
The raging Alexander

Chapter thirty-five

Anna was done. She couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes were almost bloodshot as she watched Xander, who looked like he had no care in the world as he sat on his rocking chair, his hand on his firm jaw. His demeanour heightened her anger and Anna completely lost it.

"How dare you?" She said, boiling in anger, her heart filled with rage. That seemed to catch the young billionaire's attention as he turned very slowly towards her, his eyes gloomy. Anna couldn't care more as she watched his expression change from being very carefree to being furious. Her heart was beating fast as she saw him. He looked very angry. He looked like he could tear her into pieces as his dark eyes became even darker. 

Anna braced herself already for what would happen. No one had ever made her feel like a thing to be toyed with. It didn't matter if he was used to toying with people's emotions. Neither did she care a damn if no one ever stood up to him. She wasn't some lifeless toy that could be tossed aside whenever he felt like it.

She matched his fiery gaze with her dark one, refusing to be intimidated by his cold eyes.

"I'm not some plaything that you can do with as you like! Do you even care about people's emotions?" She scoffed, knowing the answer to her question. "What the hell do you even know about emotions? Do you know what you are like? You are just like a doorknob - cold and unfeeling. You are an empty can- you're just heartless, impassive and stony."

Xander rose from his chair and his hand clenched in a fist, his knuckles white, his jaw tightening. He moved ever slowly to where she stood and each step he took felt like a ticking bomb.


His deep threatening voice did not stop Anna from talking. She was ready for the worse. She refused to feel intimidated by his terrifying aura.

"I've never met anyone so selfish- so self-centred like you. Your egoism is so sickening and nauseating, so much so that it makes me want to puke."

"Miss Houston. Enough!" He growled, his deep voice hoarse, as she stared deeply into her eyes.

Anna suddenly felt very brave. She knew that her words were getting under his nerves. She knew that they were hitting him very hard and piercing his very soul. "Why? You don't wanna hear it? The truth unsettles you that badly?" At that moment, Anna could not control her pent-up anger, she gritted her teeth in sheer outrage. 

"You know what? I actually don't blame your mother for leaving you. The poor woman probably got very sick of putting up with a fucker like you that she was left with no other option than to take flight." The moment the words escaped her lips, Anna regretted them. She knew that she'd crossed the line. Her hands subconsciously found their way to her agape mouth and she stared at his face which was surprisingly filled with different emotions. 

It wasn't blank and expressionless. It wasn't his signature face. It was filled with a mixture of hurt and pain. She could see the anguish in his eyes as she stared deeply into them. Her eyes suddenly became watery and she could feel them sting as tears formed around their corners.

"I- I- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I- I didn't mean to say that. I- I- I'm so sorry." She said, rushing to him. "It wasn't in my place to-" Anna could not finish her words because Mr Williams instantly went berserk. His dark eyes suddenly burned in anger. Anna froze as she saw Mr Williams' face. It was a familiar sight. She knew that she'd seen him this way before. This was the exact way he'd looked the day she mentioned his mother. Anna trembled in fear as those eyes pierced into her soul, mind and body. It consumed her entire being.

"Get. Out. Now!" He roared, his voice jerking her back to reality. His voice sounded like lightning. It was so loud that Anna jolted in fear, her body trembled. She scuttered immediately to the door and her hands frantically searched for the doorknob as she took to her heels. Her efforts to yank it open and flee seemed futile as she continued fumbling with the knob. 

She immediately felt his presence looming around her and Anna immediately convulsed as fear got the better of her.