
Melting Me Softly: Love And Revenge

Happiness was short lived for Rosalie, who just got the proposal from her long time boyfriend, but then was sent to the bed of a stranger by her step sister. Little did she know, the man she had spent the night with was the richest and most powerful man in J city. Months later after that night, she was pregnant and termed a failure by family and kicked out of the city. Five years later, she returned as a successful business woman with a cute little son.

Irene_Lucky · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 14

"Fiancee??" Rosalie thought confused.

"If they were engaged, where did he disrespect her that way in front of the male's restroom and now, why is he chasing after me??" She asked herself silently.

She assessed Janice all over, nothing was wrong with her. She looked very beautifuul and sexy in the outfit she was putting on. Why didn't Tyler just agree to get married to her instead.

Since her father is a 'business mogul' like she said, he would benefit a lot from the marriage.

"Are you even listening??" Rosalie was snapped out of her reverie by Janice high pitched voice. She raised her chin to see Janice scowling at her.

"You were saying??" She asked.

"You see this??" She asked waving her left hand over Rosalie's face.

"You see this silver ring, it's my engagement ring, Tyler gave it to me." She said boasfully.

"So? What does your engagement ring have to do with me?" Rosalie asked angrily.

"How rude. Do you know who I am?? If you do, you won't be talking to me this way." Janice said.

"You're right. I don't know who you are and I don't hope to so get out of here while I'm being nice." Rosalie warned and walked back to her seat.

"If I don't, what will you do? You are not even beautiful nor classy. I wonder what my fiance sees in you." Janice said.

She was lying through her teeth because when she found out that Rosalie was the lady Tyler was interested in, she was jealous because Rosalie was termed the 'Goddess of M city'. She was very beautiful, even more beautiful than her but she would never admit it.

Janice sneered angrily; "Stay away from my man or you'll regret ever going close to him. He's mine and we're supposed to get married. I don't want a gold digging bitch like you to ruin our plans."

Rosalie turned to stare at her with beady eyes. While Janice became a little frightened.

"What did you just call me??" She asked in a daring manner.

"I called you a gold digger." Janice answered deciding not to back down.


Janice didn't know when Rosalie appeared in front if her so she wasn't expecting the hot slap. She groaned in pain as she held her affected cheek.

"Did you just slap me??" Janice asked not believing what had just happened. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. This was the first time she was getting hit by someone. She was treated like a princess in her father's home, because of that, she does anything the liked to people and she wouldn't face the consequence of her action.

If Rosalie wasn't angry, she would have burst out laughing at her expression. Her eyes looked really teary.

"Yes, I slapped you. What are you going to do??" Rosalie asked glaring at her.

"You!!!!" Janice screamed at the top of her lungs and raised her hands in an attempt to hit Rosalie but she easily caught her hands.

Rosalie gripped her hand tight and dragged her closer making there bodies touch. She gripped Janice jaws tightly and lifted her face to stare at her.

Rosalie was taller than Janice so she had to look down to stare at her. Janice face was red with pain and anger.

"Let me warn you, do you ever.... ever try what you did today. I don't care if Tyler is you fiancee. Instead of you coming here to pick a fight, why don't you watn your so called fiancee to stop pressurizing me and that I will never get married to him."

Janice eyes widened as Rosalie made that statement.

"He asked her to get married to him??" She aakes herself.

"No, you're lying. Tyler would never say that. He loves me." Janice said trying to break away from Rosalie cluthes but she couldn't. Rosalie was really strong.

"Really?? How naive. I'm not interested in the 'love' he has for you. Just get this into your thick skull, if I ever see you around me or my company, you'll have yourself to blame." She said and released her.

Janice fell on the floor because she couldn't control her wobbly legs. She managed to stand up and stared at Rosalie angrily.

"Now, get out." Rosalie said and she scampered out of her office immediately.

The moment the got outside, she composed herself and walked normally. This wasn't what she had expected to happen. She was supposed to be the one with the upper hand not Rosalie.

She stomped her feet angrily.

"How dare sge embarrass me like that??" She thought angrily.

Her P.A Rebekah rushed towards her.

"Are you alright Miss?" She asked in concern.

"Why are you asking me that useless question? Does it seem like there's something wrong with me??" She asked rudely.

Becky bowed her head in fear; "I'm sorry Miss. It is stupid of me to ask you that."

"Get out of my way." She pushed her off angeily and walked towards her parked car. She sat at the back while Becky sat on the seat next to the driver.

"What's my remaining schedule for today?" She asked Becky.

"There's nothing else." Becky answered.

"Good. Give Tyler a call. Tell him I have something very important to tell him about Miss Tucker." She said smiling evily.

"Yes Miss." Becky answered and got to work.

On their way home, Rosalie and Jasmine decided to stop at a restaurant to buy dinner since they were to tired to cook. Jasmine was buying the food while Rosalie went to use the restroom.

On her way back, she came across a private room whose door wasn't closed tightly. She saw someone familiar and decided to look closely.

She saw Tyler and Janice locking lips affectionately. She quickly picked up her cell phone and took pictures of the secretly.

"What a loser. He has a fiancee and he still has time to woe me. This would get him out of my back for good." She thought and left.