
Chapter 53&54



( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel




  ✮(𝓓𝓝𝓐 𝓡𝓮𝓼𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓼)✮

The lights came on and the smile on Marco's face dropped when he saw who was actually shot..

No... This isn't possible. What did he do!!

"Winter!!!" Marco shouted out.

Angelo's eyes widened more when he saw it was actually Winter that got shot. His eyes began darting around in confusion.

If it's Winter that got shot, where's Harmony? What's happening?

"That's.. Winter!" Barbie's eyes widened and she quickly brought out her phone to call an ambulance

Angelo left his seat and and went to the backstage, searching for Harmony. There was also a commotion there as all the participants were trying to run out of the venue.

"Harmony? Harmony!!" Angelo called out, searching everywhere for her.

He was already beginning to panic... He kept running around, searching for Harmony till he bumped on someone.

He instinctively caught the person before she could fall and his eyes dilated when he saw who it was.

"Harmony!" He immediately hugged her tightly, relief washed through him.

"Doll..." Harmony hugged him tightly, trembling so much as she cried.

"Winter bribed them and as such they swapped our number at the last minute. Had it been she didn't do it I would been the one laying in my own pool of blood. Angelo, Winter got shot instead of me!!" Harmony cried.

"Shh!, it's okay.." Angelo kissed her hair, gently rubbing her back soothingly.

"First I was stabbed and now I was almost shot... What did I do? Is there someone out there that wants me déad? What if-"

"That's enough Candy, stop thinking about it.. It'll only scare you more okay? Please" Angelo cupped her cheek, cleaning her tears.

"I'm here for you okay? And I'll protect you" Angelo said and she sniffed then slowly nodded.

"Harmony!!" Barbie called, running towards her with Kaylee.

They immediately pulled Harmony in for a tight hug.

"Thank goodness you're safe" Barbie breathed out.

The ambulance already arrived and they took Winter off. Marco made to follow them but when he saw the police's car approaching, he had no choice than to leave.

Few minutes later, the area began an investigation site.

"Come let me take you home" Angelo said to Harmony who nodded.

Today's round got cancelled and was rescheduled till further notice.

They all made to leave when a car drove in and out of it came Harmony's parents.

"Harmony!!" Mrs McGwire screamed, running to Harmony.

"Mom..." Harmony immediately ran to her embrace.

"We were watching the show live when we saw a gunshot. Thank goodness nothing happened to you, I thought I lost another daughter.." Mrs McGwire broke down in tears.

Harmony smiled lightly and rubbed her shoulder.

"You must be my daughter's friends" Mr McGwire said.

"Yes sir, I'm Barbara" Barbie said and Mr McGwire shook hands with her.

"I'm Angelo" Angelo said, shaking hands with him too.

"I'm Kaylee" Kaylee smiled when it got to her turn. Mr McGwire shook her hand, gazing at her.

"Thank you for being with my daughter, we'll be leaving now. Have a nice night" Mrs McGwire said and the three of them nodded.

Mr McGwire looked at Kaylee one more time before entering the car with his family

The car took off immediately...



Joanna and her husband, Noah came down the car in front of the hospital. The gunshot was the talk of the town and as such, reporters crowded the entrance.

The moment reporters spotted them, they immediately swoon around them asking them all sort of questions but their bodyguards made way for them.

The couple ran in the hospital, heading to the ER. Joanna made to run inside but some nurses stopped her.

"Ma'am the patient is being operated. We can't let you go in any further" The nurse said.

"That's my daughter we're talking about!! I want to see her!! I want to know how she's doing!! My daughter got shot!!" Joanna cried loudly and Noah came and took her to a nearby seat.

"Calm down, our daughter isn't a weakling. I'm sure she's fighting for her life" Noah tried to console her.

Almost immediately Marco ran in the hall and paused when he saw them sitting there. Noah looked up and his eyes met with Marco

He clenched his teeth and immediately stood up then launched at Marco. He immediately landed a punch on Marco's face before grabbing his collar.

"You bàstard!! How dare you show your face here after you shot my daughter!!" Noah spatted and punched him again but Marco immediately returned the punch.

"I wasn't the one... Why would I want to shoot Winter, if there's anyone to be blamed is you. You're such a coward of a man that you can't even put your family in order!!" Marco sneered

"You-" Noah made to launch at him but the doctors around began holding them.

"It's a hospital, not a battle ground please!" A doctor said.

"This hospital is my property so I want the security to make sure he never steps foot ever again in this hospital" Noah said, pointing at Marco.

"Of course sir." The guards nodded and made to hold Marco

"F**king touch me and you'll regret it" He warned then looked at Joanna before leaving on his own.

Joanna folded her fists nervously.



Kaylee walked in the apartment and turned on the lights. Thankfully she now has the spare keys to the apartment.

She walked to her room and had a short bath before going to the kitchen.

"Brandon isn't yet back. Let me make dinner for us before be returns" She thought and smiled then she began cooking while whistling.

"I wonder where he is... It's not his habit to be out by this time" She thought as she cooked.



Marco smoked his cigarette as he headed to the entrance of the clan. On the outside, he looked at ease but that was not the same for his mind

Guilty and worry was slowly eating him up bit by bit. He shot Winter..

"Why did she have to pull that stunt on me" He ruffled his hair.

He felt a presence behind him and before he could move an inch a knife was already placed on his throat. He gulped down, looking at the knife.

"Told you I was going to kill you when next we'll meet" Brandon smirked.

