
Memoirs of the First Lady

[I, Lu Jingxing, will only protect Shen Qing in this life] Lu Jingxing is the ambitious young commander of the Jiangcheng Military District, wielding great power and influence. With his brutal methods, he has risen through the ranks quickly and earned a fearsome reputation. Shen Qing is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng City. As a renowned corporate strategist, she has turned around countless failing companies with her brilliant plans. The two people, who had nothing in common, accidentally ended up having a romantic affair on the balcony overnight. She said angrily: "You are a rapist. I am going to sue you and make you sit in jail." He lightly lit the ashes of his cigarette and said mockingly: "Do you know which way the police station door opens?" On the second day, the city was in a storm. The crown prince of country M and a certain girl had a romantic night on the balcony. On the third day, he appeared in front of her, took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the marriage report, and from then on, everyone respectfully called her Mrs. Lu. [No matter how much I, Lu Jingxing, seek in my life, I will only seek one Shen Qing]

Daoist41JuTq · Urban
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129 Chs

Chapter 115 It’s good to marry a little fool

That evening, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu rushed back to Jiangcheng overnight. When Su Mu saw off the plane, he took Shen Qing's hand and explained everything. She listened carefully and then agreed one by one. When the plane landed in Qinyuan, it was past eleven o'clock. It was a cold night. She was only wearing a woolen coat. The cold wind blew, biting the bone, and she shivered from the cold. She stretched out her hands to gather her coat and prepared to stride forward. , a heavy weight on my shoulders, a familiar smell rushed to my face and filled my nose.

Lu Jingxing took off his suit jacket, put it on her shoulders, reached out and took her into his arms, and said in a bad tone, "It's cold, please wear more clothes. Nancy didn't tell you?"

The former sentence is an explanation, and the latter sentence is a question.

"I told you," she agreed. "Why are you like a child who has to be reminded to add or remove clothes?" Mr. Lu's doting words rang in her ears, making her ears feel slightly hot.

Mr. Lu invisibly pampered Shen Qing, treating her like a daughter, but Shen Qing, who had never enjoyed the love of a loving father, couldn't bear this kind of favor. She didn't dare to ask for it. This kind of favor and care was too heavy. Tonight, I don't know whether it was the cold wind that made her shiver and stirred up her hard heart, or the warmth that Lu Jingxing gave her that shook her heart.

When Lu Jingxing came back, the Qinyuan servants were overjoyed. As military personnel, it was understandable that they were worried that something might happen to their husbands. Shen Qing glanced at him and remained silent with a slight smile. Then when Nancy spoke to Lu Jingxing Slowly turning around and going upstairs, she was not used to this scene of reunion after a long separation.

I simply stopped reading.

When Lu Jingxing was talking to Nancy, he saw her turn and leave, feeling lonely around him, as if the joy in the room had nothing to do with her. The corners of his mouth could not help but sink. "How is your wife at home lately?" Lu Jingxing looked away from her back and asked Nancy.

"It's the same as usual," Nancy agreed lightly.

As usual? Don't care where he goes? Mr. Lu frowned and pursed his lips, obviously displeased. After all, Nancy was a servant serving in a wealthy family, so her facial expressions were naturally first-rate. "It's just... my wife's appetite has not been as good as before recently, and she also goes to bed late at night. Sometimes Stayed up all night."

Mr. Lu would definitely not believe her if she said unrealistic words. He knew what his wife was like.

But speaking from the side, it just means that my wife has a talkative temperament, and even her worries are revealed from the side.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Lu nodded, indicating that he understood.

When Nancy saw this, she stopped talking.

In this room, Shen Qing went upstairs and placed Lu Jingxing's coat on the bench at the end of the bed. He turned and entered the bathroom, wanting to take a bath to wash away his fatigue.

The past few days in the capital had been almost like a year for her, especially after knowing their conspiracy. Although I don't like Qinyuan, in comparison at this time, Qinyuan is still much warmer.

