
Chapter 27&28



( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel








✮(𝓗𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓮?)✮

His face immediately became pale when he came face to face with Harmony who was looking at him with wide eyes

👥 Oh My F**king God

👥 Did Angelo just say he likes Harmony? Harmony of all people?!

👥 That's not fair!! I'm hotter than her!

👥 That's so romantic!! How I wish I was in her shoes!!

Brandon who was standing next to Harmony folded his fists tightly as he glared at Angelo.

He came with Harmony since her parents entrusted her under his care.

"Ha... Harmony" Angelo stuttered and swallowed hard.

"What. What did you just say?" Harmony asked to make sure her hearing wasn't faulty.

Angelo bit his lips and walked to her then took her hand, taking her away.

The crowd made way for them as they left.

"Angelo just did a public confession? I'd have never guessed!" Chance said with a surprised look on his face.

"Thought he was into busty girls" Evan smirked, leaning on the wall.

"That's love for you" Chance chuckled.

His gaze traveled to the stairs and he saw Tasha standing there, Her books fell from her hand when she heard Angelo's public confession.

Chance walked to her.

"Anything wrong? You've been avoiding me since our matriculation party. Did I do something wrong? It hurts yunno that" Chance asked.

He was surprised when he saw Tasha cleaning her tears. She sniffed and turned to leave but Chance grabbed her arm.

"Wait! You're crying-"

"Let me go!" Tasha pushed him off and slapped him

Her eyes widened when she realized what she had just done. Chance held his cheek with a surprised look on his face.

"Chance I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

Chance walked away before she could finish speaking.

"Chance? Chance!" Tasha called but he was already gone.

Tasha sighed and then sat down on the stairs, burying her face in her palms.

"Why her? Why Harmony of all people?"

Meanwhile, Barbie was standing at one side looking at everything that was happening. She took in her lower lips and turned then left.



Angelo and Harmony walked to the rooftop before Angelo released her wrist. She turned and faced him and Angelo looked away thinking of what to say and how to confess to her.

"You see, I like you," Angelo said and Harmony's eyes widened.

"As a friend!" Angelo immediately changed his mind when he saw the look on her face.

"I like you as a friend. You're my friend and I'll do anything to protect you, I found out that Winter and her friend had a hand in what happened to you so I got angry" Angelo explained.

Harmony smiled and hugged him. Angelo's heart immediately skipped a beat, just the way it does each time she hugs him out of the blue.

"Thank you for defending me. I like you too, as a friend" Harmony said.

Angelo slowly smiled and hugged her back, rubbing her hair.

"Our exam results came out and I passed all my subjects," Angelo said and Harmony looked at him without breaking the hug.

"Really?" Harmony's eyes brightened.

"Yep! So that means you owe me anything I'll ask of you" Angelo said.

"Of course, so what do you want?" Harmony asked

"If I ask for a kiss will you give me?" Angelo smirked.

Harmony's eyes widened and she quickly broke the hug, shifting away from him.

"I was just joking!" Angelo laughed.

"Well, I'll ask for what I need later... At our date today," Angelo said.

"Still haven't forgotten about the date huh?" Harmony sighed.

"Well okay, you'll have to come pick me up later coz the survival show I told you off will be starting today," Harmony said.

"Alright," Angelo smiled and ruffled her hair.

Brandon who was watching them by the entrance hissed and turned then left.

"He likes her," Brandon thought.



Winter rinsed her mouth for the umpteenth time. She couldn't believe she just licked the floor, a whole her!!

"F**k you, Angelo!! You'll pay for this!! Argh!!" She screamed angrily.

"What was Angelo talking about earlier? Why is he accusing us of sending someone to stab Harmony!!" Kelly demanded angrily.

"That's what I'm about to find out" Winter muttered and brought out her phone then dialed a number.

After two rings, the person picked.


"What the f**k did you do!! Why am I hearing that you stabbed Harmony!! Thought the plan was that you scare her and threaten her to stay away from Brandon!!" Winter shouted furiously.

"That was the reason why I've been trying to contact you yesterday but I couldn't. When I went to do the task you hired me for, I was surprised to see her lying in her pool of blood" The man said and Winter's eyes widened.

"Wait, you weren't the one behind it?" Winter asked.

"Yes boss"




"So that's all for today and before I forget, I'm glad to announce to you all there will be a fun trip to California for a full week. Anybody who wishes to participate please make your payment before the end of this week" The lecturer concluded and left the hall.

👥 A fun trip? I've heard the school hosts it every year.

👥 Can't wait to see what it looks like!

"Looks like I won't be going" Kaylee sighed.

"Why?" Brandon asked.

"Well, I don't have the money. Wait, did you just talk to me?" Kaylee looked at him.

