
Melted The Heart Of My Mafia Boss

Even loving him is painful but still, I love him and will always! "Getting his love was the hardest thing I could ever achieve but still, I achieved it." Kaitlyn Forester is an innocent girl, who passed out her college. Her dreams are very high and she has the talent to achieve heights. She wanted to be a fashion designer and have the zeal to do more. Robert Williams has suffered a lot. Fate has always played worst with him. Those things and horrible memories made him heartless and cruel, a Mafia boss. He is a monster who doesn't give mercy to anyone. The demons inside him are eating him alive. Can they be together and make a successful match? "You can trust me," She said, taking a step toward him. "Trust you?" He said, turning around just to see her in tears. "Robert please, at least give me a chance." "Dare you to say another word." "You have to trust me." He raised his palm to slap her but stopped in the mid-air. He closed his hand in a fist and backed off. "I don't want to hurt you anymore." He whispered to himself, closing his eyes. "Then give me a chance to heal you."

Dallas_Official · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter-3 The most unexpected day


"Dave, do you think she will agree to this?" Dani asked me.

"She will," Dane answered.

"Ugh, She doesn't even know that we took her signature on the marriage contract. I am worried for her. Kaitlyn is our only daughter."

"I know, Dani but we don't have any options. We don't know if we will be alive or not. It's better for her." Dane said.

"You sure?" Dani asked.



It's night around 1:55 a.m.

I was playing games with my friends. It's already one day. We are staying here.

"Hey, Kaitlyn, look at this guy." Angelina blushed.


The biggest business and the CEO of the Williams Corporation."

His name was written on the headline. I noticed the picture under his name. Hmm, he is handsome.

"Hey, in dream lands, huh?" Amelia teased me.

"Shut up! I have seen many guys like him." I rolled my eyes in response.

After a second, we looked at each other and started to laugh. I am laughing at my stupidity. Haha!

Suddenly, I got a message from my dad. I checked it.

"Kaitlyn, it's important. You have to come to the house. Now!"

I read the message. I looked around me. Girls were playing when they noticed me, staring at them. They turned to me.

"What's the problem, babe?" Carla asked.

"Girls, hmmm -" I stopped.

"Hm?" Amelia reacted.

"I have to go to the house. My parents are waiting for me." I said.

"Wait, What? Why?" Angelina said.

"But our party time?" Carla said.

"It's important," I said.

"Then we will come," They all said.

"No! No! Please" I requested.

"Where will you go at night? Let us come with you." Amelia said.

"I said No," I shouted in fake anger.

"Fine, go alone. Call us if you need help." Carla said.

"Of course," I smiled.

I took my suitcase and packed my things. I ran to my car.

What's the problem? I think something is going wrong. I was correct, something is a suspension. They were hiding something from me.

I was driving. Ahh, it will take almost one and a half hours to reach home. I started to drive faster.

One hour. I was driving when suddenly, I got a message from Carla. I stopped my car and checked the message.


The CEO of the leading company 'William Corporation' is seen in public."

In public! The biggest billionaire. The most popular personality. He is in public. It must be important. Or why would he be in the common people?

I started to drive again.

I almost reached my house. I was relieved. But what is going on here?

There were so many cars parked in front of my house. Bodyguards were standing there.

I came out of the car and ran to the main gate of the house. Bodyguards stopped me.

"Please, let me go in," I said, nervously.

"No one is allowed, young lady."

"But -" I stopped.

"Are you Kaitlyn Forester?" One of them asked me.

"Yes, yes. I am" I nodded, immediately.

"You can go," They said.

I ran inside. I stopped at my position when I saw the most handsome guy.

Robert Williams!

He has dark black eyes. His perfect symmetrical nose. Perfect lips. His hair was messy and deep black. I looked at his body. His black coat was unbuttoned and two, three buttons of his shirt were opened. I let my gaze on his hands.

I almost choked in the air as I saw a gun in his hand. I took my steps back.

"Kaitlyn Forester" His husky voice made me come back.

I looked around and saw dead bodies wrapped with white sheets. Oh, God!

What is going on at my house?

"Robert Willams" I mumbled under my breath.

I stepped back and suddenly, hit someone. I turned around and breathed heavily.

"Come with me," Robert said to me.

Why on earth will I go with him?

Why is he saying this?

I don't know him. We never met each other.

He held my wrist and started dragging me out of the house.

"Stop! Stop it! Robert" I said.

"So, you know me?" He turned to me and smirked.

I nodded, nervously.

"Good!" He said.

"M-my parents?" I asked him.

"You don't need to know," He said.

He held my hand again.

"Wait, they are my parents. Who are you to tell me this?" I said

My voice was trembling. I pretend to be strong but I know how sacred I am.

"Robert, she needs to know about this." A guy approached him, with whom I bumped seconds ago.

"Oh! Really?" Robert smirked "Then tell her, Lucas"

"Kaitlyn, I am very sorry. Your parents" Lucas pointed at the bodies placed on the floor which were wrapped.

No! No! No! They! They are!

My hands started to numb. My breath stopped in my lungs. My knees went weak. I sat on the floor.

Mom, dad!

No, you can't leave me like this. What? You both promised me you will be there for me at every moment. You lied. You left me. How can you do this to me? To your daughter! Mom, please don't do this! Come back!

I started to cry.

I ran towards their bodies when Lucas held me.

"How is this all? How can I?" I cried.

"Kaitlyn, please" He requested.

Wait, Robert is here. Did he? He is the killer. He murdered my parents. But why? How? This...

Lucas supported me.

"We have to leave," He said.

"No! Why will I come with you?" I pushed him.

"Kaitlyn," Robert said, "You have no option."

"No! Who are you to tell me this? Why are you here?" I said.

"Then check the documents" Robert smirked.

He threw some papers towards me. It's! Hell, it's a contract.

I took a deep breath. I stopped at my position when I read it. How is this possible?

"My wife," Robert said.

"H-how? You…? No way!"

"You read it, right?" He asked.

"But you and me? We can't marry each other. How -" I was saying when he interrupted in between.

"We are already married, love" He smirked.

He came close to me. He held my hand.

"Now, if you said a word. You wouldn't have imagined what I am going to do with you." He whispered on my face.

"But my parents," I cried. "Please, I don't know you. I don't want to come with you. I want to be with my parents."

"I said not a word."

"Robert, please. My parents! Please" I cried out. "How can I leave them like this? Why is this so difficult to process? Why are you here? I am no one to you. Mom and dad never talked about you. Then why marriage?"I cried. I wasn't able to think much. It was all messed up.

He was holding a gun with his right hand. He shot it on the floor at a distance from my feet.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted as I got scared.

"Robert, stop it! You are scaring her." Lucas said.

He was still holding my hand. He dragged me out of the house and threw me, harshly, in the car. He sat in the driver seat and started driving.

Where is he taking me? This all? Marriage? When did I even sign the contract? He's my husband? How? When? All so sudden! What the fuck! My husband is the murderer of my parents. Fuck! Fuck!

But why? Why with me?

I noticed his hands on the steering wheel. They were getting white because of his tight grip on it.

Suddenly, my head started to spin. It started to hurt. Black dots covered my eyes and I blanked out.