When he came out of the bathroom wiping his wet hair, Lu Jingxing was sitting in the bedroom talking on the phone. He held a cigarette between his fingertips and reached out to light the ash in the ashtray. Shen Qing smelled the smell of tobacco in the room, which was a little dazzling. Yue, the bedroom is large, and she doesn't hate the smell of tobacco, but that doesn't mean she is willing to sleep in a room filled with the smell of tobacco.

When Lu Jingxing came out of the shower, he could only smell the smell of tobacco in the room. A cold wind blew in, which was slightly cool. He looked sideways and saw that the balcony door was wide open, and even the curtains were omitted. The cold wind blew directly into the room. He put the bottle into the room, blowing away all the heat from his body, and then came to see Shen Qing. At this time, he was sleeping under the quilt, even his head was tucked in.

She frowned, strode towards the balcony, reached out to close the balcony door, drew the curtains, went back to bed, and slipped Shen Qingti out from under the quilt, "Don't like the smell of tobacco?" "It's okay," she replied in a muffled voice. , his tone showed confusion. Lu Jingxing closed the window curtains and went to bed.

He reached out and pulled her into his arms. He naturally missed her after not seeing her for several days. But at this moment, Shen Qing was hazy, sleepy and helpless. Shen Qing leaned on his chest and listened. The sound of his strong heartbeat was like a lullaby, making him sleepy. Mr. Lu sighed helplessly, reached out and slowly pinched her palm, and then led her all the way down.

The sudden touch woke up the originally drowsy Shen Qing. She stood up suddenly and broke away from Lu Jingxing's arms. Her hazy eyes suddenly became clear and she looked at him with a defensive look. Mr. Lu saw that she was like a kitten that had been awakened. , with fear and defensiveness in his eyes, looking calm, "Silly girl, it's not illegal to touch me, why are you hiding so far away? Come here."

Lu Jingxing stretched out his slender hand, preparing to fish her over, but before he could touch her, he was blocked in mid-air.

"Be obedient," he looks cold-tempered, and his face is really pitiful.

Lu Jingxing felt that the greatest pleasure of being with Shen Qing was teasing her until she blushed. Where had he seen such a good scene in the past?

"Okay, I can't tease you anymore, come here quickly," Mr. Lu was very seductive. Mr. Lu, who usually wore short-sleeved shorts when sleeping, today put on a dark blue long silk-sleeved thick-faced pajamas. Now he was half-stretched on the bed looking at her. He could only use four words to describe her beauty. She had to admit that Lu Jingxing, wearing silky pajamas, really looked lazy, noble and elegant. Shen Qing never believed what Lu Jingxing said.

Everything he said needs to be taken into consideration.

Therefore, Mrs. Lu also held the same attitude today, simply pulling one corner of the quilt and lying on the edge of the bed.

Mr. Lu's mouth twitched as he watched.

What a little nerve.

Lu Jingxing injured his arm today and should not exercise strenuously. At this time, Shen Qing was lying far away and it was a bit difficult to fish her over directly. If the mountain is not mine, I will be the mountain. Mr. Lu moved towards her.

"I'll sleep under the bed while I'm hiding," he reminded her when he saw that she was restless.

"I said I won't flirt with you anymore, why don't I believe it?" He had no choice but to whisper his words in her ear. Not flirting? That's not what his body's instinctive reaction said. "Silly girl, when will you finally wake up?" Mr. Lu said with a sigh of *.

Then he let go of her, lay on his back on the bed, raised his eyes with one hand, and fell asleep like this. Hearing the gentle breathing behind him, Shen Qing's heart almost dropped. He was also very sleepy and fell into a deep sleep. That night, Mr. Lu couldn't bear it anymore and got up to smoke twice.

Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he finally endured it. Come on, the daughter-in-law you married has to endure tears in her eyes. Shen woke up late in the morning. Lu Jingxing came back from running and took a shower. She was about to open her eyes. She squinted and went to the cloakroom to change clothes. She saw Lu Jingxing shirtless and putting on a shirt after taking a shower. She was shocked to see that his wrist was bandaged and he was frozen in place. ,"You are hurt?"

