

Chapter eighty-seven

Davis' silence caused lines to crease on Xander's forehead. He was getting worried with the look on Davis' face. Or was the child his?

"Davis?" Xander walked up to him and tugged on his shoulders. Davis reacted by slowly looking up at Xander who was trying to see the result by scanning it with his eyes. Before Xander could decipher the information in the document, he felt a hard grip on his shoulder which was followed by a sudden outburst of joy and laughter. 

"Whoop! Christ! You fucking made my day man. He's not mine! He's not fucking mine!" Davis squeezed the papers and hurled them wherever without a single care in the world.

"Geez, Davis! You scared the shit out of me. I'm happy for you man. I bet you'll finally be able to sleep with both eyes closed now." Xander patted Davis' back and grinned at him. 

"That sly bitch! She'd better watch out because I'll surely come for her. Damn!"

Davis' phone beeped and he cursed the moment he saw who texted him.

"Speak of the Devil. It's a text from Natasha."

"What does it say?" Xander asked in a calm tone.

Davis read out Natasha's text to Xander's hearing, which read;

"Hello Davis, how are you doing this morning? I'd be needing a sum of 800,000 dollars for our baby in the next five hours. Oh...I forgot to add, that Kathryn and I are becoming closer with each day that passes. Did I tell you that she invited me over to her house this weekend? I guess it slipped my mind. Either way, we're getting along pretty well. Have a nice day, baby! Xoxo!"

"This fucking bitch!" Davis roared and Natasha's call came in almost immediately. 

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't find out that you're a lying bitch? Fucking liar! What in fuck's name do you take me for, Tasha? I know all the games you've been playing, Natasha. You must think I'm a fool, but not anymore. Make sure I don't find you, because if I do, I'll fucking come for you. You hear me?" Davis snapped. 

He was about to hang up when he heard her wicked resonating chuckle over the phone, which took him aback. This woman was fucking crazy. He was rendered speechless after she gave him a piece of her mind and he cursed when she continued laughing hysterically again.

"Fuck you, Natasha!!!" He roared. Davis heaved a deep sigh after he ended the call with Natasha. This woman was getting crazier every single day. He ran a hand through his short hair and cursed again, pacing about.

"What did she say?" Xander who had been observing the whole situation finally spoke after his long silence.

"Man, this bitch is fucking crazy. She wants to ruin me. She threatened to tell Kathryn that we fucked a few weeks back. Man, I'm so fucked. I'm fucking screwed. If Kathryn finds out about this, it's the end for me. This sneaky cat is out to destroy me. Fuck, man! Fuck!" Davis cursed.

"Hey, Davis. Calm down. Take a breath, man. Breathe in and breathe out." Xander gesticulated and Davis did as he asked. "Panicking wouldn't solve anything now, man. Alright?" 

"I need to tell Kathryn before this sly bitch does. I know she'll stop at nothing to ruin me. I have to tell Kathryn before she beats me to it." Davis kept running his hand nervously through his hair.

"I knew she'd use that to threaten you and that's exactly why I've been telling you to tell Kathryn about it. You and I know Natasha. We both know that she's a sly fox who is never up to any good." 

Davis' phone rang again and he almost jumped. It was Kathryn this time. He tried to calm his nerves before taking the call. He heaved in a deep sigh, inhaling and exhaling a couple of times before receiving the call.

"Hey, baby! How are you doing?" His voice quivered a bit. Kathryn seemed to notice because she asked him if he was alright.

"Sure. Yeah. I- I'm fine. I'm pretty good. Anything up?" He asked, worried that Natasha had probably done something. 

"Are you sure that you're okay, baby? You don't seem alright to me. Are you sick or something? Or is there something you want to tell me?" Davis' heart raced the moment she asked if he wanted to tell her something. He felt like his heart would jump out that instant. His voice stuck in his throat which went dry almost immediately. He swallowed his saliva and blinked more than necessary. His heartbeat was so loud that he thought Kathryn would hear it over the phone.

He was completely fucked. What was he going to do? Should he tell Kathryn now? Should he tell her over the phone?