couldn't return to her senses for a long time. She didn't come back to her senses until Lu Jingxing called softly on the other side.

"What are you thinking about?" Mr. Lu asked.

"No, colds and fevers are common when the seasons change. Don't worry about it," Shen Qing surprisingly comforted Lu Jingxing for the first time after their marriage.

Mr. Lu smiled faintly on the other side, and the soldiers on the other side passed by, almost blinding him.

Lord Yama of the Military Region laughed? It's really snowing in June and frost in August. It's very strange.

Lu Jingxing is very "beautiful", with a handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament. He has a royal aura around him. His every smile and every move is enough for people to imitate. Perhaps because he has lived in such a big environment since he was a child, he rarely reveals his true feelings. But only when facing Shen Qing, his every move was particularly real.

At this time, Mr. Lu was very happy.


Just because his wife seemed to be enlightened, this stone was heating up.

How difficult has it been along the way?

A stone in the Arctic zone is slowly developing into flint, like this. How can you really not like it?

"My girl has grown up," Mr. Lu said with a little pride in his tone.

His girl knows how to comfort people.

Isn't that just growing up?

Hearing this, Shen Qing's face felt hot. Lu Jingxing's words were so endearing.

She reached out and held the cold glass to cool down the heat in her heart. She was afraid that she would think too much and that she would lose her heart in this seemingly dispensable marriage.

If that were the case, what was waiting for her would really be nothing but hellish torture.

"Have a good rest at home these two days. Don't go out to blow in the cold wind. If you have anything to do, let Nancy and Liu Fei do it for you. They are both agile people. Let them help you with whatever you want to eat," Lu Jingxing On the other side, Shen Qing listened to her in a low and gentle voice.

Although I didn't agree, I remembered every word in my mind.

She was interested, but her face was still deserted.

"I'll be back the day after tomorrow," Lu Jingxing kept telling her.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"Don't forget me, Ayou, I am true to you." I want to be true to you in growing old together.

He is a nobleman by nature, low-key and rigid in character. He doesn't like to declare sovereignty in a high-profile way, and he doesn't like any external factors in his life.

But when faced with the fact that my home is too sweet, I am willing to accept external factors and give it a try.

She became a special case in his life.

Xu Shi knew Shen Qing Liangbo, so he reminded her not to forget him. After getting along with him several times, he also knew that Shen Qing would definitely be very well-behaved if you were in front of her, but if you were not there, God would Gao Huangdi is far away, and her tone of voice remains unchanged all year round. Unless you see her subtle expressions, you will never know which words she says are true and which words are false.

Maybe the coolness on the glass wasn't enough to cool down the fire in her heart, so she turned back to the coffee table and drank the half cup of cold water she had just finished before taking it away to calm down the fire.

Nancy came over from the dining room to see this and called out softly.

It happened to fall into Lu Jingxing's ears, and he asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Shen Qing glanced at Nancy with a frown, as if blaming her for making such a fuss, and then said to Lu Jingxing, "It's okay, the half glass of water on the coffee table was cold and I didn't notice to pick it up and take a sip."

She spoke softly, as if lying was commonplace.

Not surprising.

Lu Jingxing frowned on that side, stretched out his hand to dig at the table, pursed his lips tightly, and then said, "If you want to drink water, let Nancy warm it up."

"Yes," Shen Qing responded lightly.

The two chatted for a while, and Lu Jingxing urged her to take a nap later. Before hanging up the phone, he said, "Ayou, I'm sorry, you are sick and I'm not around. Don't blame me."

When Lu Jingxing finished speaking, Shen Qing froze in place for a long time without regaining consciousness. When he looked back, he found that his eyes were already wet.

In this life, only two people have said this to me, Shen Nanfeng and Lu Jingxing.

The former became her brother, and the latter was her legitimate husband.

Years ago, when she fell ill abroad, Shen Nanfeng said the same words in a low voice with a choked voice over the overseas phone.

These words happened nine years later.

Obviously she is only twenty-three years old, but she always feels like she has lived for thirty or forty years. The sun was shining high, and when the harsh sunlight hurt her cheeks, she slowly turned around and turned her back to the sunlight, which eliminated the uneasiness and turmoil in her heart.