"What? I'm not a monster yunno... You're just too girly and weird for a guy that's why" Brandon shrugged and placed something on the table then shifted it to her side without looking at her.

"My black card. Help me make payment for my trip, and yours if you wanna go too. Return it in our next lecture" Brandon said and stood.

"Really? You'll pay mine?" Kaylee's eyes brightened.

"Sure" He muttered and left.

Kaylee took the black card and then looked at it. She slowly smiled.

"Stop smiling that much. People will think you're gay" Chris ruffled her hair.

"Hey stop that! What if the wig falls off, People will know my identity" Kaylee frowned

"I overheard you. Lucky for you, you'll be going for the trip" Chris sat next to her.

"Yeah, he's strangely more human these days" Kaylee smiled, looking at the card.

"Why does it seem like there's more to that smile" Chris smirked and her smile fell.

"What do you mean?" Kaylee asked

Chris leaned to her ear.

"What I mean is your stony heart is slowly beating." He whispered and Kaylee's eyes widened.

She pushed his face off.

"Don't say that! Stop bringing your face close to me like that! What if someone thinks we're gays!" Kaylee frowned and scoffed but rolled her eyes.

Though deep down she couldn't stop thinking about his words.



"Yay! I scored again!!" Alvin rejoiced after scoring another goal.

He and Juliet were Binhint the garden, playing soccer since Alvin had no classes that day.

"You're good at it" Juliet picked up the ball and walked to him.

"I wish I had a mom who would play with me this way" Alvin smiled.

"Really?" Juliet sat down on the swing.

"Yeah! On the norms, I'm supposed to be sulking right now, just the way I do every year. You know tomorrow is my birthday, the day my mom left us" Alvin smiled sadly

"I'm sorry" Juliet patted her hair.

"I'm sure Dad is in his room drinking and each time he does that, he always hurts himself. Can you help him too?" Alvin held her hand.

Juliet sighed.

"Alvin, you know I and your dad don't see eye to eye," Juliet said

"Please Best dude" Alvin muttered, on the verge of tears.

Juliet sighed and nodded.

"I'll try," She said and Alvin smiled then hugged her.

Juliet left him and then walked into the house. A naughty grin formed on Alvin's lips.

"I wonder why it's taking time for them to fall in love," He thought inwardly.

Juliet stopped in front of Romeo's room then brought her hand up to knock but paused and brought it back down.

"Why am I even doing this" Juliet groaned and gently knocked.

The door opened, revealing Romeo. He had a sour look on his face as he looked at her blankly.

"What?" He asked and as expected, Juliet could perceive the odor of alcohol when he spoke.

"I... Came to keep you company" Juliet muttered, looking away.

"I don't-"

Before Romeo could finish speaking, Juliet already walked in. Romeo sighed and closed the door then walked to the cellar to resume drinking.

"Cool room, I bet this room is the size of my house," Juliet said with her hands in his pocket, walking boyishly

"I'm not in the mood" Romeo muttered, pouring himself a glass.

He made to drink it but Juliet held his hand, stopping him.

"It's unhealthy to drink this way," Juliet said.

"You're not my mum. Nor my... wife" Romeo said the last statement slowly.

Juliet shrugged and sat down on the stool opposite him.

"If that's so then I'm drinking with you," Juliet said and poured the liquor into the glass.

Romeo ignored her and then resumed drinking. Each time he'll pour a glass, Juliet will do the same.

It took just 30 minutes for both of them to be drunk. Juliet stood up from the stool and staggered back.

She removed the coat of the suit she was wearing then tossed it off, dragging her tie loose.

"Why is everybody dancing?!" Juliet staggered up, her eyes wavering.

"Why did you drink wit? me. Thought you hate me" Romeo asked and hiccuped.

"Of course I hate you! But a painful or sad moment shared becomes less painful" Juliet giggled.

Romeo giggled too.

"She was my everything. We had plans of growing old together and making so many memories. Each time I see Alvin crying because of how his friends bully him it just breaks me more" Romeo said.

Juliet walked to him but suddenly staggered and she landed on his thigh. She didn't bother to stand but instead grabbed him by the collar.

"What is your importance in Alvin's life if you can't even protect him? If they bully, you shut them up. Life goes on, I know it hurts but_" Juliet barfed loudly before she continued.

"I know it hurts but you need to keep moving on, Everyone goes through sh*ts which is more painful than losing someone you love. Go out there, get yourself a woman, and rebuild your life, someonewsomewhohcarefore of you and your son. That's what your wife would have wanted for you" Juliet said.

Romeo smiled drunkenly and grabbed her waist.

"How about you"

Juliet shook her head so much that it felt like it would fall off.

"I'm too good for you. I'm not into chickens like you, I love brave guys who love to take control of the situation" Juliet smirked.

Romeo lifted her and flung her to his bed, pinning her hands on the bed. He leaned to her ear, his breath fanning her neck.