When Mrs. Lu pushed the door open and came in, he knew it, but he couldn't hide it. He saw it all, so he put on his clothes quickly. "It's a small injury, it doesn't matter," he didn't seem to care, and his words were particularly gentle.

Seeing that she was still stunned, Lu Jingxing reached out and touched her somewhat lazy hair, and said softly, "Change and go downstairs for breakfast."

After saying that, not wanting to hear her talk, Shen Qing turned around and left the bedroom. Shen Qing realized that he was no longer there. Lu Jingxing didn't seem to be preparing to return to the army today. He was dressed in formal clothes and looked upright and elegant. He sat at the dining table to eat. His elegant movements could be called a real-life textbook. Seeing her looking at him, Mr. Lu smiled slightly and raised his eyes to look at her. , "Eat breakfast." A reminder brought Shen Qing back to his senses.

"Are you going to the company today?" Lu Jingxing asked. Before meeting Shen Qing, he would not talk during meals or sleep. After meeting Shen Qing, eating and sleeping became the only places where they communicated silently. If not at this time, Silent, I'm afraid they won't be able to say more than a few words a week.

"No," she replied, asking for a week's leave. "Yes," Mr. Lu responded lightly, took a sip of the milk, put the cup on the table with his slender fingers, and said slowly, "I'm going to the Cheng family in the morning. Are you at home or coming with me?"

"Cheng family?" she asked, Jiangcheng Cheng family? "Well," he agreed, "you should have business contacts in the mall."

"Oh~" There is only one person from the Cheng family in Jiangcheng who can be considered a respectable person, and an ordinary person is not qualified enough for Lu Jingxing to visit him personally.

"Let's go together?" Lu Jingxing asked, with a little expectation in his eyes.

Going to Cheng's house? She was afraid that she would be kicked out before she even reached the door. Who didn't know that she and the Cheng family had never gotten along? Not to mention that the Cheng family's case was dropped by him some time ago.

"No," she refused. Seeing the small amount of expectation in Lu Jingxing's eyes dimming, she explained again, "The Cheng family planning project has been hanging around with me for a few months. It would be embarrassing if I go there." Hearing this, Lu Jingxing smiled lightly. , his wife is really capable.

In this Jiangcheng, there are not many people who dare to air the Cheng family's planning plan.

I'm afraid I can count them all on one hand.

"Why are you airing the Cheng family's case?" Mr. Lu seemed to be interested, as if he wanted to have a good chat at the dinner table.

Shen Qing glanced at Lu Jingxing, and then said casually, "Most people in the mall are only interested in profit," including myself.

Of course, she didn't say the second half of the sentence. Shen Qing just said this, and Mr. Lu couldn't figure out the reason no matter how much he asked.

When leaving home, he told her, "The weather is nice. When there is no wind, let Nancy accompany you to the yard. Wear more clothes so you don't catch a cold. If you need anything, just call Xu Han or me." "

She agreed softly and watched him turn and leave.

This morning, she stayed on the sofa all morning. If Nancy hadn't come to remind her that the camellias were blooming in the backyard, she would still be sitting there reading a book.

"When was this courtyard built?" Shen Qing was curious about who built this miraculous courtyard. The garden villa in Qinyuan is like a clear stream in the forest. "It was built in the early years. I don't know exactly when. I just heard from my husband that this property is the property of the Lu family." Speaking of which, Nancy was not sure. She just heard her husband mention it by chance. The Lu family is huge. There is no way a servant like her would know.

Shen Qing nodded slowly when he heard the words and walked in the garden facing the almost noon sun. The sun bathed his body and was extremely warm.


Walking to this sea of flowers, the vision was in vain. It was bitterly cold in winter, but the camellias here were still full of vitality, giving people the warmth of the morning sun. Shen Qing paused for a long time, then raised his feet and walked towards the flowers. He raised his hands, slender His fingertips landed on the petals, caressing them slowly, and dropped a finger of pollen. "It's too late to come to such a wonderful place."