That afternoon, Shen Qing leaned on the sofa with her eyes closed and almost fell asleep. If Nancy hadn't called her, she would have really dreamed of Duke Zhou.

She opened her hazy eyes, saw Nancy standing in front of her, and asked, "When?"

"Master Shen is here," Nancy replied, with a soft tone in her words, for fear of disturbing the half-asleep lady.

Hearing this, Shen Qing's heart skipped a beat, Shen Nanfeng?

"Let him come in." The guest is outside the door, and he cannot be driven away. If he is driven away in vain, how will everyone in Qinyuan view themselves?

When Shen Nanfeng came, she was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching Shen Nanfeng's car slowly drive into the courtyard, then pushed the door and got out of the car, entered the house, and walked toward her with eager steps; "Ayou."

This voice of Ayou exhausted all emotions.

Shen Qing looked back, glanced at him, then turned around and led him towards the study upstairs.

"I heard you were sick, I came over to take a look," Shen Nanfeng then entered the room and closed the study door, his worried tone unconsciously revealed.

"Are you okay? Ayou," he was asking.

"Very good," she said softly, deliberately concealing it.


"You shouldn't come," before Shen Nanfeng finished speaking, Shen Qing stopped him midway, with a cold tone in his tone. He shouldn't have come to Qinyuan,

Between them, if they see each other less often, who can keep their cold heart from being shaken if they see each other too many times?

For Shen Nanfeng, she knew very well where the boundaries were.

"I just came to see you," Shen Nanfeng said in a hurry.

"What about after reading it? Does it make you feel relieved or does it make me feel relieved?"

Unconsciously, she spoke in a high pitched voice, with a bit of excitement.

"Why bother? Between you and me, things have reached this point. Are you still thinking about any changes?" She didn't want to make her words too unpleasant, but many things can be treated as if they don't exist if you don't say them.

"Even if they are brothers and sisters, shouldn't the elder brother care about his younger sister?" Shen Nanfeng's eyes were filled with cruelty.

Hearing this, Shen Qing suddenly paused, and after a moment, he swept his fierce eyes towards Shen Nanfeng, brother and sister?

This rhetoric is absolutely appropriate and there is no excuse for it.

After a while, she looked up at the sky, and a chuckle overflowed from her lips, with sarcasm; "If you had thought this way earlier, you wouldn't have suffered so much that I lost my sincerity in vain. Shen Nanfeng, if I had known this, why bother?" ."

Why were you so focused on getting into a relationship with me in the first place? Why bother following me with all your heart, why should you?

When Shen Nanfeng saw her words of despair, his psychology seemed to be cut out with a knife, and even blood could not flow out.

After looking at Shen Qing for a long time, he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Brother and sister? Damn brother and sister.

The thing she regretted most in her life was following Tang Wan into the Shen family.

Brother and sister? He doesn't care about breaking the relationship between brother and sister.

"Ayou, you are not the only one who has lost his heart," Shen Nanfeng said bitterly after a long time.

For a moment, the air in the study was so quiet that you could even hear the breathing of the two of them. Shen Qing and he were standing on the other side of the bank. Both of them looked bad. Nancy knocked on the door and brought tea. The atmosphere in the house was strange, and she couldn't help but take a second look. But I saw that there was nothing unusual about the two of them except for their bad looks.

"Shen Nanfeng, the mistake between you and me is that you shouldn't have provoked me for no reason." She hated Shen Nanfeng. She knew that they were brother and sister from the beginning, but he still treated her like this and took away her life in vain. Sincerely.

Let her toss and turn for many sleepless nights.

"No, I, Shen Nanfeng, made the mistake in my life that I should not have followed Tang Wan into your Shen family." If I had not entered your Shen family, you and I would have been married long ago.

He didn't regret provoking Shen Qing, let alone appearing in Shen Qing's life.

Her existence made him know what love is in this world.

Even though he was only a teenager at the time.

"But now, it's too late." You have joined the Shen family, and I will marry someone else. After all, we can only be brothers and sisters.

There was a trace of regret in Shen Qing's words. Between them, it was finally too late. Everything was in the past and one day it would disappear.

