
Complimenting her in his shirt

Chapter sixty-four

She decided to call her best friend, Vanessa. She dialled her number about twice but she got no response. She was probably asleep, she thought. She checked the time and her eyes widened in surprise. It was already past midnight. She didn't even have a clue. Just how did time fleet so fast? She had a long day tomorrow and she needed to sleep as soon as possible. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw that the shirt looked big on her, except for the part where her breasts were. Her breasts looked prominent in the shirt and she knew that there was no way Mr Williams would not notice them. She wondered if she should wear a bra. She'd never worn a bra to sleep but she was contemplating if it would help now. After pondering for a while, she discarded the thought, knowing that it would just make her feel uncomfortable. She found her way to his big bed and she sank into it the moment she jumped on it. The bed was so soft and Anna could smell his cologne everywhere. The soft pillows on the bed also smelled like him. The whole room was filled with his scent. How come she didn't smell it when she entered the room? Maybe she could smell his cologne because she was now wearing his shirt, she thought. 

A great while had passed and he still hadn't come back. It left Anna wondering if he was just teasing her about sleeping in the room with her. He probably went to sleep in one of the other rooms in the house. Anna felt a little sad at the thought of him leaving her alone here. What was wrong with her? Wasn't that what she wanted? She wasn't even sure again. She could not explain what this man had done to her. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't know when he entered the room. She still had that sad look on her face.

"Missing me already? Were you sad because you thought I wouldn't be coming back?" He said, flashing a grin at her. His voice immediately made her jerk and Anna found herself drinking him in as he stood in front of the door. 

She could see water dripping from his wet hair. He'd just had his bath and he was looking so breathtaking that she forgot how to breathe for some moments. Her eyes dilated at the view in her front. She could see his chest and his hard abs through the thin fabric he wore. The fabric clung to his body perfectly and she could see clearly that he had packs- six or eight. She wasn't so sure. Anna had never seen him look as breathtaking as he was looking now. This man before her eyes looked like a god. How could he be so stunning? He wore a pair of shorts which made his long legs very visible. He looked like a model as he leaned in front of the door with his arms crossed over his chest. Anna could not say a word as she continued ogling at him. The man was perfection in human form.

She imagined him shirtless and she could only gulp. She wondered how it would feel to run her fingers along his chest, abs and packs. She was becoming shameless with each day that passes, she thought. 

Xander seemed to know the effect he was having on her because a wide smile suddenly appeared on his face. 

"Focus, Anna. Focus," he said, tapping his fingers to restore her consciousness.

"W- What? No. Y- yeah. Sure," she said shaking her head as if she was trying to erase the thoughts that had been playing in her head. "I mean, yes! What makes you think otherwise? I was just thinking about the company," she said in defence.

"Really? By 1 am?" He said, glancing at the clock. "Quite meditative. What do you think about being the CEO of Brookswills and Sons? I think you're becoming to love her more than me, seeing that you can't stop thinking of her," he said, sarcastically and Anna's face suddenly went red. 

Xander chuckled again and Anna felt her cheeks hot from embarrassment. 

"Wearing my cloth wasn't such a bad idea. It fits well, especially in the right places." A mischievous grin was plastered on his face as he spoke and Anna found herself blinking rather too often. That statement was a familiar one but it hit differently. That was exactly what he said when he saw her at the dinner party. The only difference was that this time he said it in his house, in his room, and they were alone.