
Memoir of the Death God

Soul Society is a place known to cater to the souls of the dead. Various beliefs teach everyone to do good so they can end up in heaven, but Soul Society is anything but heaven-like. Governed by the Shinigami, who possess human desires, ugly things happen in Soul Society. Kurosaki Ichigo is a young man who is forced to become a Shinigami by the situation and remains one to save his friend. In a battle that almost costs his life, a small part of his dormant soul awakens. He is born anew. With a past that is riddled with death, he bears great displeasure toward how the Shinigami rule over Soul Society. Armed with the knowledge to reach his full potential and beyond, he is determined to change the world. How will Soul Society react to his goal? Will he remain a fearsome ally or a domineering foe?

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

A Week in Soul Society (3)

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


After taking Rukia to the Fourth Division's barrack to be tended to by the nurses, Ichigo came to the Study Chamber, following Kisuke's request. Upon reaching there, he found Yoruichi slapping Kisuke while holding his collar. A smile crept up Ichigo's face. He had always liked the dynamic between the two. It was both exciting and sobering that he could see their bickering directly as opposed to behind the screen.

'I hope I am not just high and on the brink of overdose.'

Letting his presence known, he caused Yoruichi to let go of Kisuke. She greeted him and then distanced herself from Kisuke. Freed from his torture, Kisuke nursed his aching jaw. He knew Yoruichi was just joking, but it quite hurt. It made him wonder if she was serious sometimes. When Ichigo was in front of him, he righted himself.

"I lied!" he exclaimed cheerfully as if he had just won a Nobel Prize.

"I know," Ichigo conceded. "What are you going to do about it?"

Kisuke gave Ichigo the stink eye while pouting. He was disappointed to find that Yoruichi was right: Ichigo had changed.

"Awh, I will never be able to get funny reactions out of Ichigo-kun any longer," he lamented. "I am very sad!" Receiving Ichigo's unamused stare, he cleared his throat and got serious. "Anyway, for your question, I don't know what to do about it. I have been trying to destroy it for a century to no avail."

"Can you keep it?"

Kisuke instantly narrowed his eyes. "I can, but prove me wrong, Kurosaki-san. You are not planning to use it, are you?"

"I am not, but who knows that a situation that forces us to use its help may happen in the future?" Ichigo explained with a light frown.

Kisuke's eyebrows rose. "As the creator, I don't even know what it might do to its user. I never use it for a reason, you know?"

"I am just saying." Ichigo shrugged.

Kisuke gazed at Ichigo critically before eventually sighing. "Even if the situation forces it, I advise you to not use it. It is, after all, still incomplete and I don't want to complete it."

Ichigo knew the atrocity that was done to create an incomplete Hōgyoku. Kisuke used to be an amoral individual, but the life he had so far had given him some compassion. Ichigo understood his reluctance. He also didn't want Kisuke to create another Hōgyoku. He was not crazy for power. Besides, he had a possible way to perfect the Hōgyoku without creating another one.

"Anyway, how long will it take my body to adjust to my Reiatsu?" Ichigo inquired, waking Kisuke from his reverie.

Humming to himself, he said, "The fastest is one week and the latest is one month. If you learn to control your Reiatsu, you may even get back to the human world faster."

"I will never be able to control my Reiatsu properly without balancing every power I have in me. I need to awaken my Quincy power."

Kisuke already knew that Ichigo knew he was part Quincy from Yoruichi. Despite that, he still couldn't help being astounded. Yoruichi said that he changed after his fight with Kenpachi. He theorized that something must have happened to his soul. Kisuke wondered if his interaction with his Zanpakutō was the cause. It happened quite often, after all.

"Your Zanpakutō seems to be very cooperative. Very few of them are willing to reveal things they know but you don't without a certain, sometimes excessive, test," he remarked. "Interesting."

"I need an Echt Quincy to inject his Reiryoku into my vein," Ichigo said, ignoring Kisuke's desire to probe for more information.

"The only Echt Quincy I know is Ishida Ryūken-san, but I think it would be better if you ask Ishida-san to request his father's help. I don't think he will be pleased to have a Shinigami knocking on his door and asking for a favor."

"I know. I am just informing you."

Kisuke sighed dejectedly before pointing his skewer at Ichigo's chest. As Ichigo felt some of his Reiryoku being pulled into the skewer, a reddish-black line climbed the skewer. Kisuke pulled the skewer back as soon as the line reached the other end of the skewer and then put it into his robe. Nodding at Ichigo, he told him that the procedure was done.