Years ago, he first met Shen Nanfeng. He appeared in front of him wearing a custom-made uniform from an aristocratic school, a white shirt, and navy blue trousers. He was very clean, but he?

A dirty girl who just climbed over the wall with a group of friends.

At that moment, she felt that people like Shen Nanfeng were other people's children and should be kept away from.

When she first met Shen Nanfeng, Shen Fenglin and Tang Wan were in a relationship and were still unmarried.

After that, he became her little follower, following her everywhere.

She cried, she laughed, she made trouble, and he always protected her behind him.

Later, when Shen Feng was getting married, she saw a familiar figure from a distance in the wedding. She asked, but he refused to acknowledge it.

At that time, if he admitted it, she thought, she would definitely not be injured completely in this life.

When they first met, his name was Gu Nanfeng. When he said his name, she casually came up with a poem: [The south wind knows my intention and blows my dreams to Xizhou]

Gu Nanfeng, who was lowering his head to finish eating, raised his head when he heard this and looked into her clear eyes, and then said extremely calmly, "When my mother gave birth to me, the south wind blew, so my father named me Gu Nanfeng."

These words made all the friends who were eating laugh, and she was even more speechless.

When they first met, from the age of seven to thirteen, she called him Gu Nanfeng.

At the age of thirteen, when they first met at the Shen family's house, Tang Wan held her hand and told her that this was her brother, Shen Nanfeng.

The same person, but different names.

At that moment, she was like a thunderbolt, and she was stunned in place for a long time, unable to move.

Just as she was reminiscing about her past memories, she heard Ning Shen Nanfeng's unusually sure voice speaking in front of her; "I never regret meeting you, let alone appearing in your life, Shen Qing, you and I are only around twenty now, I don't know whether it's too late or not. I only know that as long as I am alive, I will love you for a day. You can marry someone else, but I can't marry another woman. I can only live alone and be with you for the rest of my life. Choose one, whether you admit it or not, it won't change the unforgettable past between you and me. The time spent on the battlefield is enough to prove everything, Ayou, you have already lost your heart once, Yu Lu Jingxing, don't be stupid."

Then, he left, extremely decisive.

Shen Nanfeng was very despicable, so despicable that even if she didn't get Shen Qing's love, she still wouldn't let Lu Jingxing, a man who appeared out of thin air, take advantage of the loophole. She had been hurt before, so she stuck to her weak heart and didn't dare to try easily.

Shen Nanfeng has known her well for many years and naturally knows her character. One sentence can prove everything.

When Lu Jingxing spoke to her dotingly, Shen Nanfeng's heart ached.

When Lu Jingxing held her hand and slowly left, he did the same.

When Lu Jingxing was nice to her, he felt terribly worried.

Years ago, he asked Shen Qing why she was special to him. She said that it was because she was better than him.

So many years later, what about a Lu Jingxing who was kind to her?

Will she treat Lu Jingxing the same way she treats herself?

What if it is?

He didn't dare to imagine or make random guesses.

Don't dare to belittle yourself in this weak relationship.

Come today, he came prepared.

In the afternoon, he wanted to go to Shengshi to visit Shen Qing, but unexpectedly he bumped into Zhang Yi who was coming back from outside. He blocked his way and asked about Shen Qing's current situation. She didn't hide anything, and directly told her that she was not feeling well and was on vacation recently.

Hearing this, he was shocked.


That afternoon, he sat in the car and thought about it for a long time before he set off towards Qinyuan.

I originally thought I would see Lu Jingxing in Qinyuan, but unexpectedly, I didn't bump into him.

From the beginning, he knew that Shen Qing's pain was just a pinch of salt in her past wounds. Today, he was here to provoke Shen Qing's wounds. He vowed to make Shen Qing bleed like a river and remember the pain of the past. , so as to avoid making the same mistakes as others. If she falls in love with others, what about herself?

What can you do if you keep your sincerity alone?

All he wants is Shen Qing.

And what about Shen Qing? She was carefully moving her broken heart towards Lu Jingxing, but Shen Nanfeng's scheming words stopped her from moving forward.

He was warning himself, opening his wounds and showing them, using bloody lessons to tell her not to be stupid or lose heart.

