
chapter 2

That was the first vivid memory in my mind for a long time, before I remembered what came before. But for years the earliest memory I could remember was that Eagle. That wretched, monstrous Eagle.

It haunted my dreams and nightmares. My days and my nights. My deaths and my lives. All perversed by that eagle...

The next thing I remember after that Eagle was.....



I woke up with my face in sand. Sands that where darker than the starless night above.

I got up and sat up on my knees.

A series of rapid breaths were taken by me, shaky and inconsistent, as I greedily drank in the air around me not caring about the scorching sand that filled my mouth along with it, until I was forced to cough out the sand.

But along with the sand came out a conspicuous amount of blood and seemingly bits of chunky flesh.

Then I began to vomit, I had instinctively placed my hands on the scorching sands to stabalize my body, as i vomited. What came out was not food, but blood and chunks of my organs, this caused my vomiting to intensify until the black sands in front of me turned a dark crimson.

The stench was like rotting flesh that was being cooked, causing me to retch, but my body had been emptied by the constant vomiting that had continued for the past minutes ceaselessly. I instinctively knew this was the damaged bits of my body.

The corner of my eyes had already began to be invaded by darkness due to lack of oxygen. So I began to breathe again still on my knees, with bits of my organs in a pool of my blood underneath me.

As I began to regulate my breathing my arms began shaking as did my body. Constant shivers of pain wracking my body as if a horde of giant centaurs where rampaging wildly through my body, destroying all within sight.

My arms began to give way, I collapsed into the pool of gore turning on my side, wrapping my knees in my arms, curling my body up into fetal position.

I began to sob

Tears streaked endlessly from my eyes, having turned red from the vessels in my eyes bursting from the pressure of the vomiting and the pain, leaving my already blood soaked face with streaks of brighter red.

My sobs turned into wails, tears of blood forming a river escaping my eyes endlessly.

My screams echoed across the endless dunes of darkness the pervaded my surroundings.

I lay there curled, crying my pain out.

I had already lost all sensations in my body, from the heat of the sands burning my body, so I missed the slight vibrations and the rolling of the sands around me. But even if I had noticed them I wouldn't have been able to extricate myself from my own pain.

Then a very silent rumbling began, rippling through the eerily silent desert, through which seemingly even the wind fears to travel through.

The sands in a circular fashion 15 meter's around me began to cave in. The faint rumbling continued as a wall of onyx enveloped my surroundings in a perfect circle, seemingly growing endlessly upwards until it would touch the night sky.

At that moment, if I had looked up at the sky I would have seen a single star flicker, it's light flashing down on the endless darkness that devoured this planet. Before disappearing. As if to say goodbye.

As the walls grew endlessly higher, a deap pounding echoed inside, as if the heart of some monstrous entity had began to beat.

Then came gravity the maw of the creature arced towards the dark desert before plunging into the sands leaving no disturbances in the sand. At that point I had reached the stomach of the worm disintegrating instantly without a trace of my body left behind.


please leave a comment on how I could improve, all tips appreciated