On this day, there was a woman in the tea garden in the backyard of Qinyuan. She had shoulder-length hair and was wearing a white coat. She was walking among the flowers, like a fairy in the flowers, raising her hand to touch her from time to time. Flowers, from time to time, stop in the bushes and linger among the flowers and leaves. He murmured something softly at the corner of his mouth, but before others could hear him clearly, everything was blown away by the cold wind.

After the tea leaves fade, no more flowers will bloom. The blooming of tea flowers signifies the end of a relationship. Love is overwhelming, which means that the most brilliant, prosperous or unforgettable love in life is about to be lost. What is left after prosperity may be decadence, or it may be dullness. The beauty at the end is always breathtaking.

The loneliness of Tu Mi is the most lasting, profound and unique among all flowers. Tea tea is the last flower that blooms in the flower season. After tea tea flowers bloom, there is no more fragrance in the world. Only the flowers blooming on the other side of forgotten past life are left. So some people say that the wings of flowers cannot fly until they die.

"It's time for the tea flowers to bloom," Shen Qing murmured unconsciously while standing among the flowers, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Although the white camellia flowers cannot be compared with other flowers in beauty, they are unique and beautiful, so proud and aloof. The beauty of the end is so prosperous. dead end? If she opens her heart, will Lu Jingxing be the end of her? OK. OK. In her mind, she slowly closed the slightly opened window.

"Madam, it's time for lunch," Nancy came over from a distance and called her softly. Hearing this, Shen Qing nodded slowly.

As I walked towards the main house, I didn't forget to look back a few more times. A gust of cold wind blew by, causing petals to dance lightly.

"If Madam likes it, you can come for a walk after dinner." Nancy said softly from one side.

"Yes," she agreed. On the way back, Shen Qing asked her casually, "Do you know who planted the camellias in this garden?" Shen Qing asked her casually on the way back. "I don't know," Nancy replied, they were already there when she came.

"Qinyuan has seasonal flowers that bloom twelve months a year. Every place is located in the garden. If your wife likes these flowers and plants, she can walk around in the garden when the flowers bloom," Nancy simply said. My wife likes these flowers and plants.

Among the tea flowers, there was a woman with lowered eyes and a faint smile, which really shocked the whole world.

"Nancy, have you ever heard of the camellia, the flower of the dead end?" she asked. "I've heard that the tea flowers bloom and open up strange roads," Nancy agreed gently. Hearing this, Shen Qing raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

When she was young, she was with the old man and accompanied him on a trip to Nancheng. There was a famous scenic spot there called Tianya Haijiao. As a young person, she felt that the meaning was beautiful and she could go see it and feel it.

However, the old man blocked her movement. After asking her later, she learned that it turns out that "Tianya Haijiao" means the end of the world, which is quite taboo for the elderly. Furthermore, the old man likes flowers and plants, and most of the yard is filled with various potted plants. Bonsai, only the tea vines are missing.

Just because the old man said that when the tea flowers bloom and the tea flowers bloom, everything is coming to an end. He doesn't like it because this flower has a bad meaning. The Lu family, the powerful family that controls the destiny of the country, should be more taboo about these things, but unexpectedly, she saw a large number of tea flowers in Qinyuan Garden, and they were in full bloom. "It's time for the flowers to bloom," Shen Qing murmured, taking over Nancy's words. This time, Lu Jingxing did not return to the army when he came back.

Instead, he went to Cheng's house. Cheng Zhongran, the eldest son of Cheng, has been a good friend in the military for many years. He has been on a mission for several months and only came back a few days ago, and he returned injured. As a good friend, he should come and see. Although the Cheng family knew that the two were good friends in the military, soldiers were more cautious in doing things and the two rarely met at home. Lu Jingxing's visit today really scared the Cheng family.

At this time, Cheng Zhongran was recuperating at home and saw his friend Lu Jingxing coming over. The two stepped forward and gave each other a manly hug.