  Yes! If Shen Nanfeng hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have been tempted.

Lu Jingxing held himself in the palm of his hand again and again to comfort her weak and helpless little heart.

In the capital, when she was unilaterally crushed by His Majesty to despair, he pushed open the door and walked in. It was like a god coming. At that moment, she actually felt that Lu Jingxing was coming to save her from the fire and water, and she was very happy in her heart.

Lu Jingxing, such a strong-willed man, would give her a wild cat after she came back because she teased it in the Nancheng villa. Although he didn't like those furry things, he would get cold when those little animals got into his bed. She used to train others with a face, but now she is willing to keep one at home because she likes it.

Will hold her in his arms when she is shivering from the cold.

When she was having a rough time on the army bed, he would pull the thin quilt over her body from time to time to prevent her from freezing. He would tease her with soft words when she was upset.

These were all detailed after hanging up the phone with Lu Jingxing at noon. But now, these detailed benefits were overturned by Shen Nanfeng's words. He said, let her stop being stupid and lose heart.

These words are like a complete initiation,

It woke her up instantly and pulled her from the edge to the shore.

So timely, so quick.

Two hours after Shen Nanfeng left, Nancy opened the door and came in, only to see her sitting on the sofa in the study with tears streaming down her face. She didn't even notice that she had entered.

Nancy didn't dare to speak, so she called the servant to pick up Maomao, put it at the door, and let it run into the study.

I hope this little kitten can ease the heartbroken mood of the hostess.

Although I don't know what happened, I must know that this matter is related to the young master of the Shen family.

When Shen Qing was lost in thought, she heard a cat meowing, and then something furry came over under her feet. She was startled and looked down, only to see the little kitten gathered around her feet. She leaned over and picked it up. Stroking its soft fur.

It's great to be a cat. When you're happy, you can nuzzle others. When you're unhappy, you can hide in a cage.

In the evening, when Nancy came up, she still kept doing this. It wasn't until she called softly for the second time that Shen Qing looked sideways:

"What's the matter?"

"Dinner is ready, madam."

"I want to be quiet," he said clearly, today's dinner can be saved.

"Here. The husband asks about the wife's daily life every day. If the husband asks, it's hard for us to tell her, madam." Nancy hoped that she would change her mind. Otherwise, they really wouldn't be able to communicate with the husband.

Lu Jingxing asks about his diet and daily life every day?

This actually shocked Shen Qing.

"Your husband asks about my daily diet every day?" She seemed to not believe it and confirmed it again.

"Yes, ma'am," Nancy's words were full of respect.

This is what all the servants in Qinyuan are puzzled about, why their husband is so kind to his wife, but she still ignores him.

Is it because my wife doesn't know?

"Let's make some porridge!" She held her forehead and kneaded it slowly.

When she was hesitating, any words would become reasons and excuses to block her decision.

At the beginning of December, Jiangcheng International Airport was crowded with people. Not far away, a VIP channel ushered in a fiery figure with big wavy hair, an exquisite Chanel limited edition suit, a pair of ten-centimeter high heels, and large sunglasses. He hurried towards the exit, followed by two men in black pushing suitcases. Maybe he said something, which made the woman glare at them sideways.

Then continue to stride forward.

He got into a hot red Porsche parked on the roadside, stepped on the car door and drove away, leaving the two people behind him Yuanyuan.

This person, Fu Ranyan, the youngest daughter of the Fu family, is a well-known social butterfly in Jiangcheng's upper class circles.

Three months ago, because Lu Jingxing forcibly married Shen Qing, as Shen Qing's only best friend, she became furious and almost rushed to the army to chop Lu Jingxing into pieces. However, her parents stopped her and sent her abroad, threatening to brainwash her. On that day, her brother went abroad on a business trip and rescued her from the sea of ​​fire, and she was able to escape.

At this time, winter was approaching in Jiangcheng. She was wearing a Chanel suit and driving a hot red sports car through the city. Her first destination after returning home was to go straight to Qingshui Bay, but unexpectedly she missed it and stood at the gate of Qingshui Bay. Yi called, and when the call came over, Zhang Yi, who was applying a facial mask, was so frightened that he pulled off the mask on his face and said excitedly, "Are you always out of the mountains?"

