
Memoir of the Death God

Soul Society is a place known to cater to the souls of the dead. Various beliefs teach everyone to do good so they can end up in heaven, but Soul Society is anything but heaven-like. Governed by the Shinigami, who possess human desires, ugly things happen in Soul Society. Kurosaki Ichigo is a young man who is forced to become a Shinigami by the situation and remains one to save his friend. In a battle that almost costs his life, a small part of his dormant soul awakens. He is born anew. With a past that is riddled with death, he bears great displeasure toward how the Shinigami rule over Soul Society. Armed with the knowledge to reach his full potential and beyond, he is determined to change the world. How will Soul Society react to his goal? Will he remain a fearsome ally or a domineering foe?

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

A Taste of A Fake (End)

10 advanced chapters (and some bonus if you become a patron before chapter 5 is released) on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


"I think it is time to go," Ganju stated urgently.

He was about to dash away when Ichigo's cold voice stopped him. "I won't be able to protect you if you stay away from me."

Ganju was very tempted to scoff and say that he didn't need Ichigo's help but held himself. He was hot-headed but not stupid. Byakuya became a Captain for a reason. His loud mouth wouldn't save him from a Captain-classed Shinigami who didn't mind killing him. Before long, Byakuya entered Rukia's cell.

"I thought you would be smart enough to give up, Ryoka," Byakuya remarked coldly as he looked at Ichigo. "I spared you that day, but I won't this time. You should have not come here and wasted your life futilely."

"Ichigo, just leave. You won't be able to contend against Nii-sama!" Rukia shouted urgently.

"A loud one, aren't you, Rukia?" Ichigo responded nonchalantly.

"Idiot, I don't want you to waste your life for me!"

Ignoring Rukia, Ichigo looked at Byakuya in intrigue. "For someone without compassion, you seem to be caring enough to pay a visit to the sister you abandoned."

Byakuya ignored the remark entirely. He held his Zanpakutō horizontally and then muttered his Zanpakutō's unsealing phrase.


"Getsuga Tensho!"

A massive blue wave of energy hit Byakuya before he could use his Shikai, throwing him out of Senzaikyū, and destroying the wall in the process. Rukia, Ganju, and Hanataro stared at Ichigo's back in awe. The amount of Reiryoku contained in his attack was massive. They knew Ichigo was strong but couldn't believe he could grow much stronger in a short period.

"Take the midget out of here. I will hold Byakuya back," Ichigo stated, waking everyone from their reverie.

"W- Where should we take her?" Ganju asked, forgetting any form of resentment he held against Rukia.

"Yoruichi knows the place. I don't know where she is, but I am sure you will find her once you get out of this place."

Ganju turned to Rukia reluctantly before picking her up and carrying her on his shoulder. He ignored Rukia's indignant protest and then urged Hanataro to follow him. Ichigo spared them a glance before walking to the hole in the wall. The Reiatsu of the person beyond the wall was increasing. Byakuya was ready to fight.

"Ichigo, don't be stupid and run! You will get yourself killed," Rukia shouted, stopping Ichigo in his tracks.

"Well, thank you for your care," he replied with a light smirk.

Rukia wanted to punch his face for his stubbornness but eventually calmed down. She grimaced as she stared at Ichigo's disappearing back. She hoped her brother wouldn't do anything drastic to Ichigo even though she knew her brother would do exactly that. Her lips quivered in frustration. She didn't like the feeling of helplessness. She didn't feel she deserved everyone's kindness.

On the bridge connecting to Senzaikyū, Byakuya noted the distancing Reiatsu of his adoptive sister and frowned. As someone who firmly upheld the law, he couldn't help but think how stupid what the Ryoka did was. There was no merit in rescuing a soon-to-be-executed sinner. Even though he also found the verdict strange, the law needed to be upheld. Once one becomes lenient, the law will soon crumble.

"You will die for what you are plotting, Kurosaki Ichigo," he remarked upon seeing the orange-haired Shinigami.

"Oh, calling me by my name already, Byakuya?" Ichigo responded with a hint of mirth.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura!"

Byakuya's outstretched Zanpakutō turned into thousands of blades resembling cherry blossom petals. The blades rushed at Ichigo, prompting him to harden his skin with his Reiryoku. He mumbled about how easy it would have been to use Hierro if he had achieved his true Shikai. Right as Senbonzakura was about to cut him, Ichigo moved away using Shunpō.

Reappearing before Byakuya, Ichigo swung Zangetsu at him. Byakuya put up his hand and then muttered, "Bakudō #39: Enkōsen!" A swirling yellow shield appeared before him, blocking Zangetsu before shattering. He noted the power behind Ichigo's swing as he skidded backward. Wondering how Ichigo got that strong, he summoned Senbonzakura back.

Ichigo appeared before Byakuya just as Senbonzakura condensed before him. Senbonzakura stopped Zangetsu in its advance. When Ichigo retracted Zangetsu, Senbonzakura parted, allowing Byakuya to attack him with Hadō #4: Byakurai. A pale lightning bolt shot at Ichigo, but he dodged it successfully.