"How is the injury?" Lu Jingxing didn't have many friends, but Cheng Zhongran was one of them. "It's a small injury. It will take some time to recover. But for you, I heard that you went to the border with Lao Yu and the others?" Cheng Zhongran asked while leading him to the living room. "Resolve some things," he said bluntly, without any concealment. Cheng Zhongran sighed when he heard this, and then watched the servant put the tea cup in front of him, "It's good to solve it, so that he won't worry about it. Is anyone hurt?" Lu Jingxing picked up the water glass in front of him and took a sip of water and said, "They're all just like this. Slight injury, nothing to worry about."

Among soldiers, as long as they cannot die, they are only slightly injured. "You were sent to Jiangcheng within a few months of my mission, and you even got married, so fast." The two of them sat together and reminisced about the past, and it was inevitable that they would chat about various topics for a while. Lu Jingxing's marriage was rumored throughout the upper circles of Jiang City and even the country.

Shen Qing, the daughter of the richest man in Jiang City, was a well-known presence in the entire Jiang City. She was famous for her ruthless methods and her ability to push people into desperate situations step by step. Lu Jingxing smiled lightly, and then said, "I met him," his words were frivolous, with a hint of helplessness, as if he had met him directly, and he didn't expect it.

Some people you meet are lifelong friends. When fate comes, everything goes as it should.

It just happened, just like a story. The preface is enough, and the hero and heroine of the story should come out. "Mrs. Lu is a well-known person in Jiangcheng. I heard my dad talking about her last night," Cheng Zhongran did not hide his family's evaluation of this good friend's wife.

"Oh?" Mr. Lu raised an eyebrow.

Mrs. Lu was still talking to him about the Cheng family's problems this morning. "They are all good words, words of appreciation," Cheng Zhongran couldn't help but laugh when he saw her frivolous eyebrows. He didn't see Shen Qing often. When he was young, he heard his brother often mention Shen Qing. Later, when he became an adult, he heard it from his father.

The difference was that the Shen Qing mentioned in the two words sounded to him like they were not the same person.

The Shen Qing described by his younger brother is completely insane.

The Shen Qing described by his father was quite ruthless and cruel. Mr. Lu smiled slightly, his wife was naturally a good friend. "How do you feel after marriage?" Cheng Zhongran asked funnyly. After hearing this, Mr. Lu thought about it for a while and then responded, "It's like playing with each other, like grinding, and when you meet your opponent in chess, you have concerns."

Feelings after marriage? Before he could think about it carefully, sometimes he wanted to hold her in the palm of his hand and hurt her hard, sometimes he wanted to teach her a lesson so that she would remember it for a long time. Every smile was enough to make his heart flutter, and he liked to tease her the most. Only in this way could she see her little daughter's shyness.

Cheng Zhongran gave a thumbs up to express his great admiration. The two chatted happily. There was a sound of traffic at the door, and his younger brother Cheng Boran came in. During the introduction, he told him that the person opposite was interviewing Jiangcheng's recently famous military region major general Lu Jingxing, with a hint of teasing in his tone.

Cheng Boran heard this and stretched out his hand to shake it back; "Young Master Lu, I have admired your name for a long time, but I didn't expect you to be my brother's friend."

"Yeah," Lu Jingxing responded lightly, retracting his hand at the right time. "Are you Shen Qing's husband?" Cheng Boran originally wanted to go upstairs, but as he was walking, he suddenly remembered something and looked back at Lu Jingxing, his eyes filled with surprise and his tone shocked. Such an uneducated tone not only did not displease Lu Jingxing, but instead he smiled and nodded; "Yes."

"It's hard for you to get married to a crazy person," Cheng Boran looked at him with a look on his face as if he had worked hard for you and was doing harm to the people. "Your wife and my brother are classmates," Cheng Zhongran kindly reminded from one side.

After hearing this, Lu Jingxing suddenly realized that this was the case. "Speak well," the Cheng family has two sons. The eldest son is mature and stable, while the second son is a carefree and full-of-character second ancestor. The two are far apart and have extremely different personalities.

