
Melting the cold female duke

Synopsis Akira Arcana reincarnated on a body of a child. She grew up as a fine soldier. When she was guarding the bolder, she accidentally killed an elder witch, who cursed her not to feel and give love to others. One night, when she was under the influenced of an alcohol, she barged inside a commoner’s house. Dandelion, a handsome and reserved man happens to own that house. That night, Akira him harassed him merciless and left him alone in the morning. After 5 years, they met, but the girl didn’t remember him, but he won’t forget that night. But he mistakenly falls for her. Will he be able to capture the woman’s heart, despite she can’t feel love or express it? Will they be able to break the curse? ..... “We..ll?” she was amused seeing a handsome man trembling while holding a knife. The drunk person pounce on him like a predator. He tried to hit her but to no veil she easily caught his hand and grip it hard. Hard enough for him to drop the knife. Hmm….. Suddenly the woman kissed him, .... “So, who am I, who are you?” Inquires the girl, who was staring at the man with eyes need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that Lily feels inside. As she mistakenly misunderstood the words of her nemeses that she was his wife. A beautiful mistake that leads to love.

Aconite0 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Melting The Female Cold Duke


After the maid left, the atmosphere changed. There was a pregnant silence inside the parlor room. A man hugging the girl had a face of a wolf eyeing at its prey, while the woman seems to have been woken from her daze.

It's 8 o'clock in the morning. The sunlight hits the man's back, making a huge shadow that covers the entire body of the girl. Rather than the dazzling and blinding beauty, it was more like of a devil's.

Amaranth had suffered enough at the girl's attitude. This time he won't let it slide. Every word, phrases and sentences of the girl, he will make sure to find flaws in it, even her small gestures and actions. He missed her. He longed for her at night. Whenever he tried sleeping, her image sweetly smiling at him come to mind. He would feel a sickening feeling in his belly and the pounding of his heart almost burst from his chest.

In the morning, he always finds his lower body completely stiff. It happens every day. His swollen member begged to be stroked for release, he would touch and stoke his swollen member to lessen the aching pain he felt. He tried imagining it was the woman he loved touching him, not his self, and he moans her name in every climax. It was so shameful, but again he was a man.

When he knew that Lily engaged in sexual pleasure, his heart shattered. Since that accident. Lily became a new person, so different from the girl he loves. He clearly remembers the day Lily had annulled their engagement. It was out of the blue. He didn't expect that she would do such a thing. Lily loves him, he is sure about that, and he too loves her. He was confused as to why she wanted to annul their engagement.

At first, he wanted a clear explanation, which he couldn't have until now. He then realized that something was amiss. They stop interacting and when they meet he would find excuses to talk to her even far as using his authority, but she would only treat him as a stranger, nothing else.

Amaranth planted spies in her mansion to satisfy his curiosity. But what he gets in return was a heart aching report. He always suspects that someone had been brainwashing the girl, and he believed it was Lexus. This hunch got only stronger by witnessing them being intimate with each other.

He was pulled away from his thoughts by the girl's advice. "Amaranth, listen, you're the crown prince, you should behave like one." Good. This made him pissed off.

Amaranth was dead serious about the offer, he suggested "If I said it, I mean it." His hold tightens and his expression darkens. Right. This girl was not like every girl, she was indifferent to anything and everything. She was truly heartless. He wonders if that bastard Lexus had bewitched her. She won't spare attention to him, he tried every method, but she remained unmoved.

The curse which he tried to find cure for 2 years made her like this. If he discovers the solution and unravel Lily's curse, he knew for sure that the Lily he loved in the past would return to him. But if that bastard is always by her side, Amaranth was afraid she will develop some feelings for Lexus, and he doesn't want that to happen.

Amaranth wanted her everything. He wanted her love, her body and soul. He won't spare them, even her smile and sweet words. She was his supposed to be wife, not some guy who only lusted after her body and wealth.

In order to achieve that, he needed to eliminate the pests surrounding her first.

"uk.." Amaranth unknowingly squeezed the woman in his embrace.

"Are you going to kill me?" I really resent this man, he is so annoying.

"Lily…!" Amaranth let her go quickly and took a step back. "Lily, I. I am sorry. I didn't mean to!" he apologized, not knowing what to say. He was afraid of Lily's next words. By the expression plastered on the woman's face, he knew he had angered her for good this time.

"Amaranth were over. Keep that in mind. I don't have any ounce of feeling left for you. I hope you'll find someone better." With those farewell words I left him staggering and looking at me in disbelief. I don't have the heart to confront him, so I leave him be. The words he was afraid to hear were uttered like it was not a trivial thing.

Amaranth can't believe at what he was hearing. Maybe for her, it was so easy to let go, but not for him. It hurts. It was like his heart had been stabbed a thousand times. He collapsed like a withered flower, staring at the door dumbfounded.

As I walk down the hallway, I spotted three maids whispering and the subject happens to be me. I want to fire them instantly. Talking behind my back? How dare they? Seems they have the guts. Despite the anger rising inside me, I held it in, I choose to eavesdrop them. I don't know why, what had gotten in to me that I'm interested in their thoughts regarding me. Let's see. What are the opinion of these foolish maids?

[1] "You know what the duke…"

[2] "Yes, what about her!?" one of the maid hurriedly cuts the other maid.

[3] "Aish, Penelope, lower your voice." The other one scolds the girl.

[1] "All right, did you know that the duke had an affair with her bodyguard?"

"Yes," both the maids answer affirmatively.

Wow. They sure are expert about my private life. Do all servants knew it? Anyway, it doesn't bother me. In the first place, I didn't trouble myself to cover the rumors that may be the hot speculation around the noble society. What's there to be worried about?

[2] "I thought you brought us some wonderful news, turns out it was the same old one." She said boringly, not interested where the conversation is going.

[1] "Hey! I'm not finished yet. The duke seems to slowly forget her memories about the past few years. When I ask her if she would visit her mother that resides at the west wing, she was baffled and said that she didn't have one.'' The maid informed the two girls.

My memories? I got curious, so I stayed there a bit.

Shortly after, they left, while I still locked in my position. I was baffled. Mother? West wing? Do I look like have a mother? All I remember was the battles I fought. Hmm. Looks like there are some truths behind at what they are saying. Indeed, I don't remember having a mother nor my childhood memories. These days I felt like I have forgotten something important, yet I can't point what it is. If I ask the servants, they will think I had gone insane.

I'm famous for being cursed, heartless, and cold. Not only that, I was known to be horny and indifferent to anything, so I'm doubtful if the servants would answer me honestly or would only trembles in fear. Then in the next seconds, a news would come to me that they died from heart attack. I should better confirm this through Lexus.

The girl was so absorbed in her thoughts that she forgot the crown prince, who collapsed on the ground, blankly staring at the closed door.

(Author here, hi! This chapter really made me ashamed of myself. Sobs. I'm just taking revenge for those ml's who toyed the fl's heart and before meeting the protagonist they indulged themselves in pleasure, making me damn mad. Sometimes I ask myself, "Would I fell in love with a guy who had taken so many women? I think I can't. Also, my kawaii readers remember I'm not good with grammar, so pardon if I made some mistakes. The character's journey, is also my journey in improving my grammar, hope you stay with me until the end.)

[Shout out to me, Ainey Kim and Lou….. mwuahhh I appreciate all the supports. hehehe. Byeee. Flips hair.]

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06/08/2022 5:20 pm

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