"Exactly!" Miss Fu stood at the door of Shen Qing's house and looked like she had been a leader for hundreds of years.

"I thought you were going to stay abroad until you die!" Zhang Yi and Fu Ranyan have a good relationship, so there is less scheming in their words.

"Go away," Miss Fu rewarded her with a polite word, and then asked, "Where is Shen Qing?"

"Qinyuan," Zhang Yi informed.

"I'll go find her." The first thing she did when she returned home was to find Shen Qing, this woman with a vicious heart. She was worried about her, but she informed her brother to abduct her back.

Because I cared so much about her, I fed the dog.

"Alas." Before Zhang Yi could finish his words, he was picked up on the phone.

She wants to tell her that Qinyuan is not easy to enter!

At ten o'clock that night, a red sports car parked at the gate of Qinyuan. The woman in the car rolled down the window and talked to the guard at the gate. When she found that she could not enter, she straightened her face.

"Is Shen Qing inside?" Fu Ranyan was annoyed. This was the first time someone dared to stop her.

The guard at the door stood like a pine tree, not paying any attention to her words.

"I'm asking you something!" Fu Ranyanba asked in a high tone.

"Mute?" Seeing this, Fu Ranyan kept honking the horn and didn't believe it. No one cared about her yet.

I must see Shen Qing tonight. If I don't see her, I won't be able to sleep.

In this compartment, the bodyguard captain Liu Fei heard that someone was making trouble at the door, so he called three or five people to go. A group of people rode a heavy motorcycle in front of the car.

When they left, Shen Qing happened to be standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window playing with the kitten. Hearing the sound, he turned his head and asked Nancy, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, maybe something happened up front," Nancy finished, turned around and went to her seat, rang the intercom to ask about the situation, Liu Fei spoke on the other side, she nodded slowly, and informed Shen Qing of the situation; "There's someone making trouble at the door. ."

"Anyone else dares to come up and make trouble at the gate of Qinyuan?" Shen Qing seemed surprised. Who doesn't know that this is Lu Jingxing's territory?

Dare you come up and cause trouble? Have you eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage?

"This is the first time," Nancy was also surprised.

I'm afraid this person doesn't know whose territory this is.

Here, Fu Ranyan saw a cavalry team coming towards her in front, so she stopped the horn, looked at the other party and leaned over to ask herself, "Miss, did you run to the wrong place?"

"I'm looking for Shen Qing," Fu Ranyan said Shen Qing's name directly without talking nonsense to them.

Liu Fei frowned when he heard this, wife's friend?

It doesn't look like it. Although their wife has a cold temperament, she also seems to be a quality person. The shrew in front of her is not on the same level as their wife.

"I'm afraid you've come to the wrong door," Liu Fei said directly to chase them away.

"This is Qinyuan, right? I just want to find Shen Qing here." Wrong door? Want to fool her? They didn't know where Fu Ranyan was when she was fooling people!

"What do you want from our wife?" Liu Fei frowned. This woman is really difficult to deal with.

"She stole my man," Fu Ranyan rushed out, not caring about the explosive power of her words. She would not stop talking without shocking her words. She wanted to see Shen Qing today no matter what.

Sure enough, everyone in the group froze on the spot, and even the guard standing like a tree moved imperceptibly. The long-mouthed man looked at the arrogant woman in front of him in astonishment.

I was thinking about the coldness of this sentence in my mind.

Wife steals her man?

First, who is her man? gentlemen?

Secondly, if the man in her mouth is not Mr., then who is it?

This is breaking news.

I really want to gossip.

"Will you let me in? If you don't let me in, I'll force my way in," Fu Ranyan said harshly to Fang.

Upon hearing this, Liu Fei waved and summoned three or five people to pull her out of the car, then put her into the back seat and imprisoned her.

Qinyuan's bodyguard drove Fu Ranyan down the mountain in person.

Along the way, Fu Ranyan yelled and screamed, and her words of kidnapping and molestation made everyone's eardrums hurt. Will a group of men who have been surrounded by men all year round take pity on her?