"Ah, sorry, that's too much. We used to call her Nervous. Shen Qing, Nervous, catchy." Cheng Boran immediately became honest after being glared at by the boss. He touched the back of his head and stood on the stairs to explain, smiling coquettishly. "Why don't you shout now?" Lu Jingxing was quite interested in Shen Qing's past events. I'm afraid no one in the Shen family can tell her past past, but what she didn't expect was that Cheng Zhongran's younger brother turned out to be her classmate, which was really a coincidence.

"She is different now than before," Cheng Boran saw Lu Jingxing asking, so he simply walked to the sofa to chat with him. "Shen Qing used to be like a gardenia, pure and fair. Although she was a rich girl, she didn't have the airs of a wealthy lady. She was not as delicate as other girls. Instead, she often beat others with us, several times. Aunt Shen came over from beating us to asking the parents. She was very gentle and helped us solve the problem every time.

Later, Aunt Shen and Mr. Shen passed away one after another, and she changed. We all felt it. We couldn't see her all day and said In a word, no matter how much you talk to her, she remains silent and silent. Then she went abroad and we lost contact. Later, I heard from friends intermittently that her life abroad was not easy. After the contact was broken, Shen Qing was no longer the same Shen Qing who would beat up others with us when she came back. She was taciturn, cruel, and did not miss old feelings. She was quite heartless anyway." Cheng Boran was speechless secretly when he said this. "Why are you so heartless?" Cheng Zhongran was curious, how could a girl in her teens or 20s be so heartless?

"Han family, you know? The second child of the Han family is our classmate. The second year after Shen Qing came back to settle in Shengshi, he personally forced the Han family into bankruptcy. The second child of the Han family knelt down and begged her to kowtow to her. She was indifferent, and instead intensified. He will also send his classmates to prison in person, with a life sentence," Cheng Boran said with a chill in his heart. People's hearts have changed, and no one is the same person anymore.

Hearing this, Cheng Zhongran was secretly stunned. This girl is really cruel and ruthless. "Shen Qing was twenty years old that year. She returned from studying abroad and settled in the prosperous age. Those of us who will follow the growth path are still young college students. She mercilessly pushed people into desperate situations, which shows that she is ruthless." Cheng Boran seemed to have forgotten. , the person sitting opposite was Shen Qing's husband, so he said the words without thinking, and bit his tongue secretly after he said it, don't offend the prince. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but lean against his brother.

Cheng Zhongran glanced at his coward brother, his eyes flashed, and then asked, "Didn't I hear you talk about the scandal last time?"

Shen Qing's scandal? Cheng Boran glanced at his boss with a look of astonishment on his face. Boss, it's not good to talk about the scandal in front of her husband, right? He held his tongue and didn't dare to speak!

If this... offends Mr. Lu, he will die without a complete body! "It's okay, just tell me, your brother and I have been friends for many years and we won't do anything to you," Lu Jingxing couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he saw his appearance, which aroused his appetite. Scandal? Their girl has such a cold temperament, he really wants to know who can spread scandals with her. "I don't know either! I heard from people outside that Gao Yi'an originally had a fiancée, but later broke the engagement because of Shen Qing. Anyway, there was a lot of noise outside, so I don't know whether it's true or not," Cheng Boran said while shrinking. Holding the neck. Hearing this, Cheng Zhongran's head hurt. His brother really had a bad brain. How could he believe such a thing? Lu Jingxing naturally had the same idea as Cheng Zhongran. No one with good knowledge would believe the special methods used in shopping malls. This kind of thing spread very little except for the gossip girls in the wealthy families, and then there were those who had no experience in the world. A deep child.

From this point of view, Mr. Lu still thinks that Shen Qing of their family is better. Although they are the same age, Shen Qing sees things more clearly and further than others.

After driving Cheng Boran away, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. Instead, Cheng Zhongran said, "I heard a lot of people say that your family is very clever."

In this Jiangcheng, there are inevitably people arranging Shen Qing.

"Don't outsiders also say this about me?" Lu Jingxing asked with a smile.

It just so happened that the two of them got together as a family, which was great.

"That's true," Cheng Zhongran nodded, with a slight smile on his face.

The first time he saw Lu Jingxing, he remembered the scene he saw in the hospital that day, the man's decadence and the woman's cold tears.

