

"Tracy just called, she wants me to pick her up at the airport. I have to go now and leave you two alone. If I'm just two minutes late, I bet I'll lose some limbs, and hell no! 

You wouldn't want your would-be best man to come in a wheelchair or some goddamn crutches on your wedding day." 

With that Davis strode out, leaving Xander alone with Anna, who was still chuckling from Davis' amusing joke.

She was still laughing when her mind processed the words "leaving you two alone." What? Davis was going to leave her alone with Xander?

Wait! He wasn't just going to leave her. He already left her with him! Did he know what he just did?

Her lungs went out of air the moment the words became clear to her and she wanted to run away, far away from what she was feeling before she acted on it.

She snapped out of her thoughts as a familiar scent enveloped her. Oh! God, he's coming closer. She thought while taking backward steps one at a time.

The moment her back hit the wall, she knew that she was completely screwed. All Xander had to do to reach her was to take just a few steps and oh boy! There he was.

He was right in her front, tormenting and filling her senses with his intoxicating scent. He inched closer to her, letting out a hot breath before finally speaking. 

"I see that you have been avoiding me lately, Miss Houston. Is there any reason in particular why?" Xander asked, with his head tilted while his eyes searched hers.

Miss Houston? Did he just speak formally to her after he had been all but flirting with her for the past few weeks? She was going to give him a comeback, but she froze just as her eyes met his beautiful brown orbs.

She became lost in those eyes and for what seemed like thirty seconds, all she could do was stutter. 

"I...I...I don't know what you are talking about Xander. I think you are the one assuming things. I think I've just been scarce."

She said, not meeting his eyes. She didn't just call him by his first name... she almost muttered underneath her breath. 

She wanted to give her big mouth a hard slap for calling him Xander when all she wanted to do was to call his name formally. 

M.R. W.I.L.L.I.A.M.S, was that so hard to say? She thought, biting her lips hard, at the thought of her lips betraying her.

Xander who appeared amused by her reaction lowered his head and trapped her between his hands, inching closer to her. 

His lips were now about half an inch to hers and she could feel his hot breath against her skin which made her tingle. 

She could see his inviting wet lips now and all she wanted to do right there was to press hers against him. On impulse, she licked those luscious lips of hers.

Her sanity however got better of her. She chose to play hard to get, not minding the part of her that was screaming in her ears to act on what she was feeling.

Xander's lips pursed as he caught her lick those luscious lips of hers that had him thinking about her now and then.

His fingers trailed along her face and she felt her cheeks go red hot from his touch. She could feel the heat emanating from her body as he stood in front of her. She could also hear her heartbeat very loud and clear or was it his?

"How about I put you to a test right now and right here? Let's see how far you can go about all the charade you've been pulling."

Her eyes fluttered as he said those words, wondering what he meant.

However, before she could figure out his intention, Xander held her face up, and without warning, he captured her lips into his already wet and soft one, shutting down all her senses completely and in that instant, Anna's body went limp.