
First day after leave

Chapter two hundred and thirty-one

It was Anna's first day at work after her long leave and she felt so good, better than she imagined. She could use a leave more often, but she couldn't trust Xander to give her that. He was far too strict to consider giving her even a day off. If it wasn't for Jaden, she was very sure that she wouldn't have gotten leave from work. Other workers were given some days off too, about two. She was given preferential treatment by her boss, Xander because he knew how close she was to Jaden.

Anna found herself being unusually friendly with everyone, even the haughty employees in the company who often made snide remarks about her. She found herself caring less about what they had to say about her. When she reached her desk, she trailed her fingers around the corners and edges. She slumped on her rocking chair and moved in semicircles. From her seat, she could see that Jaden's things had been replaced. It appeared that another had taken his position at the company. It was probably a new person, she thought or it could be that someone was promoted. 

Anna didn't pay any attention to the whispers she was hearing from the main office. Now that Jaden was no more, she had no business whatsoever there.

She remembered that she saw Xander's car parked outside and it dawned on her that she hadn't reported to his office. She was somewhat glad that he got to the company before her, particularly because she was trying her best to avoid him. Maybe he had been coming earlier than usual to the office because of her absence. She found her way to the front of his door and took in a sharp breath before announcing her presence. When she glided into Xander's office, it appeared that he had been waiting for her. 

She hadn't seen him since the day she banged her head against his. He had tried to see her, but she had given an excuse to prevent him from coming. 

"Good morning, Mr Williams. I just reported back to work." He reclined on his chair, resting his back on it. He watched her keenly with his beautiful eyes and he ran his fingers along his jaw, feeling his stubble. 

"You're late, Anna."

Anna checked her wristwatch for the time and she stared at him in confusion. 

"I think the time is just right, Mr Williams."

"Xander," he corrected and Anna clicked her tongue and her eyes darted. She hadn't expected that he would rather she called him Xander in the office. She'd thought that he wanted her to call him Xander when they were alone. 

"Here? I don't think it's appropriate-"

"You don't dictate what's appropriate and what is not to me, Anna," he spoke calmly but his tone was firm and Anna wondered if he was angry at her.

"How are you feeling now?" 

"I feel good. Thank you," Anna's reply was a little sharp. 

Xander watched her for a while on his seat and Anna was already feeling somewhat awkward before Xander stood and glided toward her, his gait smooth. He stopped right in front of her and watched as her eyes darted. Her eyes were everywhere but on his. 

His hand played across her chin and he held it toward himself. Anna felt goosebumps all over her skin which tingled from his magical touch. 

Anna wasn't expecting what he said next, particularly because his gaze at her became intense, almost burning her.

"You. Have. A. Pile. Of. Work. Waiting. For. You." He enunciated before releasing her chin.

"I've mailed you all what you need to get done before the end of the day. Get to work, Anna." Anna felt relief wash through her the moment he turned back to his seat. She couldn't believe that her heart could race the way it did before he released her. Anna felt herself exhaling when he turned his back to her. It was as though his presence took her breath away. She only knew how to breathe after he left for his seat. 

Anna sauntered away from his office and slumped on her chair when she reached her office. She patted her chest which was still beating faster than usual. It took a few minutes for her heartbeat to return to normal and when it did, she started working immediately.