If Shen Qing was said to be ruthless, he might have believed it before seeing this scene, but after seeing her cry sadly, he only felt that this girl was not ruthless.

However, it would be extremely difficult for my friend to leave in this marriage.

That morning, Lu Jingxing had a brief chat with his friends at Cheng's house. When Mr. Cheng came back after receiving the news, he got up and was about to leave. Mr. Cheng invited him to stay for lunch, but before Lu Jingxing could refuse, Cheng Zhongran directly refused on his behalf.

Cheng Zhongran stood at the door before turning around for a moment. He didn't say much about other people's family matters, even if the other person was his good friend.

When Lu Jingxing left in the morning, he said he would go back to Qinyuan to have lunch with her in the afternoon, and it was just the right time before he headed back home.

Along the way, he passed by a pet shop. Lu Jingxing called to stop the car. He sat in the car and stared through the window for a long time, then opened the door and got out of the car, heading towards the pet shop.

After staying for a while, I came out with a cage in my hand.

Xu Han glanced at his boss from time to time along the way, as if the person sitting in the back seat was not his boss. Mr. Lu today is particularly different.

At noon that day, when Shen Qing and Nancy turned around to go back to the house, Lu Jingxing was on his way back. He went in and sat on the sofa and waited for a while before seeing him slowly coming. Lu Jingxing seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Shen Qing Sitting on the sofa, he drank water from a cup. Then, he put his slender hands behind his back and stepped towards her.

"Ayou," he called, his tone cheerful.

Shen Qing raised his eyes, seemingly curious as to why Mr. Lu was in such a good mood today.

Clear eyes fell on Mr. Lu's face. He lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek. Then he slowly put his hand in front of her, and found a medium-sized kitten in his palm.

The hint of surprise in Shen Qing's eyes was caught by Lu Jingxing.

The always-white Jinjila stood between Lu Jingxing's generous palms, with its snow-white coat and nice tight texture.

She never liked cats, but she was more or less surprised when such a little kitten suddenly appeared in front of her. She stretched out her hand to take the cat from Lu Jingxing's hands, put it on the sofa, and watched it stumble around. Walking on the sofa, my heart softened.

"Like it?" Mr. Lu asked, sitting next to her face to face. "Yeah," Mrs. Lu didn't hide her affection. "Silly girl," he reached out and lifted the broken hair behind her ears.

"If you like it, keep it well." Mr. Lu didn't want any cats or dogs to appear in Qinyuan, but he thought that Mrs. Lu saw that little wild cat in Nancheng some time ago and liked it so much that she passed by a pet store today and thought about buying one. He only came back to stay with her, so that he would not be lonely at home while he was in the army. Mr. Lu is so attentive. "Yes," Mrs. Lu agreed, reaching out and touching the little kitten. When Mr. Lu saw this, he couldn't help but sigh, then he took her hand from the kitten, looked at her seriously and said solemnly, "Don't let him enter the bedroom."

He didn't want to see this thing on the bed. Mr. Lu began to make rules. She could keep cats and dogs at home according to her preferences, but that didn't mean she could let those little things climb into her bed. "Jinyan said that you can let dogs into the bedroom when you are in the capital." Mrs. Lu was a little dissatisfied. Why should there be one rule in each place?

Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "That's because I can only let it walk on the floor and not go to bed. How can you do that?" People who can even hug a wild cat to the bed should have a clean domestic cat. Can't you sleep with me every day?

Mrs. Lu said that she could, but cats are not as obedient as dogs.

On this day, Mrs. Lu, who had always been taciturn, was coaxed by a cat. When its furry little body was swinging by her legs, she felt soft in her heart. Mr. Lu sat on one side and looked at the man with a smile on his face. Mrs. Lu felt extremely warm in her heart.

"Think of a name," Mr. Lu said, noticing how much she liked it. "Maomao?" He has long hair all over his body, so he lives up to his name.

