
A date with Vanessa

Chapter one hundred and forty-one

Vanessa chose to go to a restaurant with Greg but since she didn't know a lot of places, Greg helped to choose one for them. 

"So, tell me about yourself, Greg." Vanessa was having bites of her toasted Ravioli, she looked up at Greg and took a sip of the liquor in her front. 

"What do you do?" She took another sip of her spirits, it tasted better than how it was the last time she had it. 

Greg was watching her the whole time, he'd barely touched his food. He ordered rocky mountain oysters and reindeer sausage. 

"I'm an artist." He replied tersely, not giving her any other information.

Vanessa's hands which were on the cutlery froze, she searched his eyes for a while, as though she was trying to read him and Greg shot her a puzzled look, his brows furrowed and creases formed on his forehead.

"I thought you were a photographer. I mean, you did mention that to me when we met." Her wary eyes were fixed on him. 

"Of course. I mean- I'm a photographer too. I do it for fun, you know what I mean. But, by profession, I'm an artist." 

Vanessa's eyes were still glued to his face. She searched his eyes as though she wanted to look into the depths of his soul. His expression however did not give in anything. 

"I guess we have two things in common then." Vanessa smiled at him and a side of his lips curved up in a little smile. 

"Two?" He asked as he took a bite of his reindeer sausage. 

"Yeah, we're both photographers and we both do it for the fun of it." She said grinning, as though she liked the sound of it. 

"What do you do? I guess I also have the right to do some asking. Or don't I?" He flashed a grin at her and she slapped the air and shook her head to the left and right before speaking again.

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course, I mean, we're getting to know each other. Aren't we?" She filled her empty glass with more spirits. 

"I work as a BA in Holmes and Holmes, a fashion company." 

"Great. I didn't think you'd be a BA. I mean, you don't look like one to me." 

Vanessa dropped her cutleries on the table and wiped her mouth clean with a serviette. She placed her elbows on the table and rested the back of her palm on her chin.

"Oh, really? So, do you mind telling me what BA(s) look like?" 

"I didn't intend to offend. I mean- I'm sorry. I just..." Greg trailed off and bit his lips.

"That was a joke. I was only teasing you, Greg. I can't believe that you took me seriously." Vanessa said, amidst hysterical waves of laughter. 

"I'd say that you got me. You really did." A chuckle escaped from his lips and he continued eating.

"So, tell me about your parents. Do you have siblings?" 

"My parents are dead. They died a long time ago in a plane crash. As for siblings, I have none. I'm an only child." 

Greg continued eating as he spoke. He looked as though he was used to people asking him this because he kept a straight face while glancing at her now and then.

"Oh my, Greg! I'm so sorry to hear this. I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry." Vanessa's hands flew to her agape mouth and she covered it with her fingers. 

"No, you don't have to be. It happened many years ago. So, it's fine to ask me about them." 

"You must have had such a hard time while growing up. I mean, growing up without parents to cater and care for you must have been really tough." 

Greg shrugged it off as though it was not a really big deal. 

"Where were you when this happened?" Vanessa asked curiously. 

"Here. I've always been here all my life, even after my parents passed away." 

"I can only imagine how life would have been for you, Greg."

"Let's not ruin the moment with my melancholic past. Enough of all that. Let's talk about you. So, let me do all the asking this time." His eyes flickered and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"You mentioned that you don't live here. So, what did you come to do here?"

"I had a leave from work at my place of work, so I decided to travel down here to spend time with my best friend. You know, I hadn't seen her in a while." 

"Right, you mentioned that she owns where you stay. How come I haven't met her?" His curious eyes lingered on Vanessa's. 

"It just so happens that she's never at home anytime you come around. You should meet her though, Anna is one of the best people I know, maybe the best." Vanessa said, chortling.

"A-n-n-a," Greg said emphatically.

"That's such a beautiful name." He raised his glass and placed it on his lips.

He watched her from the corner of his eyes and added, "I can't wait to meet her."