As soon as the lightning receded, Senbonzakura rushed at Ichigo. Knowing it wouldn't be wise to block Senbonzakura, Ichigo sent a Getsuga Tensho at it. The small blades stopped in their advance before scattering. Ichigo jumped into the air and gripped the white chain on Zangetsu's hilt. Twirling it until it blurred, he sent it at Byakuya who was busy gathering Senbonzakura.

"Deadly Dart."

Byakuya's alarm bell went off in his mind. He hastily cast Bakudō #81: Dankū, creating a rectangular invisible barrier before him. It stopped Zangetsu in its tracks but was close to crumbling. As Zangetsu was pulled back, the barrier crumbled completely. Byakuya had cast it hastily, after all.

Ichigo quirked an eyebrow in intrigue at Byakuya's apparent disbelief. He would like to continue the fight but deemed that Rukia and the rest were already far enough. He poured a huge amount of Reiryoku into the twirling Zangetsu, causing it to be covered in blue light. The scene caused Byakuya to send Senbonzakura at him while simultaneously casting a Bakudō.

"Bakudō #84: Dankū!"

"I wonder what momentum does to Getsuga Tensho," Ichigo smirked. "Sorry, Byakuya, we'll resume our sparring some other time. Getsuga Tensho!"

Ichigo abruptly stopped twirling Zangetsu, using the momentum to send Getsuga Tensho to Byakuya. A huge wave of blue energy rushed at Byakuya, easily parting Senbonzakura on the way. Upon impacting the barrier before Byakuya, it stopped in its tracks, giving time for Byakuya to summon Senbonzakura, before shattering the barrier.

Byakuya widened his eyes in shock and so did Ichigo. None of them had expected that to happen.

"Holy shit. I am strong, aren't I?" Ichigo snickered to himself.


A huge amount of Reiryoku covered Byakuya before dissipating. Once Byakuya was revealed, Ichigo could see the damage he had inflicted on him. The front part of Byakuya's Shihakushō was torn, revealing the bleeding cut on his chest. Some part of his chin suffered a burn. His Kuchiki mask had crumbled, replaced by a look of utter disbelief.

The reason why Byakuya didn't suffer worse injuries was that he was given time to summon Senbonzakura to act as extra protection. Had it not been the case, he might have been lying on the ground with his blood pooling under him. The thought washed him with a somber mood. Deciding to take Ichigo seriously, condensed Senbonzakura into a single sword and then pointed it downward.

"Bankai: Senbonzakura—"

"Ottottotto…. I'll have to stop you there, Bya-boy."

A scowl briefly appeared on Byakuya's face as his Zanpakutō's release was stopped for the second time today. Shihōin Yoruichi was standing on his arm, stopping the flowing Reiryoku in his arm. He swung his arm violently, prompting Yoruichi to land on the ground before him, letting him see her back. She turned around as she righted herself and then gave him a Cheshire grin, much to his exasperation.

"Let's fight some other time, shall we?" Yoruichi suggested.

"I don't have time to play with you, Shihōin. Don't meddle in my affair," Byakuya said coldly.

"There is no need to fight. The prisoner is already retrieved, after all."

Ichigo clicked his tongue audibly at the remark. Byakuya quirked an eyebrow before sensing three presences joining them. Ukitake Jūshirō joined them with his Third Seats. One of the Third Seats was carrying Rukia on her shoulder. Byakuya looked at Rukia and noted that she did her best to avoid Ichigo's eyes.

"Let's go, Ichigo. We will have three days until your second fight with Bya-boy," Yoruichi called out.

"Fair enough," Ichigo easily agreed, slightly surprising Yoruichi.

Ichigo cast one last glance at Rukia before disappearing with Yoruichi using Shunpō. The bridge remained silent for a couple of seconds until Byakuya scoffed after sealing Senbonzakura.

"How ludicrous." He turned around and then walked away, completely ignoring everyone on the bridge. "I have lost interest. What a waste of time."

Jūshirō noted Byakuya's trembling fist and said, "Recuperate well, Captain Kuchiki." Unsurprisingly, he was ignored.

On the other side, Ichigo followed Yoruichi to the Study Chamber located below the Sōkyoku Hill. None of them exchanged any words, but Yoruichi kept glancing at him in curiosity and slight bewilderment. It should have been Ichigo's first time to see her human form, so she was expecting Ichigo to question who she was. The hot-headed teen only looked at her knowingly, displaying a level of reserve that looked very foreign to him.

Before long, they reached the Study Chamber. They just stood on the vast rocky ground, looking at each other silently for a few seconds. Yoruichi crossed her arms while looking at Ichigo expectantly. On the other hand, Ichigo shot her a wondering look. Yoruichi was ticked by the silence. She tapped the ground with her foot before eventually sighing.

"You will learn—"

"I need an Asauchi," interrupted Ichigo.

"What…?" Yoruichi looked at Ichigo as if he had grown another head.

"I need to achieve Shikai. My true Shikai."

Yoruichi could barely wrap her head around Ichigo's newfound level-headedness, so what he said next made her blink her eyes owlishly.