
Is this real?

Chapter forty-seven

"Wait, don't tell me..." Vanessa's eyes widened in realization and Anna simply shrugged, continuing what she was doing. 

"Anna! Since when...wait! One moment. You are cooking jambalaya for Mr Alexander?" She said, totally surprised at her friend's action and Anna smiled.

"Wait, let me get this straight. If you are cooking this for Mr Willaims this night, does that mean...?" Vanessa trailed off instantly and her eyes dilated, her mouth also gaping in surprise. "You want to give that to him today?" She questioned as it dawned on her. Vanessa could not believe Anna's actions, despite seeing them with her eyes. Her friend was becoming a different person with each day that passes. She was seeing an entirely different Anna.

"I know that you're wondering what exactly is going on are that you probably have a thousand and one questions for me, but I'm really running late. I promise to answer every single question of yours, but first, I need to head back out ASAP. I don't have much time."

"I honestly don't know what to say anymore," Vanessa said, shaking her head in disbelief.

Anna spent the next few minutes preparing the meal and with the help of the internet, she was able to include certain steps that she overlooked whenever she cooked jambalaya. When she was done, she was confident that it was the best she'd ever made. She was sure that it would be one the best food he'd ever had in his life. The smell of food filled the whole house and Vanessa could only shake her head in disbelief.

Anna packed the food and headed to the shower to freshen up. She'd earlier asked for his address from Kathryn, who had willingly given it to her. She emerged from the room a few moments later looking as breathtaking as ever. She wore a brown sweater dress over a pair of skinny black jeans with black leather boots. She let her dark hair fall freely down. She wasn't wearing much makeup but she looked very stunning regardless.

"Girl, you look piping hot. I'm not sure if "piping hot" is used to describe a beautiful appearance but hell girl, I can't find better words." Vanessa said, assessing her friend. 

"Thanks so much, Nes, I have to go now," she waved at Vanessa and left for Mr Williams' house. 

On the way, her heart kept racing at the thought of entering his house. She wondered what it would look like. She knew for sure that it would be as magnificent as Kathryn's. She found herself looking in the mirror now and then. She didn't know why she suddenly cared about how she looked. Usually, she wasn't the makeup kind. That had always been Vanessa. She rarely even used powder. But today, she'd decided to wear a no-makeup kind of makeup. That was the only kind of makeup she knew how to do pretty well. She'd also applied lip oil on her lips which were now very glossy. 

Anna knew that she was the kind that acted on impulse but she didn't even imagine that she'd be visiting Mr Williams this soon. She hoped that he'd be stunned to see both her and her present. It seemed as though the driver noticed that she'd been assessing herself now and then, because he suddenly smiled and said, "Ma'am, you look so stunningly beautiful. I'm sure your boyfriend will be dazzled by your appearance. You don't have to be anxious." He said, glancing at her from the front mirror. 

Anna smiled sheepishly at him and mouthed a "thank you". This man assumed a lot. Her boyfriend? What even gave him the idea that she was going to meet her boyfriend? She thought. For fleeting seconds, she imagined Mr Williams as her boyfriend. She imagined him intertwining his big hand in her small one and looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing that he'd ever seen. She imagined him kissing the back of her hand and whispering sweet words in her ears. She imagined him leaning forward and holding her cheeks in place in an attempt to shut her senses down with his kisses. Unfortunately, the kiss never came because she heard a rather loud voice scream, "We are here, ma'am!" 

She was immediately jolted back to reality. She figured that he must have screamed because she didn't hear him when he called out to her. She immediately chided herself for having such thoughts. She had to rinse those thoughts off her head thoroughly. 

When she got off from the car, Anna was overly stunned. The effect the house had on her was ten times more than Kathryn's. There was a blue pathway to the gold-like house which looked like a swimming pool. Water cascaded in a wave-like manner from either side of the blue pathway which made the pathway seem also like a waterfall. Anna was scared that she'd sink if she dared to walk on the blue pathway. It looked so much like a real swimming pool. 

Instinctively, she bent down and poked her finger at it to know if it was real or not.