When Mr. Lu heard this, he raised his hand and clenched his fist to cover his lips, hiding the smile at the corner of his mouth. It was very good. Mrs. Lu's unconcerned look was an eye-opener for him. "Why call it Maomao?" Mr. Lu couldn't help but ask. "Full of hair," Mrs. Lu replied.

On this day, Mr. Lu secretly decided that if he had a child in the future, he would have to choose the name himself. His girl is not suitable for doing such brain-consuming things. "Then call her Maomao," although Mrs. Lu forgot that basically all animals are suitable for this name.

Because he is covered in hair, he is called Maomao? Good.

It would be nice to marry a little fool. "Eat first," Mr. Lu called the maid to put the cat away, took Mrs. Lu's hand into the bathroom, and rubbed her hand several times before stopping.

"Remember to wash your hands after touching Maomao in the future," he reminded her when he wiped her hands with a towel.

"Yes," Mrs. Lu agreed. "Did you go to the tea garden in the backyard this morning?" Lu Jingxing asked softly.

"I've finished reading," she replied, reaching out to dry her hands out of the towel. Lu Jingxing handed the towel to the servant on the side and led her to the dining room, "How's the view?" He knew there was a tea garden in the backyard, but he had never been there because he didn't have time.

"The flowers are blooming very well," Mrs. Lu agreed softly.

"Will you accompany me for a walk after dinner later?" Mr. Lu looked at her with a sideways smile. "You haven't been there?" Shen Qing was a little surprised.

"No." "Then how do you know...," There are camellias in the backyard?

Hearing this, Lu Jingxing smiled slightly and reached out to touch her head, "Silly girl, you can't even figure out what's in your own home, and you still call it home?" Do you really think that everyone is as unworried as you are? Lu Jingxing almost didn't say these words. Hearing this, she bit her lips and said nothing. How could she not know that Lu Jingxing was talking about herself? She has never been able to figure out what Qinyuan has.

Lu Jingxing said this to her.

"Okay, let's eat first." Mr. Lu saw her pursed lips and said nothing. Knowing that he had offended her again, he quickly changed his words.

"Are you and the second child of the Cheng family classmates?" During the meal break, Lu Jingxing started to chat with her briefly. "Who?" She was stunned for a moment, classmate? Apart from Zhang Yi and Shen Nanfeng, there should be no one else in contact with her classmates in Jiang Cheng. "Cheng Boran," Mr. Lu did remember his name.

"Oh~" She understood, "It's a classmate." "Why did you think of studying abroad?" Lu Jingxing was very curious as to why a thirteen-year-old girl would resolutely study abroad.

Study abroad. Why? In order to escape from the people he didn't want to face, he couldn't say this to Lu Jingxing. "Be famous early," I originally wanted to say this sentence in a humorous tone, but when it came to Shen Qing's mouth, it changed.

"I was admitted to Stanford at the age of 13. I am indeed famous." Lu Jingxing could not deny that one day after marrying Shen Qing, he was in the army and read the Jiangcheng report from many years ago in detail. Her wife, That year in Jiangcheng, there was indeed a big storm. "I'm afraid that many other people's children will hate you at that time," Mr. Lu teased. Children are often the most annoying when it comes to other people's affairs. Shen Qing should have been this kind of person when he was a child.

"Who knows!" Mrs. Lu smiled slightly, put a mouthful of rice into her mouth, and chewed it carefully. She never wanted to be someone else's child, she just wanted to escape from that place. She avoided things that outsiders flocked to like snakes and scorpions. Everyone made every choice willingly, or had no choice but to leave her for 13 years. The place is a last resort. Many people have asked her this question, but she has never told anyone the truth. As long as she knows the past buried in her heart, she will suffer by herself. The card in the past cannot be turned over without turning over it. turn. The one who feels sad when it comes out is himself.

Success and fame at a young age did not bring her many benefits. On the contrary, it only made her see clearly the harshness of the world earlier, the warmth and warmth of people's hearts, and made her hate and reject the world earlier.

I was only a teenager when my dirty side appeared in front of me. Now I am 20 and 3. The years have been ups and downs, and my life has never been quiet.