
You'll see my face when the time comes 

Chapter one hundred and seventy-five

Anna wanted to hear more, she tried to probe further but he immediately dispelled the thoughts.

"Now that's enough talking for today. It's time to eat." He said very gleefully in a puerile fashion, he shook his head both left and right continuously the moment he mentioned the word "eat".

He retrieved a remote control from his pocket and pressed a button and small rectangular holes appeared on the glass. Anna watched the action in surprise. She watched as he clutched a paper bag in his arms. When he opened it, the aroma of French fries filled the room and Anna's stomach churned in anticipation. She couldn't remember the last time she ate. Her stomach wambled, announcing that she was hungry and he smiled at her again beneath his mask.

"I'm thoughtful indeed. I knew that you would need these," he said raising the French fries with one hand, and on the other hand, he held an apple cider vinegar. "Ta-da! I thought that ketchup would be too boring and opted for this instead." He said, wiggling the bottle.

He opened the paper bag and took out some fries in his hands which were covered with a glove. He poured some apple cider vinegar into the fries and touched the vinegar with the fries in his hand.

"Say, 'ah'," he said, feeding her the French fries through the rectangular holes in the glass.

Anna was too hungry to even protest. She found his actions ridiculous but her insides were churning to care about that. She just felt like he wouldn't want to poison her. When he was done feeding her he brought out water for her. He put a straw into the bottle and Anna sipped water. Her throat had been so dry. She was at least grateful that he thought of feeding her.

It was only after Anna had eaten that she remembered Jaden who was sprawled on the ground. She was about to ask him about Jaden when he spoke again.

"I didn't plan to starve him. Alright? It wasn't my plan to bring him here. He found himself here because he was being too nosy. I'll only feed him because of you, alright?" Anna nodded at him, unable to fight him with words.

"Hey, you should thank Anna. You're only surviving because of her. Get it?" He said before pushing a plate of crab cakes toward him. There were just two of them. He threw him a bottle of water which he caught before looking at Anna again.

"W- Why did you trap me here? I mean, the glass. Why am I trapped in a glass?"

"You're like a work of art, mi amor. Do you know why artworks are kept in a museum? It's because they are very pretty. They are kept there to shield them from the outside world." He said, gesticulating again.

"You are meant to be kept from the world, Anna. You shouldn't be seen. I can't bear losing you." Anna was certain that he was a psychopath.

"Who are you? How did you find me? And why are you wearing a mask? Why aren't you revealing your identity? Tell me, who the hell are you? What kind of beast are you?" Anna blurted out in anger. She could feel fresh tears welling up in her eyes.

"Shhh." He said, hushing her.

"Now, that's no way to talk to your love. I can't wait for you to finally see my face. But it's not the time for that yet. You'll know who I am when the time comes, but for now, you can't see my face, Anna Houston."

"You are not my love. I am not yours either. Get that straight into your jammed head." Anna cried.

"Don't test my patience, Anna Houston. I'll be going now. I have to head back to town, mi amor." With that said, he walked out of the room and locked the door. He heard her faint screams, as he fumbled with the keys.

"Come back here, asshole."