They got out from the Study Chamber and then headed to the Senkaimon. Yoruichi decided to stay for another day, so Kisuke returned to the human world by himself. Eyeing Ichigo curiously, she asked him what he was going to do. He informed her that he wanted to talk to Uryū about his father. She nodded and then bade him goodbye. She wanted to bother a certain petite Captain.

After two days of convincing Uryū, Ichigo eventually managed to make him swallow his pride and talk to his father. Today was the day for Uryū to convince his father to help Ichigo, so being a good friend, he was seeing Uryū off. Standing before the Senkaimon, Uryū scowled as he looked at Ichigo who had Retsu on his side. He couldn't believe he had agreed to help the person who sent him on a bothersome errand just before having a date.

"We may not have any blood relation whatsoever, but our family is close. We might as well think of ourselves as cousins," Ichigo said, unaware of Uryū's irritation. "Just tell your father that Kurosaki Masaki's son is asking for a favor. Given his love for you and the good relationship he had with my mother, he would likely agree to your request."

"As far as I am concerned, Kuro—"


"—Ichigo," Uryū corrected himself with a twitching lip, "you could have come to the human world yourself in your spirit form. If our family is as close as your claim, Ryūken will immediately agree to your request upon seeing you."

"Now, now, Uryū, that won't do. My strong Reiatsu will only unnecessarily attract Hollows and affect humans in ways that we may not want to hear," Ichigo lectured, further irking Uryū.

Clicking his tongue, Uryū fixed his glasses and then turned around. "I won't promise anything."

"Thank you."

As Uryū disappeared into the Senkaimon, the faint smile on Ichigo's face slowly disappeared. Retsu had decided to have their date today. He had expected her to forget about it, but he was wrong. She was quite excited about it if her smile was any indication. He returned her smile and then walked away from the Senkaimon while asking her which part of Seireitei was worth visiting.

'She might be just messing with me. Ah, I have figured it out! She must relish in my hidden apprehension. I shall enjoy this date to make it uncomfortable for her. You will not win against me, Unohana Retsu!'

Ichigo entirely forgot his resolve to not enjoy his date with Retsu. Retsu informed him later that there was not much to visit in Seireitei other than division barracks and noble residences. She suggested they visit Rukongai, but warned him that some of the people might not like him. Being the smart man he was, Ichigo said that he only needed her to like him.

Retsu took a couple of seconds to recover from her surprise. She smiled gently at Ichigo before leading him outside Seireitei. Using Shunpō continuously, it only took them ten minutes to get out. Retsu noted the fact that Ichigo was barely winded as they sped through Rukongai. It was an amazing feat as using Shunpō continuously like that strained the body.

After a few minutes of running, they reached the mountainous area of West Rukongai's Third District, Hokutan. The civilization was left behind, but Ichigo admitted that its nature's beauty was better than most places in the human world. They walked around the place before settling down the moment they encountered a waterfall near the valley.

Upon sitting down, Retsu eyed Ichigo curiously. "So, what are we going to do now?"

Ichigo faced her and then flashed a soft smile. "I don't know. There is nothing much to do in this place. I could have shown you around, trying a lot of things, if this was the human world. In this place, I am totally clueless." Leaning on the tree behind them, he added, "Though, we may converse and get to know each other better here."

"I see…" Retsu pondered to herself for a moment before shooting Ichigo a lost look. "I don't have much to share. I can only share you as much as everyone in Seireitei knows about me."

"Then, why don't we do something fun?" Ichigo quirked an eyebrow with a suave smile.

A hint of blush appeared on Retsu's face as she asked, "What is it?"

"What about releasing our frustration by firing off Hadō? The catch is I don't know any Hadō yet, there is a high chance of my being harmed."

Ichigo realized how weird his suggestion was, but he didn't care. He was determined to enjoy his date, so he would enjoy it in his way. In other words, he was going to learn any Hadō that Retsu used and honed his battle instinct. He was sure Retsu would not be able to enjoy herself and relish in his denial.

Unfortunately for him, he forgot that Retsu was not a normal woman. She enjoyed their bout as much as he did.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Adan Smith

Venerable Immortal Haider Alkefaji

Venerable Immortal B0mbaCl0ckBob

Venerable Immortal Jack Wright

Venerable Immortal SilverWolf