"Like this?" Romeo whispered.

Juliet chuckled

"Not bad, but let me teach you," Juliet said and tossed him over, coming on top of him.

She tore off his shirt and leaned down then licked his abs sensually, slowly going up with her tongue while her hands went inside his trousers.

"F*ck..." Romeo breathed out as her warm tongue and palm did things to him.

She brought her face to him and smiled.

"That's how it's done" She muttered and her eyes shut down

Her head landed on his chest and she drifted off in a deep slumber.



Barbie walked into the library and met Chance reading his book. She smiled and quickly checked herself out before walking to him.

"Hey," Barbie waved with a smile.

Chance looked up and smiled slightly.

"Barbie" He muttered

Barbie sat down next to him.

"How have you been?" Barbie asked.

"Oh I'm fine," Chance said.

"You're not. If you're fine then why are you picking your nails, you used to do that when you're upset" Barbie said

Chance looked at his hand and noticed he was unknowingly doing it

"It's been years, yet you still know me like the tip of your fingers" Chance chuckled.

Barbie and Chance went to the same elementary school but Chance's family relocated back then.

"Of course, so tell me what's wrong?" Barbie asked.

"It's about a girl," Chance said.

"Natasha right?" Barbie asked and he nodded.

"I like her. I love her but she told me that she's into another guy and I think that guy is... Angelo" Chance sighed.

"That's bad" Barbie pouted.

"I can't help but envy Angelo. He's so cool and popular and girls are always swooning around him. Sometimes I just feel like a shadow of Evan and Angelo." Chance muttered.

Barbie took his hand

"Hey don't think that way... You're perfect just the way you are. There are girls out there who love you just the way you are, you shouldn't feel that way because you're unique" Barbie smiled

Chance slowly smiled and nodded.

"Thanks, that cheered me up," Chance said.

"I'm not Barbie for nothing! I bring happiness everywhere I go" Barbie flaunted her hair.

"You mean to say hairy man" Chance smirked and Barbie's eyes widened.

"What! You still remember that?!" Barbie exclaimed.

"How will I forget? Back then when we were kids you were so hairy that our friends called you hairy man. I still have a pic of you, that my mom sent me" Chance brought out his phone.

"What! Delete it!!" Barbie made to snatch the phone but he raised his arm.

"Nah-ah! I'll post it." Chance smirked and made to do so.

"Don't you dare!" Barbie pulled him by the collar.

She pulled so hard that their lips brushed against each other. Her eyes widened.

Barbie gulped down as she stared at his lips.



Harmony smiled as she walked into the big company. Her heart couldn't stop racing in excitement as she looked around.

Words can't express how happy she was to be there.

"Miss, how may I help you" A lady walked to her.

"Uh, hi. I'm a participant in the survival show" Harmony said.

"Oh great, please follow me" The lady smiled.

She escorted Harmony to the room where the participants are

"The survival show will begin in a few minutes," The lady said before leaving

Harmony walked in while looking around as she marveled at everything she saw.

She suddenly bumped into someone, making her stagger back.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't-" Harmony paused when she saw it was Winter

"You? Wait don't tell me you came for the survival show" Winter said and began laughing loudly.

"Good luck on that, you'll surely need that" Winter scoffed and glared resentfully at her before walking away.

Harmony sighed and shrugged.

"Hello everyone! And welcome to our 4th edition of our survival show!" A voice said and all the participants turned to him

It was a man clad in a neat black Tuxedo with his hair gelled back, just from his aura one would know it was the CEO of the company.

"This survival show is always hosted once in 5 years and this year it's here! I'm really glad we all registered in our numbers but there'll be only 20 participants who will be qualified for the first round so today will be the pre-elimination. Let's go!" The man said and everyone began clapping

Harmony swallowed hard in nervousness as she clutched tightly to the necklace around her neck.

"You told me to believe in myself... So that's what I'm going to do Crybaby" She muttered and nodded with determination in her eyes


"I got qualified! Yes! Yes!!" Harmony jumped up happily.

The judges even told her they were impressed by her voice and hoped to hear more from her

Harmony was still smiling happily while walking out of the company when she saw Angelo standing by his car, waiting for her.

She smiled and made to go to him when her phone began ringing. It was Brandon.

"Hey, what's up Brany" Harmony smiled.

"Har... Harmony, please can you come over? It hurts. It hurts.." Brandon said and Harmony's eyes widened.

"What! What's wrong!" Harmony said worriedly.

"Please, I need you right now" Brandon groaned on the phone.

Harmony's eyes widened. What should she do now, if she goes then she'll have to ditch Angelo.

But if she goes to Angelo and something happens to Brandon??

"What should I do now?" Harmony bit her lips

✎.. .. .. ..『𝐓.𝐁.𝐂』