
Pinning her on the Bed

Chapter one hundred and ten

"M- Mr Williams? A- Are you awake?" Anna asked, her wide eyes bore into his, she didn't blink a wink. Her face was a few centimetres from his.

His half-open eyes opened all the more and Anna felt her heart vibrate in response. Her eyes lingered on his for a few more seconds and as if she suddenly realised that he was awake, she tried rising from the bed, her eyes fluttering. However, before she could rise, Xander's held her in place with his strong arms and flipped her over, switching their positions. He pinned her small hands on the bed with his.

Anna's eyes widened even more, especially as his face was almost in hers. 

"Miss Houston? What- are you doing here?" Anna could smell alcohol from his mouth as his hot breath fanned her face. Her nose twitched subconsciously and she found herself stammering. 

"I- I- I came looking for you. I tried calling you but you weren't answering. I was worried that something had happened to you." Anna managed to say, blinking more than necessary because of the closeness, which was making her heart race rapidly. Anna was aware of him, especially seeing that his bare chest was just a few inches from her body. The thought alone was enough to cause goosebumps to appear on her skin.

"How did you know that I was here?" His eyes warily searched hers and Anna gulped and subconsciously licked her lips.

"I- I kept trying your number and you picked up the call at some point. One moment I heard your voice and in the next moment, you were silent. I- I heard a thud and- the voice of a woman who mentioned this place in passing and here I am." Anna said, looking into his expressionless face which was giving nothing away. 

Xander could see right through her face that she was telling the truth. If she was some other person, he wouldn't have believed her, but the look on her innocent face told him that she wasn't lying at all.

"How did I get here?" Xander asked, looking at the dead room. 

"I- I met a brunette- with you when I got here. She probably brought you here." Anna mumbled, looking down, her eyelashes falling on her face. Wrong move. Anna cried within as her eyes fell on Xander's perfectly sculptured chest.

She saw his breasts and nipples which tightened in buds and she subconsciously bit her lower lip. Her eyes went south and she noticed his abdominal muscles. The last time she saw it, she wasn't sure if they were six or eight but now that she was looking closely, she saw that they were six. Anna immediately shook her head and closed her eyes. She was completely screwed. She wasn't sure if he'd seen her when she looked the other time but this time, she was sure that there was no way that he would not notice that she just ogled at his perfectly sculptured chest. 

"You do find my body attractive, don't you? Seeing that you can't take your eyes off them. Thrice, just in a couple of minutes. You seem to love what you see." A playful smirk escaped from Xander's lips and Anna immediately regretted looking at his hard abs.

His words immediately rang like a bell in her ears. "...body attractive...eyes off them. Thrice..."

Oh no! He definitely saw her looking at his midsection. Anna felt heat immediately on her cheeks which went crimson red from embarrassment. Anna shut her eyes, feeling so embarrassed.

"Open your eyes, Miss Houston. You don't have to act shy now. Do you know what I want to see? I want to see the brazen Anna Houston. I want to see the Anna Houston from a few moments back."

Wait! Did he also see how she acted to the brunette? If he did, she was completely fucked. It only means that he knew that she was in love with him. There was no way she'd be able to face him. She really hoped that he didn't see how she handled that brunette. She couldn't bear it.

"What about we talk about where your eyes fell some moments ago?" Anna gulped for the umpteenth time just that night. She was a bit relieved that he wasn't talking about the brunette, but the tension she was feeling came back in a flash the moment she opened her eyes to meet his. Her heart skipped a bit as she saw a familiar look on his face. She'd seen his eyes like this once. He was gazing at her with that same lustful look of his that he had when she was in his house, in his room. The only difference was that this time, they were on a bed, with him on top of her, and his strong hands were pinning her.