"Where are you keeping my daughter.." Marco asked.

"Why do you care so much to know. You were about killing her if I didn't interfere" Brandon said, pressing the sharp edge of the knife on his neck

Marco's neck began bleeding as that gave him a cut on the neck.

"Why are you hiding her?" Marco asked.

"You're in no position to ask questions here, now let me do the asking. Why were you at the survival show, and the gunshot was meant for Harmony not Winter right?" Brandon asked.

Marco folded his fists tightly while clenching his jaw. 

"This kid is slowly becoming a bone in my throat" He thought

He swiftly elbowed Brandon on the tummy then hit the knife off Brandon's hand.

Marco immediately brought out his gun and aimed it at Brandon but Brandon swiftly kicked the gun off his hand and brought out his own gun, pointing it at Marco's forehead.

Marco gulped down... He's really skilled..

"In as much as I hate that pathetic excuse of a father you call Mamba, he's the one who personally trained me so forget it you're no match for me" Brandon said and made a click sound with his gun, ready to shoot

"Now start talking before I f**king loose my patience!!" Brandon shouted.

"I rather díe" Marco smirked boldly.

"Fine, you asked for it" Brandon smirked and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger




Harmony walked out of her bathroom while drying her long wet hair. She had a towel round her body.

She rubbed her body lotion before she wore her white fluffy pajamas. She picked her phone to see she got a text from Angelo



She replied and almost immediately a knock came up on her balcony that startled her. She swifly turned to see Angelo standing there

"Goodness.. What are you doing here? What if you fell and hurt yourself?" Harmony frowned as she opened the glassy door for Angelo to come in.

"Well, I was worried about you so I came to check up on you" Angelo said and Harmony slowly smiled.

"Why are you so caring?" Harmony asked

"Because it's in my name... I'm an angel" He smiled cutely

Harmony gave his a bombastic side eye.

"Right.." She said sarcastically.

A gasp escaped her lips when Angelo pushed her to the bed and came on top of her.

"Why? You don't believe me? If I wasn't an Angel, you know we wouldn't have been doing just talking at this moment but rather... Something else" He whispered to her ear and bit her ear lobe.

Harmony's face immediately flushed red as her eyes widened..

"Angelo, stop that.." Harmony shivered

"I just bit your earlobe and you're shivering. Imagine what if I go... Further" Angelo said, slowly trailing his fingers on her shoulder

"Candy..." She bit her lips.

The door to Harmony's room suddenly swung open

"Harmony, I brought some milk to help you-" Mrs McGwire paused at the scene she saw

Angelo... On top of Harmony

Harmony and Angelo swiftly turned to Mrs McGwire and their eyes widened. The glass of milk fell from her hand, shattering on the floor.




Brandon walked in to see the light was still on.

"It's late.. What's she still doing up?" He thought and went to his room to change in some comfortable wears.

After that, he walked to the dining room to see food on the table with a note on it


He sighed and say down to eat..

"She's just too stubborn and seem so oblivious of what she's getting herself into by falling for me" Brandon thought and began eating

Once he was through, he cleaned the dishes before heading to his room. His track stopped in front of Kaylee's room and he stared for a moment before he knocked but got no response 

"Kaylee?" He called and opened the door to see her sleeping on the bed.

He walked up to her and touched her forehead to check her temperature before checking her out.

"Her bruises are completely healed" He thought and made to leave but Kaylee held his hand

He turned to see her sleepy eyes opened.

"You came to check up on me.." She smiled sleepily.

"Yeah, was about to leave... Good-"

"No, sleep with me" Kaylee pulled him to the bed before snuggling closer to him


"Goodnight Brandon" She said cutely, slowly dozing back off to sleep.

Brandon stared at her for a while and slowly smiled.

"How can someone be this cute when sleeping" He thought but quickly shook her head.

He sighed again as he watched her sleep with a smile on her face.

He was really expecting her to be scared of him after finding out about his real identity but it's the contrary. Here she is, sleeping peacefully beside someone like him.

"Should I just let my guard down and accept you in my heart?" He thought but quickly shook his head again 

He pushed all those thoughts away and closed his eyes, slowly dozing off.



After what looks like eternity, the doctor finally came out of the ward.

Joanna and Noah immediately stood up and rushed to them.

"How was the operation?" Noah asked.

"How's my daughter? Please tell me that everything went well" Joanna said.

"Thankfully, we brought her back to life for she narrowly escaped the clutches of déad but there's still a problem. She lost a lot of blood and we'll be needing a blood donor" The doctor said.

"I will do so, I volunteer" Joanna immediately said.

"Alright please follow me, we need to do some blood test on you" The doctor said and Joanna looked at Noah before leaving with the doctor.

They took her blood and went to do some blood test on it. Few minutes later, the doctor called her in.

"Ma'am, we have a problem" He said, removing his glasses as he looked at results.

"Your blood doesn't match with hers so I'm afraid you can't be the donor" The doctor said, looking surprised.

Joanna's heart skipped a beat. Her face immediately paled down.

"What... What are you saying?" Joanna stuttered

The doctor handed the results to her.

"As you can see from the results, both blood are incompatible and our results here are 99% accurate... I don't know what is happening but I'm afraid that... The patient isn't your daughter" The doctor said

Joanna stared at the results with wide eyes as her hands trembled. She shook her head, refusing to believe it..

"No.. This can't be possible"

That was all she said before she blacked out right there

"Mrs Anderson!"

✎.. .. .. ..『𝐓.𝐁.𝐂』