She thought too much, so when Fu Ranyan lost consciousness, she realized it was too late.

In order to prevent his ears from being poisoned by her, Qinyuan's bodyguard knocked her unconscious.

If this woman is not thrown out, is it possible to keep her to stir up dissension?

The farce at the door lasted for nearly half an hour, so when everyone came back, Shen Qing had already gone upstairs to rest.

Liu Fei stopped at the door of the main house and asked Nancy; "Where is my wife?"

"Have a rest," Nancy responded lightly, and then asked, "What happened?"

"Arrogant people," Liu Fei said.

Tonight, the farce ended somewhat quickly.

He quickly said that Shen Qing had not had time to ask.

Mr. Lu from the Military Region Army received a call from Liu Fei and when he heard all the ins and outs, his face was so cold that he almost shed tears.

When Xu Han saw this, he quickly went out and took his cell phone to inform the bodyguards in Qinyuan.

These idiots dare to say anything.

Could it be that you are a fool to become a soldier?

"Say it again," Lu Jingxing said in a gloomy tone.

"What?" What did you say? Liu Feimeng was forced.

"What did that person say about his wife?" Lu Jingxing spoke clearly every word.

When Liu Fei heard this, he gasped and thought, it's over, he spilled the beans.

"Say," the words cannot be ignored.

"She said that his wife was stealing her man," Liu Fei said with his eyes closed and his heart turned aside. He said this in a numb voice and waited to receive the reward. After listening to this, everyone in the room gave him a thumbs up and smiled. With adoring eyes, I really dare to say, who in Qinyuan doesn't know Mr. Lu and his beloved Mrs. Lu? Did he borrow courage from God?

"Check," Lu Jingxing said the word "check" with gritted teeth.

Whether this matter is true or not, he must investigate it thoroughly.

It would be one thing if Shen Qingruo really stole her man.

But it's another thing for her to have the guts to speak out.

The Qinyuan bodyguards knew that this would definitely be another bloody storm.

That night, at half past eleven, Shen finished taking a shower and wiping his wet hair and was getting ready to go to bed. Unexpectedly, the phone on his bedside rang. He glanced at it, reached out to pick it up, and pressed the speakerphone button.

Lu Jingxing's gentle voice came from the other side: "Ayou, what are you doing?"

"Just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed."

"Is your cold better?" Lu Jingxing was standing under the moonlight with a cigarette between his fingertips. The smoke was lingering. His face was as dark as water, but when he spoke to his wife, his tone was unusually soft.

God knows how much pain he felt in his heart when he just heard your words.

Shen Qing snatched her man? It's not that she doesn't believe her, it's just that these words escaped her inexplicably.

He must find out who dared to cause trouble in front of his eyes and who dared to speak arrogant words in his family.

"It's almost there, nothing happened," Shen Qing stood up, holding the phone in one hand and putting the towel back in the bathroom with the other.

"Don't be careless," Mr. Lu reminded lightly.

"Yes, I know," Shen Qingqian replied, her tone calm.

If Lu Jingxing had called her in the afternoon, she would not have known how to answer it, but at this moment, she felt like she had suddenly realized it, as if she had figured it out in an instant.

Shen Nanfeng's efforts to sow discord in the morning were not in vain. At the very least, Mrs. Lu returned to her previous detachment and her words were as calm as ever.

Her heart, which was slowly approaching Mr. Lu, was pulling back little by little.

"Ayou, do you miss me?" Lu Jingxing raised his hand, took a puff of cigarette, opened his thin lips lightly, and squinted his eyes as the smoke filled the air.

Perhaps knowing that Shen Qing would not answer, he smiled and said, "What should I do? I miss Ayou," there was a slight smile and helplessness in his words.

It was really helpless. This girl narrowed his mind and thought about her all the time.

I clearly know that this girl has no intentions, but. Still willing to approach her, he wanted to hold her in his arms and knead her slowly.

He was afraid that he was poisoned by a poison called Shen Qing.

Tonight, I felt extremely heartbroken when I heard that man's words that I didn't know were true or false.

I dare not think about it, what if one day this girl really falls in love with someone else?

Thinking of this, he squinted his eyes and lightly lit the ashes.

No, no, no, he will never let this happen.

Any slender thing he feels will be killed in the cradle.

"Ayou," Lu Jingxing called softly on the other side after perhaps not hearing her response for a long time.

"Huh?" She responded lightly, raising her hand to touch her cheek, blushing.

"What did you eat for dinner?" he asked, seeming to be talking about the family's quarrels.

When Shen Qing heard this, he was stunned, no. Have you always only asked Nancy?

"I drank some porridge and wanted to eat some fruit, but Nancy wouldn't let me." The first sentence was considered a reply, but the last two sentences seemed like a childish complaint.

Lu Jingxing's originally gloomy mood was amused by Shen Qing's childish answer, and he said with a dull smile, "No, what kind of fruit do you want to eat? Let Nancy squeeze a cup of warm juice for you."

"Forget it," the original thing is always the best, and the processed one is always the processed one.

Shen Qing thought, maybe Nancy didn't tell him about Shen Nanfeng's visit today, otherwise how could he not even mention it until now?

"What's wrong?" Lu Jingxing was in a good mood. When he raised his eyes, he felt that the waning moon was particularly beautiful tonight.

"I don't want to eat it," Shen Qingqian responded, reaching out to lift the quilt and lie in, with her phone on speakerphone next to her.

When Lu Jingxing's sweet laughter reached her ears, she felt a little dazed.

She had seen Lu Jingxing's smile, which was so charming that the beautiful scenery eclipsed him. Tonight, he was in such a happy mood that his smile was also extremely beautiful.

How dare she lose her heart easily with such a person?

Lu Jingxing's existence is like the bright moon in the sky, unique and irreplaceable, dazzling from birth.

"If you are hungry at night, ask the night watch servant to get you something to eat," Lu Jingxing told her.

"Okay," she agreed softly.

"Lying in bed?" Mr. Lu asked after hearing her muffled voice.

"Well, lie down," she answered directly.

"Girl, tomorrow is Thursday," Mr. Lu reminded. He wished he could skip Thursday to Friday tomorrow.

These days are really extremely difficult.

How can a wicked person who has tasted fresh meat want to return to the days of eating vegetables every day?

If he were by your side at this moment, he would definitely be holding the girl in his arms and making love to her.

"Girl, do you blame me?" Lu Jingxing's sudden words were a bit baffling.

Shen Qing asked, unable to turn around, "Huh?"

Her words were spoken softly, as if she were asking.

"When people get married, newlyweds are tired of being together, but I let you stay alone in the empty room, even when you are sick. Do you blame me?" Mr. Lu's words were low, full of disappointment, as if he was blaming himself.

He blamed himself for not being able to give Shen Qing a good marriage and being by his side when she was weak.

You can't spend time with her every night to bring her to the top.

I even thought for a while that if he had taken care of Shen Qing for a long time, the relationship between the two would have been almost in harmony.

"No," she told the truth. Not only did she not blame Lu Jingxing, she also thanked him for giving her some breathing space.

So far, their marriage is neither good nor bad. Compared with those who are bad, they are good, but compared with those who are good, they are extremely bad. And marriage is like drinking water. You know, for now, it is a good thing for her that Lu Jingxing has been in the army for a long time.

She couldn't imagine that if a man like Lu Jingxing, who could advance or retreat, was by her side for a long time, her heart would have fallen. He was as gentle as the spring sunshine and warmed his heart, and as cold as the Antarctic ice and snow.

Lu Jingxing is a master at deceiving people.

How can ordinary people be his opponents?

"My good girl," Mr. Lu leaned on the balcony and smiled lovingly. At this moment, he wanted to take Shen Qing into his arms and ravage her. His little wife was so sensible.

Who said she was unintentional?

His lover obviously has intentions, but it varies from person to person.

Lu Jingxing didn't have high requirements for Shen Qing, as long as she focused on him, that was enough.

But even such a simple request is extremely difficult for Shen Qing.

She never thought about loving others.

How could he put his restless heart on someone else in a short period of time?

I'm afraid it can't be done.

Before Shen Nanfeng came, she thought, she could still consider it, but after Shen Nanfeng's words, everything seemed to be turned on the table, and it was no longer possible.